- C_LANDSCAPE - Property in PageSize
The C sized landscape page size
- C_PORTRAIT - Property in PageSize
The C sized portrait page size
- calculate(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.Object, Map<String, Raster>) - Method in MapAlgebra
Calculate a new Raster by performing the map algebra specified by the Jiffle/MapCalc script.
- calculateScaleBarInfo() - Method in ScaleBarItem
Calculate the scale bar information
- CAP_BUTT - Property in Geometry
Butt Buffer cap style
- CAP_ROUND - Property in Geometry
Round Buffer cap style
- CAP_SQUARE - Property in Geometry
Square Buffer cap style
- cap - Property in Stroke
The line cap (butt, round, square)
- CartoBuilder - Interface in geoscript.carto
Create a cartographic map
- CartoFactories - Class in geoscript.carto
Get registered CartoFactories
- CartoFactories() - Constructor in CartoFactories
- CartoFactory - Interface in geoscript.carto
A CartoFactory can create a CartoBuilder with a given PageSize.
- CartoReader - Interface in geoscript.carto.io
Read a CartoBuilder from a String
- CartoReaders - Class in geoscript.carto.io
A Utility for finding all registered CartoReaders.
- CartoReaders() - Constructor in CartoReaders
- cascadedUnion(List<Polygon>) - Method in Geometry
Perform a cascaded union on a List of Polygons
- category(java.util.Map, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Bar
Create an Category Bar Chart.
- CENTER - Field in HorizontalAlign
- changeField(geoscript.feature.Field, geoscript.feature.Field, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema by changing an existing Field's definition.
- changeFields(Map<Field, Field>, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema by changing one or more Field's definition.
- changeGeometryType(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with the same fields as this Schema but with a different
Geometry type
- ChannelSelection - Class in geoscript.style
The ChannelSelection Symbolizer is used to style multi-spectral Rasters
such as multi-band satellite imagery.
- ChannelSelection(geoscript.render.Map) - Constructor in ChannelSelection
Create a new ChannelSelection from named parameters.
- characters - Property in ASCII
The List of characters used to display the map
- characterSpacing(int) - Method in Label
Set the spacing between characters
- Chart - Class in geoscript.plot
A Chart.
- chart - Property in Chart
The wrapped JFreeChart
- CircularRing - Class in geoscript.geom
A CircularRing is a closed CircularString.
- CircularRing(geoscript.render.Map, java.util.List) - Constructor in CircularRing
Create a CircularRing from a List of double Lists or Points
- CircularString - Class in geoscript.geom
A CircularString is a collection of connected circular arc segments.
- CircularString(geoscript.render.Map, java.util.List) - Constructor in CircularString
Create a CircularString from a List of double Lists or Points
- clip(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in Layer
Clip this Layer by another Layer.
- close() - Method in Cursor
Closes the Cursor.
- close() - Method in DBTiles
- close() - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Close the TileLayer
- close() - Method in GeoPackage
- close() - Method in LineString
Close a LineString to create a LinearRing
- close() - Method in Map
Closes the Map by disposing of any resources.
- close() - Method in MBTiles
- close() - Method in OSM
Close the TileLayer
- close() - Method in TileLayer
Close the TileLayer
- close() - Method in TMS
Close the TileLayer
- close() - Method in USGSTileLayer
Close the TileLayer
- close() - Method in UTFGrid
- close() - Method in VectorTiles
Close the TileLayer
- close() - Method in Workspace
Closes the Workspace by disposing of any resources.
- close() - Method in Writer
Closes the writing session.
- CLRK66 - Property in Geodetic
- CLRK80 - Property in Geodetic
- col - Property in Cursor
The GeoTools FeatureCollection
- collectFromFeature(geoscript.render.Map, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Layer
Collect values from the Features of a Layer
- Color - Class in geoscript.filter
A Color Expression and a set of Color Utilities used in the Style module.
- Color(java.lang.Object) - Constructor in Color
Create a new Color from a value
- color - Property in DateTextItem
- color(java.lang.Object) - Method in Expressions
Create a new Color Expression from a color convertable object.
- color - Property in Fill
The Color (#ff0000, red, [0,0.,255])
- color - Property in ParagraphItem
- color - Property in ScaleTextItem
- color - Property in Shape
The color (#ff000, blue, [255,255,0])
- color - Property in Stroke
The color in hexadecimal format (#00FF00)
- color - Property in TextItem
- ColorMap - Class in geoscript.style
A ColorMap is a Symbolizer used to style Rasters by mapping pixel values to colors.
- ColorMap(double, double, java.util.List, java.lang.String, boolean) - Constructor in ColorMap
Create a ColorMap for min and max values with a List of colors
- COLORMAP - Field in LegendItem.LegendEntryType
- colorNameMap - Property in Color
CSS Color names
- ColorTableReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a color table to create a Raster ColorMap Symbolizer
- ColorTableReader() - Constructor in ColorTableReader
- ColorTableWriter - Class in geoscript.style.io
Write a ColorMap Symbolizer to a color table
- ColorTableWriter() - Constructor in ColorTableWriter
- column(java.lang.String) - Method in TableItem
Add a column to the table
- columnRowStyle - Property in TableItem
- columns - Property in TableItem
- Composite - Class in geoscript.style
A Composite is a Symbolizer that contains one of more Symbolizers.
- Composite(java.util.List) - Constructor in Composite
Create a new Composite with a List of Symbolizers
- composite(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in Symbolizer
Set composite (copy, destination, source-over, destination-over, source-in, destination-in,
source-out, destination-out, source-atop, destination-atop, xor) or blending (multiply, screen, overlay, darken,
lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference, exclusion)
- CompoundCurve - Class in geoscript.geom
A CompoundCurve is a connected set of CircularStrings and LineStrings
- CompoundCurve(geoscript.render.Map, List<LineString>) - Constructor in CompoundCurve
Create a CompoundCurve from a List of LineStrings or CircularStrings
- CompoundRing - Class in geoscript.geom
A CompoundRing is a connected set of CircularStrings and LineStrings
- CompoundRing(geoscript.render.Map, List<LineString>) - Constructor in CompoundRing
Create a CompoundRing from a List of LineStrings or CircularStrings
- concaveHull(double) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the concave hull
- concaveHullOfPolygons(double) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the concave hull of polygons
- conflictResolution(boolean) - Method in Label
Disable label conflict resolution or not.
- contains(geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in Bounds
Determine whether this Bounds contains the Point
- contains(java.lang.String, geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Filter that contains the given Geometry
- contains(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry contains the other Geometry.
- contains(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry contains the given Geometry
- contains(int, int) - Method in Raster
Determine whether this Raster contains the pixel coordinates
- containsProperly(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry contains the given Geometry.
- content - Field in Map
The GeoTools MapContent
- contours(int, java.lang.Object, boolean, boolean, geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in Raster
Create contours
- contrast(geoscript.filter.Color, geoscript.filter.Color, double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color that has the largest constrast of the current Color between
the dark and light Colors.
- ContrastEnhancement - Class in geoscript.style
A ContrastEnhancement is a Symbolizer used to style Rasters by modifying the contrast.
- ContrastEnhancement(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in ContrastEnhancement
Create a new ContrastEnhancement
- convert(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Class) - Method in Process
Convert the source Object to the target Class if possible.
- convertGeoScriptToGeoToolsClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in Process
Convert GeoScript classes to a corresponding GeoTools class
- convertGeoToolsToGeoScriptClass(java.lang.Class) - Method in Process
Convert a GeoTools Class to a correspondng GeoScript Class
- convolve(int, int) - Method in Raster
Calculate a convoluted version of the current Raster
- count(int, int) - Method in Histogram
Get the count for the i'th bin for the given band
- count(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Layer
Count the number of Features using named parameters
- counts(int) - Method in Histogram
Get a List of all counts for all of the bins for the given band
- coverage - Property in Raster
A GeoScript Raster wraps a GeoTools GridCoverage2D
- coveredBy(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is covered by the other Geometry
- coveredBy(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry is covered by the given Geometry.
- covers(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry covers the other Geometry
- covers(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry covers the given Geometry.
- CPM - Property in Geodetic
- create(geoscript.carto.PageSize) - Method in CartoFactory
Create a CartoBuilder with the given PageSize
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in DBTiles.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in Directory.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in FlatGeobuf.Factory
- create(java.lang.Object) - Method in FormatFactory
Create a Format from the input source or return null.
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in Geobuf.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in GeoPackage.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in H2.Factory
- create(geoscript.carto.PageSize) - Method in JpegCartoFactory
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in MBTiles.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in Memory.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in MySQL.Factory
- create(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Cursor) - Method in OGR
Create a Layer from a Cursor
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in OGR.Factory
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in OSM.Factory
- create(geoscript.carto.PageSize) - Method in PdfCartoFactory
- create(geoscript.carto.PageSize) - Method in PngCartoFactory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in PostGIS.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in Property.Factory
- create(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Cursor) - Method in SpatiaLite
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in SpatiaLite.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in Sqlite.Factory
- create(geoscript.carto.PageSize) - Method in SvgCartoFactory
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in TileLayerFactory
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in TMS.Factory
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in USGSTileLayer.Factory
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in UTFGrid.Factory
- create(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in VectorTiles.Factory
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in WFS.Factory
- create(geoscript.feature.Schema) - Method in Workspace
Create a Layer with a Schema
- create(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in WorkspaceFactory
Create a Workspace wrapping the GeoTools DataStore.
- createArc(double, double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a LineString arc based on this Bound's extent from the start angle (in radians) for the given angle extent
(also in radians) with the given number of points and rotation.
- createArcPolygon(double, double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a Polygon arc based on this Bound's extent from the start angle (in radians) for the given angle extent
(also in radians) with the given number of points and rotation.
- createContrastEnhancement() - Method in ContrastEnhancement
Create a GeoTools ContrastEnhancement
- createDataSource(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- createDataStoreInternal(org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStore, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- createEllipse(int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create an ellipse or circle based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
- createFill() - Method in Fill
Create the GeoTools Fill object
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in ArcGrid.Factory
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in FormatFactory
Create a Format from the File.
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in GeoTIFF.Factory
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in Grass.Factory
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in MrSID.Factory
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in NetCDF.Factory
- createFromFile(java.io.File) - Method in WorldImage.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in ArcGrid.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in FormatFactory
Create a Format from the GeoTools AbstractGridFormat and input source if possible.
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in GeoTIFF.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in Grass.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in ImagePyramid.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in Mosaic.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in MrSID.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in NetCDF.Factory
- createFromFormat(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Method in WorldImage.Factory
- createFromText(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a Geometry from a text and font.
- createGeoToolsSymbolizer(java.lang.Class) - Method in Symbolizer
Create a GeoTools Symbolizer of the given Class
- createGlobalGeodeticGrids(int) - Method in Grid
Create Grids for a Global Geodetic Pyramid as defined by
- createGlobalGeodeticPyramid(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Pyramid
Create a Pyramid with Grids for common global geodetic tile sets.
- createGlobalMercatorGrids(int) - Method in Grid
Create Grids for a Global Mercator Pyramid as defined by
- createGlobalMercatorPyramid(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Pyramid
Create a Pyramid with Grids for common global web mercator tile sets.
- createGraduatedSymbolizer(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in Gradient
Create a graduated Symbolizer
- createGraphic(org.geotools.styling.Symbolizer) - Method in Shape
Create a GeoTools Graphic from The GeoTools Symbolizer.
- createHatch() - Method in Hatch
Create a GeoTools Graphic based on this Hatch
- createHexagon(boolean) - Method in Bounds
Create a hexagon based on this Bound's extent
- createHexagons(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.geom.Bounds, double, double, java.lang.String) - Method in Graticule
Creates a hexagon polygon graticule.
- createHydro() - Method in USGSTileLayer
- createImagery() - Method in USGSTileLayer
- createImageryTopo() - Method in USGSTileLayer
- createIndex(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in Database
Create an index
- createIterator() - Method in Cursor
Create the FeatureIterator based on the FeatureCollection and options
- createKochSnowflake(geoscript.geom.Bounds, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a Koch Snowflake Geometry
- createLines(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.geom.Bounds, List<Map>, double) - Method in Graticule
Creates a line based graticule
- createMark() - Method in Shape
Create a GeoTools Mark from this Shape
- createOvals(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.geom.Bounds, double) - Method in Graticule
Creates a oval polygon graticule.
- createPointsAlong(double) - Method in LineString
Create Points along the LineString with the given interval distance.
- createPointsAlong(double) - Method in MultiLineString
Create Points along this MultiLineString with the given interval distance.
- createQuadtree() - Method in SpatialIndex
Create a Quad Tree SpatialIndex
- createRandomPoints(geoscript.geom.Geometry, int) - Method in Geometry
Create the given number of randomly located points inside of the given Geometry
- createRandomPointsInGrid(geoscript.geom.Bounds, int, boolean, double) - Method in Geometry
Create the given number of randomly located points inside of the given Geometry and also constrained by the cells
of a grid.
- createRectangle(int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a rectangle or square based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
- createRectangles(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.geom.Bounds, double, double, double) - Method in Graticule
Creates a rectangular polygon graticule
- createShadedRelief(geoscript.render.Map, double, double, double) - Method in Raster
Create a shaded relief Raster from the current Raster
- createShadedRelief() - Method in USGSTileLayer
- createSierpinskiCarpet(geoscript.geom.Bounds, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a Sierpinski Carpet Geometry
- createSineStar(int, double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a sine star based on this Bound's extent with the given number of arms and arm length ratio with the
given number of points and rotation.
- createSQLDialect(org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStore) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- createSquares(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.geom.Bounds, double, double) - Method in Graticule
Creates a square polygon graticule.
- createSquircle(int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a squircle based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
- createStroke() - Method in Stroke
Create a GeoTools Stroke from this GeoScript Stroke
- createSTRtree() - Method in SpatialIndex
Create a STR Tree SpatialIndex
- createSuperCircle(double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a super circle based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
- createTables(java.sql.Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- createTopo() - Method in USGSTileLayer
- createTriangles() - Method in Bounds
Create triangles to fill the Bounds
- createView(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, geoscript.feature.Field) - Method in Database
Create a Layer from a SQL View
- crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in Raster
Crop this Raster using pixel coordinates
- crosses(java.lang.String, geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Filter that crosses the given Geometry
- crosses(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry crosses the other Geometry
- crosses(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry crosses the given Geometry.
- crs - Property in Projection
The wrapped GeoTools CoordinateReferenceSystem
- CSSReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a Geoscript Style from a CSS File, InputStream or String
- CSSReader() - Constructor in CSSReader
- CsvPyramidReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from a CSV String.
- CsvPyramidReader() - Constructor in CsvPyramidReader
- CsvPyramidWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to a CSV String.
- CsvPyramidWriter() - Constructor in CsvPyramidWriter
- CsvReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a CSV String, File, or InputStream and create a
- CsvReader.Type - Enum in geoscript.layer.io
The geometry encoding type.
- CsvReader(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String, geoscript.layer.io.GpxReader.Type) - Constructor in CsvReader
Read a CSV dataset with the geometry encoded as WKT.
- CsvWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a
Layer to a CSV String.
- CsvWriter.Type - Enum in geoscript.layer.io
How to encode the geometry
- CsvWriter(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, geoscript.layer.io.GpxReader.Type) - Constructor in CsvWriter
Create a CsvWriter that encodes geometry in separator x and y values
- Cursor - Class in geoscript.layer
A Cursor is a Iterator over a Feature objects.
- Cursor(geoscript.render.Map, FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Constructor in Cursor
Create a new Cursor with a FeatureCollection and a Layer
- Curve - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a curved line Chart.
- Curve() - Constructor in Curve
- f - Property in Feature
The wrapped GeoTools SimpleFeature
- factory - Property in Filter
The GeoTools FilterFactory
- factory - Property in Geometry
The JTS GeometryFactory used to create JTS Geometry
- factory - Property in PreparedGeometry
The JTS PreparedGeometryFactory
- FAIL - Property in Filter
The FAIL Filter wrapps the GeoTools EXCLUDE Filter
- family - Property in Font
The font family (serif, Arial, Verdana)
- Feature - Class in geoscript.feature
A Feature contains a set of named attributes with values.
- Feature(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Constructor in Feature
Create a new Feature with a Map of Attributes and an Id.
- feature(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Create a Feature from this Schema with a Map of values and the id.
- FeatureExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds methods to the Feature class.
- FeatureExtensionModule() - Constructor in FeatureExtensionModule
- featureType - Property in Schema
The wrapped GeoTools SimpleFeatureType
- feedDescription - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The feed description (Closure, Expression, or String)
- feedLink - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The feed link (Closure, Expression, or String)
- feedTitle - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The feed title (Closure, Expression, or String)
- feedType - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The feed type (atom or rss)
- Field - Class in geoscript.feature
A Field is composed of a name and a type.
- Field(geoscript.feature.Field) - Constructor in Field
Create a new Field based on an existing Field
- field(java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Get a Field by name
- file - Property in VectorTiles
The MBTiles File
- Fill - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for area/polygonal geometries.
- Fill(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in Fill
Create a new Fill.
- fill - Property in Halo
The Fill
- fill - Property in Hatch
The Fill
- fill - Property in Label
The Fill
- fill(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Fill.
- fillColor1 - Property in NorthArrowItem
- fillColor2 - Property in NorthArrowItem
- fillColor - Property in RectangleItem
- fillColor - Property in ScaleBarItem
- Filter - Class in geoscript.filter
A Filter is a predicate or constraint used to match or filter
Feature objects.
- filter - Property in Filter
The wrapped GeoTools Filter
- filter(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in Layer
Filer the Layer.
- filter - Property in Symbolizer
The Filter
- filterFactory - Field in Expression
The GeoTools FilterFactory
- filterFactory - Field in Layer
The FilterFactory2 for creating Filters
- filterFactory - Field in Symbolizer
The GeoTools FilterFactory
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in CartoReaders
Find a CartoReader by name (json, xml)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in Displayers
Find a Displayer by name (window, mapwindow)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in MapReaders
Find a MapReader by name (json, xml)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in PyramidReaders
Find a PyramidReader by name (csv, geojson, kml)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in PyramidWriters
Find a PyramidWriter by name (csv, geojson, kml)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in Readers
Find a Style by name (sld, css)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in Renderers
Find a Renderer by name (png, svg, gif)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in SchemaReaders
Find a SchemaReader by name (string, json)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in SchemaWriters
Find a SchemaWriter by name (csv, geojson, kml)
- find(java.lang.String) - Method in Writers
Find a Style Writer by name (sld, css)
- findByMimeType(java.lang.String) - Method in CartoFactories
- findByName(java.lang.String) - Method in CartoFactories
- first(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Layer
Get the first Feature that matches
- fix() - Method in Geometry
Fix an invalid Geometry
- fixAspectRatio(int, int) - Method in Bounds
Fix the aspect ration of this Bounds based on the given width and height.
- fixAspectRatio - Property in Map
A flag to fix the aspect ration (true) or not (false)
- FlatGeobuf - Class in geoscript.workspace
A FlatGeobuf Workspace.
- FlatGeobuf.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The FlatGeobuf WorkspaceFactory
- FlatGeobuf.Factory() - Constructor in FlatGeobuf.Factory
- FlatGeobuf(org.geotools.data.flatgeobuf.FlatGeobufDirectoryDataStore) - Constructor in FlatGeobuf
Create a new FlatGeobuf Workspace from a FlatGeobufDirectoryDataStore
- Font - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for a Label Font.
- font - Property in DateTextItem
- Font(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in Font
Create a new Font.
- font - Property in Label
The Font
- font - Property in NorthArrowItem
- font - Property in ParagraphItem
- font - Property in ScaleBarItem
- font - Property in ScaleTextItem
- font(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Font with named parameters.
- font - Property in TableItem.RowStyle
- font - Property in TextItem
- forceLeftToRight(boolean) - Method in Label
Disable label flipping making labels always follow natural
orientation of the line or not.
- forH2(groovy.sql.Sql) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- Format - Class in geoscript.layer
A Raster Format can read and write Rasters
- format - Property in DateTextItem
- Format(org.geotools.coverage.grid.io.AbstractGridFormat, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in Format
Create a new Format wrapping an AbstractGridFormat
- format - Property in Icon
The mime type of the image (image/png)
- format - Property in Raster
The Format
- format - Property in ScaleTextItem
- format - Property in SLDWriter
Whether to format the SLD or not
- FormatFactories - Class in geoscript.layer
A Utility for getting a List of all FormatFactories
- FormatFactories() - Constructor in FormatFactories
- FormatFactory - Class in geoscript.layer
A FormatFactory creates a Format from an input source which is
usually a File, URL, or InputStream
- FormatFactory() - Constructor in FormatFactory
- forPostgres(groovy.sql.Sql) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- forSqlite(groovy.sql.Sql) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- forward(geoscript.geom.Point, double, double) - Method in Geodetic
Calculate a new Point and back azimuth given the starting Point, azimuth, and distance.
- fromCQL(java.lang.String) - Method in Expression
Create a new Expression from a CQL statement
- fromCSS(geoscript.style.Style, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticStyleExtensionModule
Read a Style from an CSS String
- fromCsv(geoscript.layer.Pyramid, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticPyramidExtensionModule
Create a Pyramid from a CSV String
- fromGeobuf(geoscript.feature.Feature, java.io.InputStream) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GeoBuf InputStream
- fromGeobuf(geoscript.geom.Geometry, byte[]) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a Geobuf byte array
- fromGeoJSON(geoscript.feature.Feature, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GeoJSON String
- fromGeoJSON(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GeoJSON String
- fromGeometries(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String, List<Geometry>) - Method in Layer
Create a Layer from a List of Geometries
- fromGeometry(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String, geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Layer
Create a Layer from a Geometry
- fromGeoRSS(geoscript.feature.Feature, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GeoRSS String
- fromGML2(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GML2 String
- fromGML3(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GML3 String
- fromGml(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GML String
- fromGpx(geoscript.feature.Feature, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GPX String
- fromGpx(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GPX String
- fromJson(geoscript.layer.Pyramid, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticPyramidExtensionModule
Create a Pyramid from a JSON String
- fromKml(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a KML String
- fromKml(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a KML String
- fromSLD(geoscript.style.Style, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticStyleExtensionModule
Read a Style from an SLD String
- fromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Bounds
Create a Bounds from a String or return null
- fromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Geometry
Get a Geometry from a String with an unknown format.
- fromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Pyramid
Create a Pyramid from a String.
- fromTwkb(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from TWKB hex string
- fromURL(geoscript.render.Map, java.net.URL, java.io.File) - Method in Directory
Get a Directory from a zipped Shapefile
- fromWKB(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from WKB hex string
- fromWKT(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from WKT
- fromXml(geoscript.layer.Pyramid, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticPyramidExtensionModule
Create a Pyramid from an XML String
- fromYaml(geoscript.feature.Feature, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a Yaml String
- fromYaml(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GeoYaml string
- fromYSLD(geoscript.style.Style, java.lang.String) - Method in StaticStyleExtensionModule
Read a Style from an YSLD String
- fs - Property in Layer
The GeoTools FeatureSource
- FSCHR60 - Property in Geodetic
- FSCHR60M - Property in Geodetic
- FSCHR68 - Property in Geodetic
- Function - Class in geoscript.filter
A GeoScript Function either wraps an existing GeoTools Function or an CQL String.
- function(java.lang.String, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Expressions
Create a new Function from a Closure
- function - Property in Function
The GeoTools Function
- g - Property in Geometry
The wrapped JTS Geometry
- gammaValue - Property in ContrastEnhancement
The gamma value
- gapBetweenEntries - Property in LegendItem
- GdalTmsPyramidReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from a GDAL MiniDriver XML File
- GdalTmsPyramidReader() - Constructor in GdalTmsPyramidReader
- GdalTmsPyramidWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to a GDAL MiniDriver XML File
- GdalTmsPyramidWriter() - Constructor in GdalTmsPyramidWriter
- generate(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, geoscript.layer.TileRenderer, int, int) - Method in TileGenerator
Generate Tiles for a TileLayer using a TileRenderer
- generateColorMap(List<Map>, java.lang.String, boolean) - Method in ColorMap
Generate a GeoTool's ColorMap from A List of Maps with color, opacity, quantity, and label keys
- generateGrid(double, double, java.lang.String, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Bounds
Generate a grid with the given cell width and height
- GeneratingTileLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileLayer that can generate Tiles on demand as a client tries to get them.
- GeneratingTileLayer(geoscript.layer.TileLayer, geoscript.layer.TileRenderer) - Constructor in GeneratingTileLayer
Create a new GeneratingTileLayer that uses the TileRenderer to create Tiles on demand for the given TileLayer.
- Geobuf - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Geobuf Workspace.
- Geobuf.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Geobuf WorkspaceFactory
- Geobuf.Factory() - Constructor in Geobuf.Factory
- Geobuf(org.geotools.data.geobuf.GeobufDirectoryDataStore) - Constructor in Geobuf
Create a new Geobuf Workspace from a GeobufDirectoryDataStore
- geobufFeatureCollection - Property in GeobufReader
The Geobuf FeatureCollection decoder
- geobufFeatureCollection - Property in GeobufWriter
The Geobuf FeatureCollection decoder
- GeobufReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a Geobuf encoded protocol buffer.
- GeobufReader(geoscript.render.Map) - Constructor in GeobufReader
Create a new GeobufReader
- GeobufWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a Geobuf encoded protocol buffer.
- GeobufWriter(geoscript.render.Map) - Constructor in GeobufWriter
Create a new GeobufWriter
- Geodetic - Class in geoscript.proj
The Geodetic class can be used to calculate azimuths, distances, and Points on an Ellipsoid.
- Geodetic(org.geotools.referencing.datum.DefaultEllipsoid) - Constructor in Geodetic
Create a new Geodetic using the GeoTools DefaultEllipsoid
- GeoHash - Class in geoscript.index
A GeoHash module.
- GeoHash.Direction - Enum in geoscript.index
A Direction enum used when calculating neighbors
- GeoHash() - Constructor in GeoHash
Create a new GeoHash
- GEOJSON - Field in CsvReader.Type
- GEOJSON - Field in CsvWriter.Type
- GeoJSONReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a
Layer from a GeoJSON InputStream, File, or String.
- GeoJSONReader() - Constructor in GeoJSONReader
- GeoJSONWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a
Layer to a GeoJSON InputStream, File, or String.
- GeoJSONWriter() - Constructor in GeoJSONWriter
- Geometry - Class in geoscript.geom
The base class for other Geometries.
- Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) - Constructor in Geometry
Create a new Geometry wrapping a JTS Geometry
- geometry - Property in RasterSymbolizer
The geometry name
- GeometryCollection - Class in geoscript.geom
A GeometryCollection is a heterogenerous collection of other Geometries.
- GeometryCollection(List<Geometry>) - Constructor in GeometryCollection
Create a GeometryCollection from a List of Geometries.
- GeometryExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.geom.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds methods to the Geometry class.
- GeometryExtensionModule() - Constructor in GeometryExtensionModule
- geometryType - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The geometry type (simple, gml, w3c)
- GeoPackage - Class in geoscript.workspace
A GeoPackage Workspace.
- GeoPackage.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The GeoPackage WorkspaceFactory
- GeoPackage.Factory() - Constructor in GeoPackage.Factory
- GeoPackage(org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in GeoPackage
Create a new GeoPackage Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
- GeoPackageReader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read GeoPackage encoded Geometries
- GeoPackageReader() - Constructor in GeoPackageReader
- GeoPackageWriter - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geometry to a GeoPackage Geometry byte array or hex string
- GeoPackageWriter(geoscript.render.Map) - Constructor in GeoPackageWriter
Create a new GeoPackageWriter
- GeoRSSReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a GeoRSS document
- GeoRSSReader() - Constructor in GeoRSSReader
- GeoRSSWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer as a GeoRSS document.
- GeoRSSWriter() - Constructor in GeoRSSWriter
- GeoScript - Class in geoscript
The GeoScript class contains category methods.
- GeoScript() - Constructor in GeoScript
- GeoTIFF - Class in geoscript.render
- GeoTIFF.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The GeoTIFF FormatFactory
- GeoTIFF.Factory() - Constructor in GeoTIFF.Factory
- GeoTIFF() - Constructor in GeoTIFF
- get(long, long, long) - Method in DBTiles
- get(java.lang.String) - Method in Directory
Get a Layer by name
- get(geoscript.feature.Field) - Method in Feature
Get a value by a Field.
- get(long, long, long) - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Get a Tile
- get(long, long, long) - Method in GeoPackage
- get(long, long, long) - Method in MBTiles
- get(long, long, long) - Method in OSM
Get a Tile
- get(java.lang.String) - Method in Property
Get a Layer by name
- get(java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Get a Field by name
- get(long, long, long) - Method in TileLayer
Get a Tile
- get(long, long, long) - Method in TMS
Get a Tile
- get(long, long, long) - Method in USGSTileLayer
Get a Tile
- get(long, long, long) - Method in UTFGrid
- get(long, long, long) - Method in VectorTiles
Get a Tile
- get(java.lang.String) - Method in Workspace
Get a Layer by name
- getAbstract() - Method in WMS
Get the abstract (WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Abstract)
- getAll() - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- getAll() - Method in DirectoryStyleRepository
- getAll() - Method in NestedDirectoryStyleRepository
- getAll() - Method in StyleRepository
Get all styles
- getAngle(geoscript.geom.Point, java.lang.String) - Method in Point
Get the angle between this Point and another Point
- getArea() - Method in Bounds
Get the area of this Bounds
- getArea() - Method in Geometry
Get the area of this Geometry
- getAspect() - Method in Bounds
Get the ratio of width to height for this bounds.
- getAt(int) - Method in Bounds
Get a value from this Bounds at the given index (minX = 0, minY = 1,
maxX = 2, maxY = 3).
- getAt(geoscript.feature.Field) - Method in Feature
Get a value by Field.
- getAt(int) - Method in Geometry
Get the sub Geometry at the specified index.
- getAt(java.util.List) - Method in Histogram
Get a List of all counts for all of the bins for the given band
- getAt(java.lang.Object) - Method in Raster
Get the value of the Raster at the given geographic Location or pixel
- getAt(java.lang.String) - Method in Workspace
Another way to get a Layer by name.
- getAttributes() - Method in Feature
Get a Map of all attributes
- getAzimuth(geoscript.geom.Point, java.lang.String) - Method in Point
Get the azimuth between this Point and the other Point.
- getBands() - Method in Raster
Get the List of Bands
- getBase64String() - Method in Tile
Get the data as a Base64 encoded string
- getBlockSize() - Method in Raster
Get the block size
- getBoundary() - Method in Geometry
Get the boundary of this Geometry
- getBounds() - Method in Feature
The Bounds of the Feature's Geometry.
- getBounds() - Method in Geometry
Get the Bounds of this Geometry
- getBounds() - Method in Layer
Get the Bounds of the Features in the Layer
- getBounds() - Method in Map
Get the Bounds
- getBounds() - Method in Projection
Get the extent for this Projection
- getBounds() - Method in Raster
Get the Bounds
- getBounds() - Method in TileCursor
Get the Bounds of tiles in this TileCursor
- getBounds(java.lang.Object) - Method in WMS.Layer
Get a Bounds in the given Projection
- getBounds() - Method in WMSLayer
Get the Bounds
- getBufferedImage() - Method in Raster
Get a BufferedImage
- getCentroid() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the centroid of this Geometry.
- getChildren() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get a List of child WMS.Layers
- getCols() - Method in Raster
Get the number of columns
- getComponents() - Method in CompoundCurve
Get the original LineStrings or CircularStrings (not linearized)
- getComponents() - Method in CompoundRing
Get the original LineStrings or CircularStrings (not linearized)
- getControlPoints() - Method in CircularRing
Get the original control Points (not the linearized Points)
- getControlPoints() - Method in CircularString
Get the original control Points (not the linearized Points)
- getConvexHull() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the convex hull of this Geometry
- getCoordinates() - Method in Geometry
Get the Array of Coordinates
- getCorners() - Method in Bounds
Get the corners of the Bounds as a List of Points.
- getCount() - Method in Layer
Count the number of Features in the layer
- getCql() - Method in Filter
Get the CQL string from the Filter.
- getCreateFeature(org.geotools.grid.GridElement) - Method in Graticule.1
- getCsv(geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Method in PyramidExtensionModule
Get this Pyramid as a CSV String
- getCursor(java.lang.Object, java.util.List, int, int, java.util.List, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in Layer
Get a Cursor over the Features of the Layer.
- getCurvedWkt() - Method in CircularRing
Get the curved WKT
- getCurvedWkt() - Method in CircularString
Get the curved WKT
- getCurvedWkt() - Method in CompoundCurve
Get the curved WKT
- getCurvedWkt() - Method in CompoundRing
Get the curved WKT
- getData() - Method in Raster
Get the underlying java.awt.image.Raster
- getDatabaseID() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- getDataSource() - Method in Database
Get the javax.sql.DataSource
- getDdm() - Method in DecimalDegrees
Get the DecimalDegrees longitude and latitude in decimal degree minutes (DDM).
- getDefault(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in Symbolizer
Get a default Symbolizer for the given geometry type.
- getDefaultForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- getDefaultForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in DirectoryStyleRepository
- getDefaultForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in NestedDirectoryStyleRepository
- getDefaultForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in StyleRepository
Get the default style for a Layer by name
- getDefaultStyleForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- getDefaultStyleForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in DirectoryStyleRepository
- getDefaultStyleForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in NestedDirectoryStyleRepository
- getDefaultStyleForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in StyleRepository
Get the default style for a Layer by name
- getDelaunayTriangleDiagram(boolean) - Method in Geometry
Get Delaunay Triangle Diagram for this Geometry
- getDescription() - Method in Band
Get the Band's description
- getDescription() - Method in Process
Get the description
- getDescription() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- getDimension() - Method in Geometry
Get the dimension of the Geometry
- getDms() - Method in DecimalDegrees
Get the DecimalDegrees longitude and latitude in degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS).
- getDriverClassName() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- getDrivers() - Method in OGR
Get a Set of drivers that GDAL has been compiled to support.
- getEmpty() - Method in TileCursor
Whether the TileCursor is empty or not
- getEndPoint() - Method in LineString
- getEnvelope() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the envelope of this Geometry
- getEnvelopeInternal() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the internal Envelope of this Geometry
- getEpsg() - Method in Projection
Get the EPSG code
- getExteriorRing() - Method in Polygon
Get the exterior ring or shell
- getExtrema() - Method in Raster
Calculate the min and max values for each band in this Raster.
- getFeatures(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Layer
Get a List of Features
- getField() - Method in UniqueValuesReader
Get the field name
- getFields() - Method in Schema
Get the List of Fields
- getFile() - Method in Directory
Get the File or Directory
- getFile() - Method in Property
Get the File
- getFile() - Method in Shapefile
Get the Shapefile's File
- getFile() - Method in WorldFile
Get the File
- getFileExtensions() - Method in ArcGrid.Factory
- getFileExtensions() - Method in FormatFactory
Get a List of the file extensions that this Format supports
- getFileExtensions() - Method in GeoTIFF.Factory
- getFileExtensions() - Method in Grass.Factory
- getFileExtensions() - Method in MrSID.Factory
- getFileExtensions() - Method in NetCDF.Factory
- getFileExtensions() - Method in WorldImage.Factory
- getForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- getForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in DirectoryStyleRepository
- getForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in NestedDirectoryStyleRepository
- getForLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in StyleRepository
Get all of the styles for a Layer Name.
- getFormat() - Method in Directory
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in FlatGeobuf
Get the format
- getFormat(java.lang.Object) - Method in Format
Get the Format that can read the given input stream
- getFormat() - Method in Geobuf
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in H2
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in Layer
Get the Workspace format
- getFormat() - Method in Memory
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in MySQL
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in OGR
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in PostGIS
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in Property
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in SpatiaLite
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in Sqlite
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in WFS
Get the format
- getFormat() - Method in Workspace
Get the format
- getFunction() - Method in Transform
Get the Function
- getFunctionNames() - Method in Function
Get a List of all Function names
- getGeoBounds() - Method in Projection
Get the valid geographic area for this Projection
- getGeobuf(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a Geobuf hex string
- getGeobuf(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geobuf hex string for this Geometry
- getGeobufBytes(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a Geobuf byte array
- getGeobufBytes(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geobuf byte array for this Geometry
- getGeoJSON(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GeoJSON String
- getGeoJSON(geoscript.geom.Geometry, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GeoJSON String for this Geometry
- getGeom() - Method in Feature
Get the Feature's Geometry
- getGeom() - Method in Schema
Get the Schema's geometry Field or null if none exists
- getGeometries() - Method in Geometry
Get a List of all Geometries
- getGeometry() - Method in Bounds
Convert this Bounds into a Geometry object
- getGeometry() - Method in PreparedGeometry
Get the base Geometry of this PreparedGeometry
- getGeometryFormat(java.sql.Connection, java.lang.String) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- getGeometryN(int) - Method in Geometry
Get the nth Geometry in this Geometry
- getGeometryType() - Method in Geometry
Get the name of the Geometry type
- getGeometryType(java.sql.Connection, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- getGeometryType() - Method in UniqueValuesReader
Get the geometry type
- getGeometryTypeName(java.lang.Integer) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- getGeoRSS(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GeoRSS String
- getGeoToolsSymbolizers(org.geotools.styling.Rule, java.lang.Class) - Method in Symbolizer
Get a List of GeoTools Symbolizers from the Rule of the given Class.
- getGetMapFormats() - Method in WMS
Get the GetMap formats
- getGml2(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GML 2 String for this Geometry
- getGml3(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GML 3 String for this Geometry
- getGml(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GML String
- getGpx(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GPX String
- getGpx(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GPX String for this Geometry
- getGrid(double, double, java.lang.String) - Method in Bounds
Get a generated grid with the given cell width and height
- getGtStyle() - Method in Style
Get a GeoTools Style
- getGtStyle() - Method in Symbolizer
Get the GeoTools Style from this Symbolizer
- getHeight() - Method in Bounds
Get the height
- getHeight() - Method in TileCursor
Get the height or number of rows
- getHex() - Method in Color
Get this Color's hex value
- getHistogram(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Raster
Get a Histogram for this Raster
- getHsl() - Method in Color
Get this Color's HSL value
- getId() - Method in Feature
Get the Feature's ID
- getId() - Method in Projection
Get the Identifier.
- getImage(java.util.Map) - Method in Chart
Get an image of this Chart
- getImage() - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
Get the cartographic document as a BufferedImage
- getImage() - Method in ImageTile
Get the data as a BufferedImage
- getImage() - Method in Raster
Get the RenderedImage
- getImage(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.Object) - Method in WMS
Get a Image from the WMS server.
- getImageType() - Method in Image
Get the image type
- getIndexes(java.lang.String) - Method in Database
Get a List of indexes for a layer or table by name
- getInteriorPoint() - Method in Geometry
Get the interior Point of this Geometry
- getInteriorRingN(int) - Method in Polygon
Get the nth interior ring or hole
- getInteriorRings() - Method in Polygon
Get a List of all interior rings
- getJDBCUrl(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- getJson(geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Method in PyramidExtensionModule
Get this JSON as a JSON String
- getKeywords() - Method in WMS
Get a List of keywords
- getKml(geoscript.feature.Feature, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a KML Placemark
- getKml(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a KML String for this Geometry
- getLargestEmptyCircle(double) - Method in Geometry
Get the largest empty circle for this Geometry
- getLatLonBounds() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the Bounds in latitude/longitude
- getLayer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileCursor) - Method in TileLayer
Get a Layer of the Tiles in a TileCursor
- getLayer(java.lang.String) - Method in WMS
Get a WMS.Layer by name
- getLayers(TileCursor<Tile>) - Method in VectorTiles
Get a List of Layers for the Tiles in the TileCursor
- getLayers() - Method in WMS
Get a List of WMS.Layers
- getLayers() - Method in WMSLayer
Get the List of WMS.Layers
- getLayers() - Method in Workspace
Get a List of Layers
- getLegend(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.Object) - Method in WMS
Get a legend from a WMS service.
- getLength() - Method in Geometry
Get the length of this Geometry
- getLinear() - Method in CircularRing
Get the linear Geometry
- getLinear() - Method in CircularString
Get the linearized Geometry
- getLinear() - Method in CompoundCurve
Get the linearized Geometry
- getLinear() - Method in CompoundRing
Get the linearized Geometry
- getMapLayers(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.util.List) - Method in ImageTileLayer
- getMapLayers(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.util.List) - Method in Layer
Get the map layers
- getMapLayers(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.util.List) - Method in Raster
- getMapLayers(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.util.List) - Method in Renderable
Get a List of Map Layers (GeoTools org.geotools.map.Layer) for the given Bounds and map size
- getMapLayers(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.util.List) - Method in VectorTiles
- getMapLayers(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.util.List) - Method in WMSLayer
- getMapping(java.sql.ResultSet, java.sql.Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- getMax() - Method in Band
Get the maximum value
- getMaxGrid() - Method in Pyramid
Get the max Grid by zoom level
- getMaximumInscribedCircle(double) - Method in Geometry
Get the maximum inscribed circle for this Geometry
- getMaxScale() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the maximum scale denominator
- getMaxValue(int) - Method in Raster
Get the maximum value for a band.
- getMaxX() - Method in Bounds
Get the right/east most coordinate (maxX)
- getMaxX() - Method in TileCursor
Get the max x or column
- getMaxY() - Method in Bounds
Get the top/north most coordinate (maxY)
- getMaxY() - Method in TileCursor
Get the max y or row
- getMaxZoom() - Method in DBTiles
Get the maximum zoom level of the tiles present.
- getMaxZoom() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the maximum zoom level of the tiles present.
- getMaxZoom() - Method in MBTiles
Get the maximum zoom level of the tiles present.
- getMetadata() - Method in DBTiles
Get metadata (type, name, description, format, version, attribution, bounds)
- getMetadata(java.lang.String) - Method in Format
Get metadata
- getMetadata() - Method in MBTiles
Get metadata (type, name, description, format, version, attribution, bounds)
- getMimeType() - Method in CartoFactory
The CartoFactory mime type
- getMimeType() - Method in JpegCartoFactory
- getMimeType() - Method in PdfCartoFactory
- getMimeType() - Method in PngCartoFactory
- getMimeType() - Method in SvgCartoFactory
- getMin() - Method in Band
Get the minimum value
- getMinGrid() - Method in Pyramid
Get the min Grid by zoom level
- getMinimumBoundingCircle() - Method in Geometry
Get the Minimum Bounding Circle
- getMinimumClearance() - Method in Geometry
Get the minimum clearance of this Geometry as a LineString
- getMinimumDiameter() - Method in Geometry
Get the minimum diameter of this Geometry as a LineString
- getMinimumRectangle() - Method in Geometry
Get the minimum enclosing rectangle
- getMinScale() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the minimum scale denominator
- getMinValue(int) - Method in Raster
Get the minimum value for a band.
- getMinX() - Method in Bounds
Get the left/west most coordinate (minX)
- getMinX() - Method in TileCursor
Get the min x or column
- getMinY() - Method in Bounds
Get the bottom/south most coordinate (minY)
- getMinY() - Method in TileCursor
Get the min y or row
- getMinZoom() - Method in DBTiles
Get the minimum zoom level of the tiles present.
- getMinZoom() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the minimum zoom level of the tiles present.
- getMinZoom() - Method in MBTiles
Get the minimum zoom level of the tiles present.
- getName() - Method in CartoFactory
The CartoFactory name
- getName() - Method in CartoReader
Get the name of the CartoReader
- getName() - Method in Format
Get the format name
- getName() - Method in JpegCartoFactory
- getName() - Method in JsonCartoReader
- getName() - Method in JsonMapReader
- getName() - Method in Layer
Get the Layer's name
- getName() - Method in MapReader
The name of the MapReader
- getName() - Method in PdfCartoFactory
- getName() - Method in PngCartoFactory
- getName() - Method in Process
Get the name
- getName() - Method in Raster
Get the Raster's name
- getName() - Method in Schema
Get the Schema's name
- getName() - Method in SvgCartoFactory
- getName() - Method in WMS
Get the name (WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Name)
- getName() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the name of the layer
- getName() - Method in XmlCartoReader
- getName() - Method in XmlMapReader
- getName() - Method in YamlCartoReader
- getName() - Method in YamlMapReader
- getNames() - Method in Format
Get the list of the raster names
- getNames(java.io.File) - Method in GeoPackage
Get all of the names of TileLayers from the GeoPackage database
- getNames() - Method in Workspace
Get a List of Layer names
- getNearestPoints(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Find the nearest Points between this Geometry and another Geometry
- getNeighbors(java.lang.Object, int) - Method in Raster
Get the value of the neighboring cells: NW N NE E SE S SE W
- getNewFeature() - Method in Writer
Get a new Feature with default values
- getNoData() - Method in Band
Get a List of no data values
- getNorm() - Method in Geometry
Get a normalized copy of this Geometry
- getNot() - Method in Filter
Get a new Filter that is the negation of the current Filter
- getNumberOfBands() - Method in Histogram
Get the number of bands
- getNumGeometries() - Method in Geometry
Get the number of Geometries in this Geometry
- getNumInteriorRing() - Method in Polygon
Get the number of interior rings or holes
- getNumPoints() - Method in Geometry
Get the number of Points in this Geometry
- getOctagonalEnvelope() - Method in Geometry
Get the octagonal envelope for this Geometry
- getOffset() - Method in Band
Get the offset
- getOnlineResource() - Method in WMS
Get the online resource URL
- getPaletteColors(java.lang.String, int) - Method in Color
Get a List of Colors from a Palette by name
- getPaletteNames(java.lang.String) - Method in Color
Get a List of Palette names by type (defaults to All)
- getParameters() - Method in Process
Get the Map of input parameters.
- getParameters(java.lang.String) - Method in Workspace
Get a connection map from a connection string
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Directory.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in FlatGeobuf.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Geobuf.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in GeoPackage.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in H2.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Memory.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Property.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in SpatiaLite.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in Sqlite.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in WFS.Factory
- getParametersFromString(java.lang.String) - Method in WorkspaceFactory
Get a map of connection parameters from a connection string.
- getParent() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the parent WMS.Layer
- getPixel(geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in Raster
Get pixel coordinates from the geographic Point
- getPixelSize() - Method in Raster
Get the pixel size
- getPixelSize() - Method in WorldFile
Get the pixel sizes
- getPoint() - Method in DecimalDegrees
Get the DecimalDegrees as a Point
- getPoint(int, int) - Method in Raster
Get a geographic Point from pixel coordinates
- getPointLayer(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Raster
Convert this Raster into a Layer of Points
- getPoints() - Method in Geometry
Get a List of Points that make up this Geometry
- getPolygon() - Method in Bounds
Convert this Bounds into a Polygon
- getPolygonLayer(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Raster
Convert this Raster to a Layer of polygons.
- getProcessNames() - Method in Process
Get a List of the Process names
- getProj() - Method in Bounds
Get the Projection (if any) or null
- getProj() - Method in Layer
Get the Layer's Projection
- getProj() - Method in Map
Get the Map's Projection
- getProj() - Method in Raster
Get the Projection
- getProj() - Method in Schema
Get the Schema's Projection or null if one doesn't exist
- getProj() - Method in WMSLayer
Get the Projection
- getPyramid() - Method in DBTiles
- getPyramid() - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Get the Pyramid
- getPyramid() - Method in GeoPackage
- getPyramid() - Method in MBTiles
- getPyramid() - Method in OSM
Get the Pyramid
- getPyramid() - Method in TileLayer
Get the Pyramid
- getPyramid() - Method in USGSTileLayer
Get the Pyramid
- getPyramid() - Method in UTFGrid
- getPyramid() - Method in VectorTiles
Get the Pyramid
- getRandom() - Method in Color
Generate a random color
- getRandomPastel() - Method in Color
Get a random pastel color
- getRaster(geoscript.geom.Point, long, int, int) - Method in ImageTileLayer
Get a Raster around a Point at a given zoom level
- getRaster(java.lang.Object, java.util.List, geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.lang.String) - Method in Layer
Convert this Layer into a Raster
- getRaster(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.Object) - Method in WMS
Get a Raster from the WMS server
- getRectangle() - Method in Item
Get a Rectangle
- getRenderables(java.util.List) - Method in Renderables
Get a List of Renderable Map Layers from a List of Map Layer Strings
- getResults() - Method in Process
Get the Map of output results.
- getRgb() - Method in Color
Get this Color's RGB value
- getRotation() - Method in WorldFile
Get a rotations values
- getRows() - Method in Raster
Get the number of rows
- getScale() - Method in Band
Get the scale
- getScaleDenominator() - Method in Map
Get the scale denominator
- getSize() - Method in Raster
Get the size [w,h] or [columns,rows]
- getSize() - Method in SpatialIndex
Get the number of items indexed
- getSize() - Method in TileCursor
Get the number of tiles
- getSld(geoscript.style.Style) - Method in StyleExtensionModule
Get a SLD String from a Style
- getSld() - Method in Symbolizer
Get this Symbolizer as an SLD String
- getSpec() - Method in Schema
Get the spec string
- getSql() - Method in Database
Get a groovy.sql.Sql object that provides direct access
to the underlying database
- getSrid(org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- getSrs(boolean) - Method in Projection
Get the SRS Code
- getSrses() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the SRSes.
- getStartPoint() - Method in LineString
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in Directory
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in FlatGeobuf
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in Geobuf
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in GeoPackage
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in H2
- getStyle() - Method in Layer
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in PostGIS
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in Property
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in Sqlite
- getStyle(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.String) - Method in Workspace
Get a Style for a Layer
- getStyleForLayer(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- getStyleForLayer(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in DirectoryStyleRepository
- getStyleForLayer(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in NestedDirectoryStyleRepository
- getStyleForLayer(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in StyleRepository
Get a style by Layer name and Style name
- getStyles() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the list of Styles
- getTileCoordinates(geoscript.geom.Bounds, geoscript.layer.Grid) - Method in Pyramid
Get Tile coordinates (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) for the given Bounds and Grid
- getTileCoordinates(geoscript.geom.Bounds, geoscript.layer.Grid) - Method in TileLayer
Get Tile coordinates (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) for the given Bounds and Grid
- getTileCounts() - Method in DBTiles
Get the number of tiles per zoom level.
- getTileCounts() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the number of tiles per zoom level.
- getTileCounts() - Method in MBTiles
Get the number of tiles per zoom level.
- getTileLayer() - Method in TileCursor
Get the TileLayer
- getTileLayer(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in TileLayer
Get a TileLayer from a connection parameter Map.
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in DBTiles.Factory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in GeoPackage.Factory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in MBTiles.Factory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in OSM.Factory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in TileLayer
Get a default TileRenderer for the given TileLayer.
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in TileLayerFactory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in TMS.Factory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in USGSTileLayer.Factory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in UTFGrid.Factory
- getTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in VectorTiles.Factory
- getTitle() - Method in Composite
Get the title.
- getTitle() - Method in Process
Get the title
- getTitle() - Method in Symbolizer
Get the title
- getTitle() - Method in WMS
Get the title (WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Title)
- getTitle() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the title of the layer
- getTwkb(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the TWKB of the Geometry
- getTwkbBytes(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the WKB of the Geometry
- getType() - Method in Band
Get the type of data
- getType() - Method in Transform
Get the Type
- getUlc() - Method in WorldFile
Get the upper left center coordinates as a Point
- getUnit() - Method in Band
Get the unit information
- getUpdateSequence() - Method in WMS
Get the update sequence
- getUri() - Method in Schema
Get the namespace uri of this Schema
- getValidationQuery() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- getValidReason() - Method in Geometry
Get the reason why this Geometry is invalid.
- getValue() - Method in Expression
Get the underlying value of the Expression
- getValue(int, int, int, java.lang.String) - Method in Raster
Get the value at the given pixel location ([x,y])
for the given band
- getValues(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in Raster
Get a List of values from the Raster
- getValuesAsString(geoscript.render.Map, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in Raster
Get values as a String
- getVersion() - Method in GeoScript
Get the GeoScript version
- getVersion() - Method in Process
Get the version
- getVersion() - Method in WMS
Get the version
- getVoronoiDiagram() - Method in Geometry
Get the Voronoi Diagram for this Geometry
- getWellKnown(java.lang.String) - Method in USGSTileLayer
Get a USGS ImageTileLayer with a well known name.
- getWellKnownOSM(java.lang.String) - Method in OSM
Get a well known OSM Layer.
- getWidth() - Method in Bounds
Get the width
- getWidth() - Method in TileCursor
Get the width or number of columns
- getWkb(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the WKB of the Geometry
- getWkbBytes(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the WKB of the Geometry
- getWkt(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the WKT of the Geometry
- getWkt(java.lang.String, int) - Method in Projection
Get the well known text
- getWorkspace(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Workspace
Get a Workspace from a connection parameter Map
- getWorkspaceNames() - Method in Workspace
Get a List of available GeoTools workspaces (aka DataStores)
- getWorkspaceParameters(java.lang.String) - Method in Workspace
Get the list of connection parameters for the given workspace
- getWriter(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Layer
Get a Writer for this Layer
- getX() - Method in Point
Get the X coordinate
- getXml(boolean, double) - Method in Filter
Get the XML string from the Filter.
- getXml(geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Method in PyramidExtensionModule
Get this Pyramid as a XML String
- getY() - Method in Point
Get the Y coordinate
- getYaml(geoscript.feature.Feature) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a Yaml string
- getYaml(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GeoYaml String for this Geometry
- getYsld(geoscript.style.Style) - Method in StyleExtensionModule
Get a YSLD String from a Style
- getZ() - Method in Point
Get the Z coordinate
- getZ() - Method in TileCursor
Get the zoom level
- GIF - Class in geoscript.render
Render a Map to a GIF image.
- GIF() - Constructor in GIF
Create a new GIF
- GML2 - Field in CsvReader.Type
- GML2 - Field in CsvWriter.Type
- Gml2Reader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a
Geometry from a GML Version 2 String.
- Gml2Reader() - Constructor in Gml2Reader
- Gml2Writer - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geoscript
Geometry to a GML Version 2 String.
- Gml2Writer() - Constructor in Gml2Writer
- GML3 - Field in CsvReader.Type
- GML3 - Field in CsvWriter.Type
- Gml3Reader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a
Geometry from a GML Version 3 String.
- Gml3Reader() - Constructor in Gml3Reader
- Gml3Writer - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geoscript
Geometry to a GML String.
- Gml3Writer() - Constructor in Gml3Writer
- GmlReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a
Layer from a GML InputStream, File, or String.
- GmlReader() - Constructor in GmlReader
- GmlWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a
Layer to a GML InputStream, File, or String.
- GmlWriter() - Constructor in GmlWriter
- goodnessOfFit(float) - Method in Label
Set the goodness of fit parameter (a number between 0 and 1)
- GooglePolylineEncoder - Class in geoscript.geom.io
A Google Polyline Encoder/Decoder (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm).
- GooglePolylineEncoder() - Constructor in GooglePolylineEncoder
- GpxReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a GPX document.
- GpxReader.Type - Enum in geoscript.layer.io
GPX Data Types
- GpxReader() - Constructor in GpxReader
- GpxWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a GPX document.
- GpxWriter() - Constructor in GpxWriter
- Gradient - Class in geoscript.style
The Gradient Composite Symbolizer creates gradients between a series of values and symbolizers or from
values from Layer.
- Gradient(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Constructor in Gradient
Create a new Gradient where the interpolation is based on a classification method based on values from the Layer's
- gradient(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Gradient where the interpolation is based on a classification method based on values from the Layer's
- graphicResize(java.lang.String, int) - Method in Label
Set the graphic resize mode (none, proportional, stretch) and margin.
- graphics - Field in Java2DCartoBuilder
- Grass - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write Grass Rasters.
- Grass.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The Grass FormatFactory
- Grass.Factory() - Constructor in Grass.Factory
- Grass(java.lang.Object) - Constructor in Grass
Create a new Grass Format
- Graticule - Class in geoscript.layer
Create graticule or grid Layers.
- Graticule.1 - Class in geoscript.layer
- Graticule.1() - Constructor in Graticule.1
- Graticule() - Constructor in Graticule
- gray(java.lang.String, geoscript.style.ContrastEnhancement) - Method in ChannelSelection
Set the gray channel name and optionally the gray ContrastEnhancement
- grayContrastEnhancement - Property in ChannelSelection
The gray ContrastEnhancement
- grayName - Property in ChannelSelection
The gray channel name
- grayscale(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by converting the current Color to grayscale
- green(java.lang.String, geoscript.style.ContrastEnhancement) - Method in ChannelSelection
Set the green channel name and optionally the green ContrastEnhancement
- greenContrastEnhancement - Property in ChannelSelection
The green ContrastEnhancement
- greenName - Property in ChannelSelection
The green channel name
- Grid - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile Grid.
- grid(geoscript.carto.GridItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add a grid (usually for visually placing other items)
- Grid(long, long, long, double, double) - Constructor in Grid
Create a new Grid
- grid(geoscript.carto.GridItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- grid(geoscript.carto.GridItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- grid(geoscript.carto.GridItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- grid(geoscript.geom.Bounds, int, int) - Method in Pyramid
Find the best Grid for the given Bounds and image width and height
- grid(geoscript.carto.GridItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- gridFormat - Property in Format
The GeoTools AbstractGridFormat
- GridItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Add a grid to a cartographic document.
- GridItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in GridItem
Create a GridItem at a location from the top left
- grids - Property in Pyramid
The List of Grids
- GROUP - Field in LegendItem.LegendEntryType
- GRS67 - Property in Geodetic
- GRS80 - Property in Geodetic
- IAU76 - Property in Geodetic
- Icon - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for an external image or glyph.
- icon - Property in Fill
The Icon
- Icon(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in Icon
Create a new Icon.
- icon(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Icon.
- id(java.lang.String) - Method in Filter
Create Filter for a Feature ID
- identity(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in Layer
Calculate the identity between this Layer and another Layer.
- ids(java.util.List) - Method in Filter
Create Filter for a List of Feature IDs
- Image - Class in geoscript.render
A Renderer that draws a
Map to a BufferedImage.
- image(geoscript.carto.ImageItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add an image
- Image(java.lang.String) - Constructor in Image
Create a new Image
- image(geoscript.carto.ImageItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- image(geoscript.carto.ImageItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- image - Property in LegendItem.LegendEntry
- IMAGE - Field in LegendItem.LegendEntryType
- image(geoscript.carto.ImageItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- image(geoscript.carto.ImageItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- ImageCartoBuilder - Class in geoscript.carto
Build a cartographic document as an Image
- ImageCartoBuilder.ImageType - Enum in geoscript.carto
- ImageCartoBuilder(geoscript.carto.PageSize, geoscript.carto.ImageCartoBuilder.ImageType) - Constructor in ImageCartoBuilder
Create a ImageCartoBuilder
- ImageItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Add an image to a cartographic document
- ImageItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in ImageItem
Create an Image from the top left
- ImageOutline - Class in geoscript.style
An ImageOutline Symbolizer applies a Stroke or Fill Symbolizer
to a Raster.
- ImageOutline(geoscript.style.Fill) - Constructor in ImageOutline
Create an ImageOutline for a Raster Symbolizer with a Fill
- ImagePyramid - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write ImagePyramids.
- ImagePyramid.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The ImagePyramid FormatFactory
- ImagePyramid.Factory() - Constructor in ImagePyramid.Factory
- ImagePyramid(java.lang.Object) - Constructor in ImagePyramid
Create a new ImagePyramid Format
- ImageTile - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile that is an image.
- ImageTile(long, long, long, byte[]) - Constructor in ImageTile
Create a new Tile with data
- ImageTileLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileLayer that is made up of ImageTiles.
- ImageTileLayer() - Constructor in ImageTileLayer
- ImageTileRenderer - Class in geoscript.layer
An Image TileRenderer that uses a geoscript.render.Map
- ImageTileRenderer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TileLayer, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in ImageTileRenderer
Create an ImageTileRenderer
- imageType - Property in MapCube
- imageType - Property in OSM
The image type
- imageType - Property in TMS
The image type (png, jpeg, gif)
- includeAttributes - Property in GeoRSSWriter
Whether to include attributes
- includeAttributes - Property in GpxWriter
Whether to include attributes (defaults to false)
- includeFields(java.util.List, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with only a subset of Fields
- includePrefix - Property in Base64
Whether to include the base64 string prefix or not
- includeTable(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.sql.Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- index - Property in SpatialIndex
The wrapped JTS SpatialIndex
- initializeConnection(java.sql.Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- insert(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.lang.Object) - Method in SpatialIndex
Insert a Bounds and Item
- interpolate(geoscript.filter.Color, geoscript.filter.Color, int) - Method in Color
Interpolate a List Colors between the start and end Color
- interpolate(java.lang.Object, int, java.lang.String) - Method in Layer
Create a List of interpolated values for a Field
- interpolatePoint(double) - Method in LineString
Interpolate a
Point on this LineString at the given position from
0 to 1.
- intersection(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in Bounds
Calculate the intersection between this Bounds and the other Bounds
- intersection(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the intersection between this Geometry and the other Geometry
- intersection(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in Layer
Intersect this Layer with another Layer.
- intersects(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in Bounds
Determine whether this Bounds intersects with the other Bounds
- intersects(java.lang.String, geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Filter that intersects the given Geometry
- intersects(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry intersects the other Geometry
- intersects(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry intersects the given Geometry.
- INTL - Property in Geodetic
- inverse(geoscript.geom.Point, geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in Geodetic
Calculate the forward and back azimuth and distance between the given two Points.
- invert() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster by inverting the values of this Raster
- isAvailable() - Method in OGR
Get whether the OGR Workspace can be used.
- isClosed() - Method in LineString
Is this LineString closed?
- isCurved() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is curved
- isEmpty() - Method in Bounds
Get whether the Bounds is empty (width and height are zero)
- isEmpty() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is empty
- isGeometry() - Method in Field
Is the Field spatial?
- isNoData(double) - Method in Band
Check whether the value is a NODATA value
- isQueryable() - Method in WMS.Layer
Is the layer queryable.
- isRectangle() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is rectangular
- isRing() - Method in LineString
Is this LineString a ring?
- isSimple() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is simple
- isValid() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is valid
- isValidFieldType(java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
- isWithinDistance(geoscript.geom.Geometry, double) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is within the given distance of the other Geometry
- Item - Class in geoscript.carto
The abstract base class for all cartographic items.
- Item(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in Item
Create an Item from the top left
- itemDate - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The item date (Closure, Expression, or String)
- itemDescription - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The item description (Closure, Expression, or String)
- itemGeometry - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The item geometry (Closure, Expression, or String)
- itemId - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The item id (Closure, Expression, or String)
- itemTitle - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The item title (Closure, Expression, or String)
- PageSize - Class in geoscript.carto
The PageSize controls the width and height of the cartographic document.
- pageSize - Field in Java2DCartoBuilder
- PageSize(int, int) - Constructor in PageSize
Create a new PageSize with a width and height
- paragraph(geoscript.carto.ParagraphItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add a paragraph
- paragraph(geoscript.carto.ParagraphItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- paragraph(geoscript.carto.ParagraphItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- paragraph(geoscript.carto.ParagraphItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- paragraph(geoscript.carto.ParagraphItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- ParagraphItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Add a paragraph to a cartographic document.
- ParagraphItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in ParagraphItem
Create a paragraph from the top left with the given width and height.
- parts - Property in Composite
A List of Symbolizers
- PASS - Property in Filter
The PASS Filter wrapps the Geotools INCLUDE Filter
- path - Property in ImageItem
The File or URL
- Pbf - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A MapBox Vector Tile Reader and Writer
- Pbf() - Constructor in Pbf
- PbfVectorTileRenderer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileRenderer that creates MapBox PBF Vector Tiles
- PbfVectorTileRenderer(List<Layer>, Map<String, List>) - Constructor in PbfVectorTileRenderer
Create a new PbfVectorTileRenderer with a List of Layers and a Map of sub fields
where the key is the Layer name and the value is a List of sub fields
- Pdf - Class in geoscript.render
- Pdf() - Constructor in Pdf
- PdfCartoBuilder - Class in geoscript.carto
Build a cartographic document as a PDF document
- PdfCartoBuilder(geoscript.carto.PageSize) - Constructor in PdfCartoBuilder
Create a PdfCartoBuilder with the given PageSize
- PdfCartoFactory - Class in geoscript.carto
A CartoFactory that creates a CartoBuilder that produces PDF documents.
- PdfCartoFactory() - Constructor in PdfCartoFactory
- perpendicularOffset - Property in Stroke
The perpendicular offset
- Pie - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a pie Chart.
- Pie() - Constructor in Pie
- placement - Property in Label
The Point or Line Placement
- placePoint(geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in LineString
Place the
Point on the LineString
- placePoints(geoscript.geom.Point, geoscript.geom.Point, int) - Method in Geodetic
Place the given number of points between starting and ending Points
- PLESSIS - Property in Geodetic
- Plot - Class in geoscript.render
- Plot() - Constructor in Plot
- plot(geoscript.viewer.Viewer, java.util.Map, java.lang.Object) - Method in ViewerExtensionModule
Plot the Geometry (or List of Geometries) to a Swing JFrame using JFreeChart.
- plotToFile(geoscript.viewer.Viewer, java.util.Map, java.lang.Object, java.io.File) - Method in ViewerExtensionModule
Plot a Geometry (or List of Geometries) to an image File
- plotToImage(java.util.Map, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in Plot
Plot a Layer to an Image
- plotToImage(geoscript.viewer.Viewer, java.util.Map, java.lang.Object) - Method in ViewerExtensionModule
Plot a Geometry (or List of Geometries) to a BufferedImage
- plus(java.lang.Object) - Method in Filter
Combine the current Filter with another Filter.
- plus(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeometryCollection
Add a Geometry to this GeometryCollection to create another GeometryCollection.
- plus(java.lang.Object) - Method in Layer
Add a Feature to the Layer
- plus(geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in LineString
Add a Point to the end of this LineString
- plus(geoscript.geom.LineString) - Method in MultiLineString
Add a LineString to this MultiLineString to create another MultiLineString
- plus(geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in MultiPoint
Add a
Point to this MultiPoint to create another MultiPoint.
- plus(geoscript.geom.Polygon) - Method in MultiPolygon
Add a
Polygon to this MultiPolygon to create another MultiPolygon
- plus(geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in Point
Add this Point with another to create a MultiPoint.
- plus(geoscript.geom.Polygon) - Method in Polygon
Add this
Polygon with another to create a MultiPolygon.
- plus(List<Double>) - Method in Raster
Add a List of constant values to this Raster
- plus(geoscript.style.Symbolizer) - Method in Symbolizer
Combine this Symbolizer with another.
- PNG - Class in geoscript.render
Render a Map to a PNG
- PNG - Field in ImageCartoBuilder.ImageType
- PNG() - Constructor in PNG
Create a new PNG Renderer
- PngCartoFactory - Class in geoscript.carto
A CartoFactory that creates a CartoBuilder that produces PNG images.
- PngCartoFactory() - Constructor in PngCartoFactory
- Point - Class in geoscript.geom
A Point Geometry.
- point(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Label
Set the Point Placement for this Label
- POINT - Field in LegendItem.LegendEntryType
- Point(double, double, double) - Constructor in Point
Create a Point with an x,y,z coordinate
- Polygon - Class in geoscript.geom
A Polygon Geometry.
- POLYGON - Field in LegendItem.LegendEntryType
- Polygon(java.util.List) - Constructor in Polygon
Create a new Polygon from a List of a List of a List of Doubles or
- polygonAlign(java.lang.String) - Method in Label
Set the polygon align option (manual, ortho, mbr)
- polygonize() - Method in MultiLineString
Polygonize the LineStrings of this MultiLineString
- polyzonizeFull() - Method in MultiLineString
Polygonize the LineStrings of this MultiLineString and return a Map
with polygons, cutEdges, dangles, and invalidRingLines.
- postCreateTable(java.lang.String, org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType, java.sql.Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- postDropTable(java.lang.String, org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType, java.sql.Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- PostGIS - Class in geoscript.workspace
A PostGIS Workspace connects to a PostGIS database.
- PostGIS.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The PostGIS WorkspaceFactory
- PostGIS.Factory() - Constructor in PostGIS.Factory
- PostGIS(org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in PostGIS
Create a new PostGIS Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
- power(geoscript.render.Map, java.util.List) - Method in Regression
Create a power regression Chart
- prefixText - Property in ScaleTextItem
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in ChannelSelection
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in ColorMap
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in ContrastEnhancement
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Fill
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Font
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Get a PreparedGeometry for the given Geometry
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Halo
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Hatch
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Icon
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in ImageOutline
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Label
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in ShadedRelief
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Shape
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Stroke
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.FeatureTypeStyle, org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Symbolizer
Prepare the GeoTools FeatureTypeStyle and Rule by applying this Symbolizer.
- prepare(org.geotools.styling.Rule) - Method in Transform
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- preparedFactory - Property in Geometry
The JTS PreparedGeometryFactory used to create prepared JTS Geometry
- PreparedGeometry - Class in geoscript.geom
A PreparedGeometry makes repeated spatial operations more efficient.
- PreparedGeometry(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Constructor in PreparedGeometry
Create a PreparedGeometry from a Geometry
- prepGeom - Property in PreparedGeometry
The wrapped JTS PreparedGeometry
- priority - Property in Label
The priority
- Process - Class in geoscript.process
A Process is a way of packaging spatial algorithms.
- process - Property in Process
The underlying GeoTools Process
- ProcessFunction - Class in geoscript.filter
A Function that wraps a Process for rendering transformations.
- ProcessFunction(geoscript.process.Process, geoscript.filter.Function) - Constructor in ProcessFunction
Create a Rendering Transformation Function from a Process and a variable List of Functions.
- proj - Property in Field
The Projection
- proj - Property in Pyramid
The Projection
- proj - Property in TileLayer
The Projection
- proj - Property in VectorTiles
The Projection of the Layers
- Projection - Class in geoscript.proj
A Projection is a cartographic projection or coordinate reference system.
- Projection(int, geoscript.geom.Point) - Constructor in Projection
Create an AUTO Projection centered on the Point.
- projections() - Method in Projection
Get a List of all supported Projections.
- projId - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The Projection ID
- Property - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Workspace based on a directory of java style property files.
- Property.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Property WorkspaceFactory
- Property.Factory() - Constructor in Property.Factory
- property(geoscript.feature.Field) - Method in Expressions
Create a new Property Expression from a Field
- property - Property in Label
The property can be a Field, String, or Function
- Property(org.geotools.data.property.PropertyDataStore) - Constructor in Property
Create a new Property Workspace from a GeoTools PropertyDataStore
- put(geoscript.layer.ImageTile) - Method in DBTiles
- put(geoscript.layer.Tile) - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Add a Tile
- put(geoscript.layer.ImageTile) - Method in GeoPackage
- put(geoscript.layer.ImageTile) - Method in MBTiles
- put(geoscript.layer.ImageTile) - Method in OSM
Add a Tile
- put(T) - Method in TileLayer
Add a Tile
- put(geoscript.layer.ImageTile) - Method in TMS
Add a Tile
- put(geoscript.layer.ImageTile) - Method in USGSTileLayer
Add a Tile
- put(geoscript.layer.Tile) - Method in UTFGrid
- put(geoscript.layer.Tile) - Method in VectorTiles
Add a Tile
- putAt(geoscript.feature.Field, java.lang.Object) - Method in Feature
Set a value
- putAt(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in Raster
Set the value for the given Point or Pixel
- Pyramid - Class in geoscript.layer
The Tile Pyramid
- Pyramid.Origin - Enum in geoscript.layer
The Origin enumeration
- Pyramid() - Constructor in Pyramid
- pyramid - Property in TMS
The Pyramid structure
- pyramid - Property in VectorTiles
The Pyramid structure
- PyramidExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Groovy Extension Module for adding methods to the Pyramid class.
- PyramidExtensionModule() - Constructor in PyramidExtensionModule
- PyramidReader - Interface in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from a String
- PyramidReaders - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Utility for getting a list of all PyramidReaders.
- PyramidReaders() - Constructor in PyramidReaders
- PyramidWriter - Interface in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to a String.
- PyramidWriters - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Utility for getting a List of all PyramidWriters.
- PyramidWriters() - Constructor in PyramidWriters
- radius - Property in Halo
The radius
- random(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Fill
Add randomized fill.
- range(double, double) - Method in Composite
Apply the min and max scale to this Composite
- range(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Symbolizer
Apply min/max scale denominator using keywords.
- Raster - Class in geoscript.layer
A Raster
- Raster.Divide - Class in geoscript.layer
- Raster.Subtract - Class in geoscript.layer
- Raster(geoscript.geom.Bounds, int, int, List<Band>) - Constructor in Raster
Create a new Raster form a Bounds, image size, and List of Bands
- RasterSymbolizer - Class in geoscript.style
A Raster Symbolizer is used to style Rasters.
- RasterSymbolizer(geoscript.render.Map) - Constructor in RasterSymbolizer
Create a new Raster Symbolizer from named parameters.
- RasterTileRenderer - Class in geoscript.layer
Just render a Raster by resampling to the desired Bounds and Size.
- RasterTileRenderer(geoscript.layer.Raster) - Constructor in RasterTileRenderer
- read(geoscript.render.Map, org.geotools.util.factory.Hints) - Method in ArcGrid
Read a Raster from the stream (usually a File)
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in CartoReader
Read a CartoBuilder from a String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in ColorTableReader
Read a color table from a String to create a ColorMap Symbolizer
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in CSSReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a CSS String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in CsvPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from a CSV String.
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in CsvReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
- read(int) - Method in Cursor
Read n features into a List
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String, org.geotools.util.factory.Hints) - Method in Format
Read a Raster from the stream (usually a File)
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in GdalTmsPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from an XML String
- read(byte[]) - Method in GeobufReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from an array of bytes
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in GeoJSONReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
- read(byte[]) - Method in GeoPackageReader
Read a Geometry from a byte array
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.InputStream) - Method in GeoRSSReader
Read a Layer from a GeoRSS InputStream
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in Gml2Reader
Read a Geometry from a GML Version 2 String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in Gml3Reader
Read a Geometry from a GML Version 2 String
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String, double) - Method in GmlReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
- read(java.lang.String, int) - Method in GooglePolylineEncoder
Decode the encoded String as a LineString
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in GpxReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in JsonCartoReader
- read(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in JsonMapReader
Read a GeoScript Map from a map of values
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in JsonPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from a JSON String.
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in JsonSchemaReader
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in KmlReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in MapReader
Read a Map from a configuration string.
- read(java.io.InputStream) - Method in Mvt
Read a Layer from a MVT encoded InputStream
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in MvtReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a Base64 Encoded String
- read(geoscript.render.Map, byte[], geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in Pbf
Read a List of Layers
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in PyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from a String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in Reader
Read a GeoScript Style from a String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in Readers
Read a Style from a String.
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in SchemaReader
Read a Schema from a String
- read(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in SimpleStyleReader
Reade a GeoScript Style from a Map of options.
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in SLDReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a SLD String
- read(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in StringSchemaReader
- read(byte[]) - Method in TWkbReader
Read a Geometry from a byte array
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in UniqueValuesReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a String
- read(byte[]) - Method in WkbReader
Read a Geometry from a byte array
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in WktReader
Read a Geometry from a String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in XmlCartoReader
- read(groovy.xml.slurpersupport.GPathResult) - Method in XmlMapReader
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in XmlPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from an XML String
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in XmlSchemaReader
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in YamlCartoReader
- read(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in YamlMapReader
Read a GeoScript Map from a map of values
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in YamlReader
- read(java.lang.String) - Method in YSLDReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a String
- readBounds(byte[]) - Method in GeoPackageReader
Just read the Bounds from the byte arrya
- Reader - Interface in geoscript.style.io
Read a GeoScript Style from an InputStream, File, or String.
- reader - Property in VectorTiles
The Layer Reader
- Readers - Class in geoscript.style.io
A utility for getting Style Readers
- Readers() - Constructor in Readers
- readFeature(java.lang.Object) - Method in YamlReader
- readFeatures(geoscript.layer.Cursor, geoscript.feature.Schema, int) - Method in Layer
Read Features from a Cursor in Batches.
- readFeatures(geoscript.layer.Cursor, geoscript.feature.Schema, int) - Method in Workspace
Read Features from a Cursor in Batches.
- readGeometry(byte[], org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory, GeometryFormat) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- readGeometry(java.lang.Object) - Method in YamlReader
- readTms(java.lang.String) - Method in GdalTmsPyramidReader
Read a TMS Tile Layer from an XML String
- reclassify(geoscript.render.Map, java.util.List) - Method in Raster
Reclassify this Raster with a List of ranges.
- rectangle(geoscript.carto.RectangleItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add a rectangle
- rectangle(geoscript.carto.RectangleItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- rectangle(geoscript.carto.RectangleItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- rectangle(geoscript.carto.RectangleItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- rectangle(geoscript.carto.RectangleItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- RectangleItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Add a rectangle to a cartographic document.
- RectangleItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in RectangleItem
Create a rectangle from the top left with the given width and height.
- red(java.lang.String, geoscript.style.ContrastEnhancement) - Method in ChannelSelection
Set the red channel name and optionally the red ContrastEnhancement
- redContrastEnhancement - Property in ChannelSelection
The red ContrastEnhancement
- redName - Property in ChannelSelection
The red channel name
- reducePrecision(geoscript.render.Map, java.lang.String) - Method in Geometry
Reduce the precision of this Geometry.
- reflect(double, double, double, double) - Method in Geometry
Reflect the Geometry about the line (x1 y1, x2 y2)
- registerClassToSqlMappings(Map<Class<?>, Integer>) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- registerFunction(java.lang.String, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Function
Register a new Function by name with a Closure.
- registerProcess(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.render.Map, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Process
Register a Process with the GeoScript ProcessFactory
- registerSqlTypeNameToClassMappings(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- registerSqlTypeToSqlTypeNameOverrides(Map<Integer, String>) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- Regression - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a regression Chart.
- Regression() - Constructor in Regression
- relate(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry relates with the other Geometry given a D9 intesection
matrix pattern.
- reliefFactor - Property in ShadedRelief
The relief factor
- remove() - Method in Cursor
This method is unsupported and throws an UnsupportedOperationException
- remove(java.lang.String) - Method in Database
Remove the layer from the database
- remove(java.lang.String) - Method in Directory
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
- remove(java.lang.String) - Method in FlatGeobuf
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
- remove(java.lang.String) - Method in Geobuf
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
- remove(java.lang.String) - Method in Property
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
- remove(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.lang.Object) - Method in Quadtree
Remove an item from the index
- remove() - Method in TileCursor
This method is unsupported and throws an UnsupportedOperationException
- remove(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in Workspace
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
- removeField(geoscript.feature.Field, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with a new name by removing a Field from the current Schema
- removeFields(List<Field>, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with a new name by removing a List of Fields from the current Schema
- removePoint(int) - Method in LineString
Remove the Point at the given index and create a new LineString
- render(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in ASCII
Render the Map to the OutputStream
- render(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in Base64
Render the Map to the OutputStream
- render(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in GeoTIFF
- render(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in Image
Render the Map to the OutputStream
- render(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in ImageTileRenderer
- render(java.awt.Graphics2D) - Method in Map
Render the Map directly to a Graphics2D context
- render(List<Renderable>, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in MapCube
- render(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in PbfVectorTileRenderer
Renderer a Tile's data for a given Bounds
- render(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in Pdf
Render the Map to the OutputStream
- render() - Method in Raster
Render the Raster in a simple GUI
- render(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in RasterTileRenderer
- render(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in Renderer
Render the Map to the OutputStream
- render(geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in Svg
Render the Map to the OutputStream
- render(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in TileRenderer
Renderer a Tile's data for a given Bounds
- render(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in UTFGridTileRenderer
- render(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in VectorTileRenderer
- Renderable - Interface in geoscript.layer
An interface for marking a class as Renderable.
- Renderables - Class in geoscript.layer
Get map layers or Rendables from a List of Maps or Strings.
- Renderables() - Constructor in Renderables
- renderAnimated(List<BufferedImage>, int, boolean) - Method in GIF
Render a list of GIF images as an animated GIF to a byte array.
- Renderer - Class in geoscript.render
Render a
Map to a Type T or an OutputStream
- renderer - Property in ASCII
The Image Renderer
- renderer - Property in Base64
The Image Renderer
- renderer - Field in Map
The GeoTools Renderer
- Renderer() - Constructor in Renderer
- Renderers - Class in geoscript.render
A utility for getting Renderers
- Renderers() - Constructor in Renderers
- RENDERING - Property in Transform
- RENDERING - Field in Transform.Type
- renderToImage() - Method in Map
Render the Map to a BufferedImage for the given Bounds
- renderToString(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in UTFGridTileRenderer
Render a UTF tile
- reproject(java.lang.Object) - Method in Bounds
Reprojects the Bounds
- reproject(geoscript.layer.Layer, int, geoscript.proj.Projection) - Method in Layer
Reproject this Layer to another Layer that already exists.
- reproject(geoscript.proj.Projection) - Method in Raster
Reproject this Raster to another Projection creating a new Raster
- reproject(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Method in Schema
Reproject the schema with a new name
- resample(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Raster
Resample this Raster
- reset() - Method in Cursor
Reset and read the Features again.
- reset() - Method in TileCursor
Reset and read the Tiles again.
- reverse() - Method in LineString
Create a new LineString where the coordinates are in reverse order
- RIGHT - Field in HorizontalAlign
- rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in Geometry
Rotate the current Geometry around the xy coordinate by a given angle theta(in radians)
- rotation - Property in Shape
The rotation angle (0-360 or a geoscript.filter.Function)
- round2(double) - Method in Layer
- RoutePoints - Field in GpxReader.Type
- Routes - Field in GpxReader.Type
- row(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in TableItem
Add a row to the table
- rows - Property in TableItem
- saturate(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by saturating the current Color
- save(java.util.Map, java.io.File) - Method in Chart
Svae this Chart to a File
- save(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in DatabaseStyleRepository
- save(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in DirectoryStyleRepository
- save(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in NestedDirectoryStyleRepository
- save(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in StyleRepository
Save a style for a Layer with a given name
- scale(double) - Method in Bounds
Scales the current Bounds by a specific factor.
- scale(double, double, double, double) - Method in Geometry
Scale the Geometry relative to the origin
- scale(float, float, float, float, java.lang.String) - Method in Raster
Scale this Raster
- scale - Property in Symbolizer
A List of min and max scales
- scaleBar(geoscript.carto.ScaleBarItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add scale bar
- scaleBar(geoscript.carto.ScaleBarItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- scaleBar(geoscript.carto.ScaleBarItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- scaleBar(geoscript.carto.ScaleBarItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- scaleBar(geoscript.carto.ScaleBarItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- ScaleBarItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Adds scale bar to a cartographic document.
- ScaleBarItem.ScaleBarInfo - Class in geoscript.carto
- ScaleBarItem.ScaleBarInfo() - Constructor in ScaleBarItem.ScaleBarInfo
- ScaleBarItem.Units - Enum in geoscript.carto
- ScaleBarItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in ScaleBarItem
Create a scale bar from the top left with the given width and height.
- scaleFactor - Property in OverviewMapItem
- scaleText(geoscript.carto.ScaleTextItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add scale text
- scaleText(geoscript.carto.ScaleTextItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- scaleText(geoscript.carto.ScaleTextItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- scaleText(geoscript.carto.ScaleTextItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- scaleText(geoscript.carto.ScaleTextItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- ScaleTextItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Add scale text to a cartographic document.
- ScaleTextItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in ScaleTextItem
Create a scale text from the top left with the given width and height.
- Scatter - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a scatter plot Chart.
- Scatter() - Constructor in Scatter
- scatterplot(geoscript.render.Map, java.util.List) - Method in Scatter
Create a scatter plot Chart
- Schema - Class in geoscript.feature
A Schema describes the structure of a Feature.
- schema - Property in Feature
The Schema
- schema - Property in Layer
The Schema
- Schema(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) - Constructor in Schema
Create a new Schema with a name and a List of Fields.
- SchemaReader - Interface in geoscript.feature.io
Read a Schema from a String
- SchemaReaders - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Utility for finding all registered SchemaReaders.
- SchemaReaders() - Constructor in SchemaReaders
- SchemaWriter - Interface in geoscript.feature.io
Write a Schema to a String
- SchemaWriters - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Utility for finding all registered SchemaWriters.
- SchemaWriters() - Constructor in SchemaWriters
- SEASIA - Property in Geodetic
- selectBands(List<Integer>, int) - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster with selection of Bands
- set(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Feature
Set the values of this Feature based on values from a Map
- setAdvancedProjectionHandling(boolean) - Method in Map
Set whether to use advanced projection handling or not.
- setAnchorPoint(java.util.List) - Method in Shape
Set the anchor points (List of two values between 0 and 1)
- setAttributes(org.geotools.grid.GridElement, Map<String, Object>) - Method in Graticule.1
- setBackgroundColor(java.lang.Object) - Method in Map
Set the background color
- setBounds(geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in Map
Set the Bounds
- setCap(java.lang.Object) - Method in Stroke
Set the line cap(butt, round, square)
- setColor(java.lang.Object) - Method in Fill
Set the color
- setColor(java.lang.Object) - Method in Shape
Set the color
- setColor(java.lang.Object) - Method in Stroke
Set the color
- setContinuousMapWrapping(boolean) - Method in Map
Set whether to enable continuous map wrapping or not.
- setDisplacement(java.util.List) - Method in Shape
Set the displacement (List of two values between 0 and 1)
- setErrorHandler(java.lang.String) - Method in OGR
Set the OGR/GDAL Error Handler
- setFamily(java.lang.Object) - Method in Font
The font family (serif, Arial, Verdana)
- setFormat(java.lang.String) - Method in Icon
Set the format
- setGeom(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Feature
Set the Feature's Geometry
- setGeometry(java.lang.Object) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Set the geometry name
- setGeometryValue(geoscript.geom.Geometry, int, int, java.lang.Class, java.sql.PreparedStatement, int) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- setJoin(java.lang.Object) - Method in Stroke
Set the line join(miter, round, bevel)
- setMetadata(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in MBTiles
- setName(java.lang.Object) - Method in Hatch
Set the name of the pattern (vertline, horline, slash, backslash, plus, times)
- setOpacity(java.lang.Object) - Method in Fill
Set the opacity
- setOpacity(java.lang.Object) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Set the opacity (0-1)
- setOpacity(java.lang.Object) - Method in Shape
Set the opacity (0: transparent - 1 opaque)
- setOpacity(java.lang.Object) - Method in Stroke
Set the opacity (0: transparent - 1 opaque)
- setOverlap(java.lang.Object) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
- setPerpendicularOffset(java.lang.Object) - Method in Stroke
Set the perpendicular offset
- setPoint(int, geoscript.geom.Point) - Method in LineString
Set or replace the Point at the given index to create a new LineString
- setProj(java.lang.Object) - Method in Bounds
Set a Projection if the current Projection is not set
or reproject if needed
- setProj(java.lang.Object) - Method in Layer
Set the Layer's Projection.
- setProj(java.lang.Object) - Method in Map
Set the Map Projection
- setProj(java.lang.Object) - Method in Raster
Set the Projection of this Raster (reprojecting if necessary)
- setProperty(java.lang.Object) - Method in Label
Set the Label's Property which can be a String, a Field, or a Function
- setRadius(java.lang.Object) - Method in Halo
Set the radius
- setRotation(java.lang.Object) - Method in Shape
Set the rotation angle (0-360 or a geoscript.filter.Function)
- setScaleComputation(java.lang.String) - Method in Map
Set the scale computation algorithm (accurate or ogc).
- setSize(java.lang.Object) - Method in Font
The font size (8,10,12,24,ect...)
- setSize(java.lang.Object) - Method in Hatch
Set the size
- setSize(java.lang.Object) - Method in Icon
Set the size of the icon
- setSize(java.lang.Object) - Method in Shape
Set the size
- setStyle(java.lang.Object) - Method in Font
Set the font style (normal, italic, oblique)
- setType(java.lang.Object) - Method in Shape
Set the type (circle, square, triangle, star, cross, or x).
- setupParameters(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- setUpRendering() - Method in Map
Set up for rendering (add layers, configure bounds and projection)
- setUrl(java.lang.Object) - Method in Icon
Set the URL
- setValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, int) - Method in Raster
Set the value for the given Point or Pixel
- setWeight(java.lang.Object) - Method in Font
Set the font weight (normal, bold)
- setWidth(java.lang.Object) - Method in Stroke
Set the width
- SGC84 - Property in Geodetic
- shade(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by mixing the current Color with black
- ShadedRelief - Class in geoscript.style
Symbolize a Raster with a ShadedRelief or hill shading.
- ShadedRelief(java.lang.Object, boolean) - Constructor in ShadedRelief
Create a new ShadedRelief Symbolizer
- Shape - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for point geometries that consists of a color and size.
- shape - Property in Label
The Shape
- Shape(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in Shape
Create a new Shape.
- shape - Property in Stroke
The Shape for spaced graphics
- shape(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Shape.
- Shapefile - Class in geoscript.layer
A Shapefile Layer.
- Shapefile(java.lang.String) - Constructor in Shapefile
Create a Shapefile Layer from a File
- shear(double, double) - Method in Geometry
Shear the Geometry in X and Y direction
- show(java.util.Map) - Method in Chart
Open this Chart in a Window.
- SimpleStyleReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
A Simple StyleReader that can easily create simple Styles using Maps or Strings.
- SimpleStyleReader() - Constructor in SimpleStyleReader
- simplify() - Method in Filter
Simplify this Filter
- simplify(double) - Method in Geometry
Simplify this Geometry using the Douglas Peucker Simplifier.
- simplifyPreservingTopology(double) - Method in Geometry
Simplify this Geometry preserving topology.
- singleSidedBuffer(double, int, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a single sided buffer (+ for right side, - for left side)
- size - Property in Font
The font size (8,10,12,24,ect...)
- size - Property in Grid
The number of tiles
- size - Property in GridItem
- size - Property in Hatch
The size
- size - Property in Icon
The size of the Icon (default to -1 which means auto-size)
- size - Property in Shape
The size (6, 10, 12, ect...)
- SLDReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a Geoscript Style from a SLD File, InputStream or String
- SLDReader() - Constructor in SLDReader
- SLDWriter - Class in geoscript.style.io
Write a Style to an SLD document
- SLDWriter() - Constructor in SLDWriter
- slice(java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) - Method in GeometryCollection
Get a subset of Geometries in the GeometryCollection.
- smooth(double) - Method in Geometry
Smooth this Geometry
- snap(geoscript.geom.Geometry, double) - Method in Geometry
Snap this Geometry to the other Geometry within the given distance
- sortBy(java.lang.String, java.util.List) - Method in Symbolizer
Set cross layer z-ordering
- source - Property in MapCube
- SOUTH - Field in GeoHash.Direction
- SOUTHEAST - Field in GeoHash.Direction
- SOUTHWEST - Field in GeoHash.Direction
- spaceAround(float) - Method in Label
Set the space around a Label.
- SpatialIndex - Class in geoscript.index
A SpatialIndex base class.
- SpatialIndex(org.locationtech.jts.index.SpatialIndex) - Constructor in SpatialIndex
Create a new SpatialIndex with a JTS SpatialIndex
- SpatiaLite - Class in geoscript.workspace
A SpatiaLite Workspace connects to a SpatiaLite database.
- SpatiaLite.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The SpatiaLite WorkspaceFactory
- SpatiaLite.Factory() - Constructor in SpatiaLite.Factory
- SpatiaLite(org.geotools.data.ogr.OGRDataStore) - Constructor in SpatiaLite
- SPHERE - Property in Geodetic
- spin(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by rotating the hue angle of the current Color
- split(geoscript.layer.Layer, geoscript.feature.Field, geoscript.workspace.Workspace) - Method in Layer
Split this Layer into multiple Layers based on the Features from the split Layer.
- split(geoscript.geom.MultiLineString) - Method in MultiPolygon
Split a Polygon with a MultiLineString
- split(geoscript.geom.MultiLineString) - Method in Polygon
Split a Polygon with a MultiLineString
- Sqlite - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Sqlite Workspace based on the GDAL Sqlite format.
- Sqlite.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Sqlite WorkspaceFactory
- Sqlite.Factory() - Constructor in Sqlite.Factory
- Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory - Class in geoscript.workspace
- Sqlite.SqliteDialect - Class in geoscript.workspace
- Sqlite(org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in Sqlite
Create a new Sqlite Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
- SqliteDataStoreFactory(GeometryFormat) - Constructor in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
- SqliteDialect(org.geotools.jdbc.JDBCDataStore, GeometryFormat) - Constructor in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- StaticFeatureExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Feature class.
- StaticFeatureExtensionModule() - Constructor in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
- StaticGeometryExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.geom.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Geometry class.
- StaticGeometryExtensionModule() - Constructor in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
- StaticPyramidExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Pyramid class.
- StaticPyramidExtensionModule() - Constructor in StaticPyramidExtensionModule
- StaticStyleExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.style.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Style class.
- StaticStyleExtensionModule() - Constructor in StaticStyleExtensionModule
- stream - Field in Format
The stream which is usually a File
- strikethrough(boolean) - Method in Label
Set whether the Label should strike through the text or not
- StringSchemaReader - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Read a Schema from a simple String.
- StringSchemaReader() - Constructor in StringSchemaReader
- StringSchemaWriter - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Write a Schema to a simple String.
- StringSchemaWriter() - Constructor in StringSchemaWriter
- Stroke - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for linear geometries that consists of a color and a width.
- stroke - Property in Hatch
The Stroke
- stroke - Property in Shape
The Stroke
- Stroke(geoscript.render.Map) - Constructor in Stroke
Create a new Stroke with named parameters.
- stroke(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Stroke with named parameters.
- strokeColor1 - Property in NorthArrowItem
- strokeColor2 - Property in NorthArrowItem
- strokeColor - Property in GridItem
- strokeColor - Property in LineItem
- strokeColor - Property in RectangleItem
- strokeColor - Property in ScaleBarItem
- strokeColor - Property in TableItem.RowStyle
- strokeWidth - Property in GridItem
- strokeWidth - Property in LineItem
- strokeWidth - Property in NorthArrowItem
- strokeWidth - Property in RectangleItem
- strokeWidth - Property in ScaleBarItem
- STRtree - Class in geoscript.index
Create a SpatialIndex using the STR Tree spatial index.
- STRtree() - Constructor in STRtree
Create a SpatialIndex using the STR Tree spatial index.
- Style - Interface in geoscript.style
The Style interface
- style - Property in Font
The font style (normal, italic, oblique)
- style - Property in Layer
The Style
- style - Property in NorthArrowItem
- style - Property in Raster
The Style
- style - Property in VectorTiles
Either a Style or a Map of Styles by Layer name
- styleBuilder - Field in Symbolizer
The GeoTools StyleBuilder
- StyleExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.style.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Style class.
- StyleExtensionModule() - Constructor in StyleExtensionModule
- styleFactory - Field in Symbolizer
The GeoTools StyleFactory
- styleOptions - Field in Symbolizer
A Map of FeatureTypeStyle options
- StyleRepository - Interface in geoscript.style
A StyleRepository is a way to manage styles for layers.
- styles - Property in Font
Font styles (normal, italic, oblique)
- stylize() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster with current styling baked in.
- subLine(double, double) - Method in LineString
Extract a sub LineString from this LineString from the start and end positions.
- Subtract() - Constructor in Raster.Subtract
- Svg - Class in geoscript.render
Render a
Map to an SVG Document.
- Svg() - Constructor in Svg
- SvgCartoBuilder - Class in geoscript.carto
Build a cartographic document as a SVG document
- SvgCartoBuilder(geoscript.carto.PageSize) - Constructor in SvgCartoBuilder
Create a SvgCartoBilder with the given PageSize
- SvgCartoFactory - Class in geoscript.carto
A CartoFactory that creates a CartoBuilder that produces SVG documents.
- SvgCartoFactory() - Constructor in SvgCartoFactory
- Symbolizer - Class in geoscript.style
A Base class for all Symbolizers.
- symbolizer - Property in LegendItem.LegendEntry
- Symbolizer() - Constructor in Symbolizer
Create a new Symbolizer
- Symbolizers - Class in geoscript.style
The Symbolizers class is a collection of static methods that can be used
to create Symbolizers.
- Symbolizers() - Constructor in Symbolizers
- symDifference(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the symmetric difference between this Geometry and the other
- symDifference(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in Layer
Calculate the symmetric difference between this Layer and another Layer.
- table(geoscript.carto.TableItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add a table
- table(geoscript.carto.TableItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- table(geoscript.carto.TableItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- table(geoscript.carto.TableItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- table(geoscript.carto.TableItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- TableItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Add table to a cartographic document
- TableItem.RowStyle - Class in geoscript.carto
- TableItem.RowStyle() - Constructor in TableItem.RowStyle
- TableItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in TableItem
Create table from the top left with the given width and height.
- TABLOID_LANDSCAPE - Property in PageSize
The tabloid landscape 11 x 17 page size
- TABLOID_PORTRAIT - Property in PageSize
The tabloid portraait 17 x 11 page size
- tabSize - Property in MapCube
- text(geoscript.carto.TextItem) - Method in CartoBuilder
Add text
- text(geoscript.carto.TextItem) - Method in ImageCartoBuilder
- text(geoscript.carto.TextItem) - Method in Java2DCartoBuilder
- text - Property in ParagraphItem
- text(geoscript.carto.TextItem) - Method in PdfCartoBuilder
- text(geoscript.carto.TextItem) - Method in SvgCartoBuilder
- text - Property in TextItem
- textColor - Property in LegendItem
- textColor - Property in NorthArrowItem
- textColor - Property in ScaleBarItem
- textColor - Property in TableItem.RowStyle
- textFont - Property in LegendItem
- TextItem - Class in geoscript.carto
Add text to a cartographic document
- TextItem(int, int, int, int) - Constructor in TextItem
Create text from the top left with the given width and height.
- Tile - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile
- tile(double) - Method in Bounds
Partitions the bounding box into a set of smaller bounding boxes.
- Tile(long, long, long, byte[]) - Constructor in Tile
Create a new Tile with data
- TileCursor - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileCursor provides an easy way to iterate through Tiles.
- TileCursor(geoscript.layer.TileLayer, geoscript.geom.Point, long, int, int) - Constructor in TileCursor
Create a TileCursor for all Tiles centered on a Point for a given zoom level that fill an image of
a certain width and height
- TileGenerator - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileGenerator
- TileGenerator() - Constructor in TileGenerator
- tileHeight - Property in Pyramid
The tile height
- TileLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileLayer
- TileLayer() - Constructor in TileLayer
- TileLayerFactories - Class in geoscript.layer
A Utility for getting all TileLayerFactories.
- TileLayerFactories() - Constructor in TileLayerFactories
- TileLayerFactory - Class in geoscript.layer
- TileLayerFactory() - Constructor in TileLayerFactory
- TileRenderer - Interface in geoscript.layer
A TileRenderer can generate a Tile's data for a given Bounds
- tiles - Property in MBTiles
The GeoTools MBTilesFile
- tiles(geoscript.geom.Point, long, int, int) - Method in TileLayer
Get a TileCursor for all Tiles centered on a Point for a given zoom level that fill an image of
a certain width and height
- tileWidth - Property in Pyramid
The tile width
- time - Property in GpxWriter
The time elevation filter, closure, or value
- tint(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by mixing the current Color with the Color white
- title(java.lang.String) - Method in Composite
Set a title for this Composite
- title - Property in LegendItem
- title - Property in LegendItem.LegendEntry
- title - Property in MapCube
- title - Field in Symbolizer
The title of the Symbolizer
- titleColor - Property in LegendItem
- titleFont - Property in LegendItem
- TMS - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile Map Service (TMS) TileLayer.
- TMS.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The TMS TileLayerFactory
- TMS.Factory() - Constructor in TMS.Factory
- TMS(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.net.URL, geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Constructor in TMS
Create a TMS TileLayer with a base URL
- toDdm(boolean) - Method in DecimalDegrees
Convert the DecimalDegrees to a DDM string
- toDms(boolean) - Method in DecimalDegrees
Convert the DecimalDegrees to a DMS string
- toGeobuf(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to an OutputStream
- toGeobufBytes(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to a byte array
- toGeobufFile(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.File) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to a File
- toGeobufString(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to a String
- toGML(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GML to an OutputStream
- toGMLFile(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.File) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GML to a File
- toGMLString(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GML to a String
- toHex(java.lang.Object) - Method in Color
Convert a Color to a hex color string
- toJSON(geoscript.layer.Layer, geoscript.render.Map, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GeoJSON to an OutputStream
- toJSONFile(geoscript.layer.Layer, geoscript.render.Map, java.io.File) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GeoJSON to a File
- toJSONString(geoscript.layer.Layer, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GeoJSON to a String
- toKML(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.OutputStream, groovy.lang.Closure, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as KML to an OutputStream.
- toKMLFile(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.File, groovy.lang.Closure, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as KML to a File.
- toKMLString(geoscript.layer.Layer, groovy.lang.Closure, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as KML to a String.
- toMeters(double) - Method in Projection
Convert a distance in the Projection's native units to meters.
- TOP_LEFT - Field in Pyramid.Origin
- TOP_RIGHT - Field in Pyramid.Origin
- TOP - Field in VerticalAlign
- toString() - Method in Band
Get the string representation
- toString() - Method in Bounds
The string representation
- toString() - Method in ChannelSelection
The string representation
- toString() - Method in ColorMap
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Composite
The String representation
- toString() - Method in ContrastEnhancement
The string representation
- toString() - Method in DateTextItem
- toString() - Method in DecimalDegrees
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Directory
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Expression
The String representation
- toString() - Method in Feature
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Field
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Fill
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Filter
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Font
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Format
Get a String representation of this Format
- toString() - Method in Function
The string presentation
- toString() - Method in Geodetic
The string representation.
- toString() - Method in Geometry
The string representation
- toString() - Method in GridItem
- toString() - Method in Halo
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Hatch
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Icon
The string representation
- toString() - Method in ImageItem
- toString() - Method in ImageOutline
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Label
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Layer
The string representation
- toString() - Method in LegendItem
- toString() - Method in LineItem
- toString() - Method in MapItem
- toString() - Method in NorthArrowItem
- toString() - Method in OGR
The String representation
- toString() - Method in OverviewMapItem
- toString() - Method in PageSize
- toString() - Method in ParagraphItem
- toString() - Method in PreparedGeometry
The String representation
- toString() - Method in Process
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Projection
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Property
Get the string representation
- toString() - Method in RasterSymbolizer
The string representation
- toString() - Method in RectangleItem
- toString() - Method in ScaleTextItem
- toString() - Method in Schema
The string representation
- toString() - Method in ShadedRelief
The string representation
- toString() - Method in Shape
The string representation
- toString() - Method in SpatiaLite
The String representation
- toString() - Method in Stroke
The string representation
- toString() - Method in TableItem
- toString() - Method in TableItem.RowStyle
- toString() - Method in TextItem
- toString() - Method in TileCursor
- toString() - Method in TileLayer
- toString() - Method in Transform
The string representation
- toString() - Method in WFS
The String representation
- toString() - Method in WMS
The String representation
- toString() - Method in WMS.Layer
The string representation
- toString() - Method in WMSLayer
The String representation
- toString() - Method in WorldFile
The string representation
- touches(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry touches the other Geometry
- touches(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry touches the given Geometry.
- toYaml(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as YAML to an OutputStream
- toYamlFile(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.File) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as YAML to a File
- toYamlString(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as a YAML String
- TrackPoints - Field in GpxReader.Type
- Tracks - Field in GpxReader.Type
- Transform - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer that wraps a geoscript.filter.Function generally
used for transforming Geometry or String or Date formatting.
- Transform.Type - Enum in geoscript.style
The Type enumeration
- transform(java.lang.String, geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Layer
Transform this Layer into a Layer with a new name using a Map
of definitions.
- transform(geoscript.geom.Geometry, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) - Method in Projection
Reproject the Geometry from the source Projection to the destination
- transform(geoscript.render.Map) - Method in Raster
Transform this Raster using an Affine Transformation.
- transform(java.lang.String) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Transform from a CQL filter function.
- Transform(java.lang.String, geoscript.layer.io.GpxReader.Type) - Constructor in Transform
Create a new Transform from a CQL filter function.
- translate(double, double) - Method in Geometry
Translate the Geometry.
- triangulate() - Method in Geometry
Triangulate the Geometry
- TWkbReader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a
Geometry from a TWKB hex String or byte array.
- TWkbReader() - Constructor in TWkbReader
- TWkbWriter - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a
Geometry to a WKB hex String or byte array.
- TWkbWriter() - Constructor in TWkbWriter
Create a new WkbWriter with an output dimension of 2 and big endian byte order.
- typ - Property in Field
The type
- type - Property in ColorMap
The ColorMap type (intervals, values, ramp)
- type - Property in GeoRSSWriter
The type of encoding (simple, gml, w3c)
- type - Property in GpxReader
The Type of data to read from the GPX document
- type - Property in GpxWriter
The type filter, closure, or value
- type - Property in LegendItem.LegendEntry
- type - Property in Map
The output type (png, jpg, pdf, svg, base64)
- type - Property in Shape
The type (circle, square, triangle, star, cross, or x).
- type - Property in VectorTiles
The vector tile type (json, pbf)
- WALBECK - Property in Geodetic
- WayPoints - Field in GpxReader.Type
- WayPointsRoutesTracks - Field in GpxReader.Type
- weight - Property in Font
The font weight (normal, bold)
- weights - Property in Font
Font weights (normal, bold)
- WEST - Field in GeoHash.Direction
- WFS - Class in geoscript.workspace
A WFS Workspace.
- WFS.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The WFS WorkspaceFactory
- WFS.Factory() - Constructor in WFS.Factory
- WFS(org.geotools.data.wfs.WFSDataStore) - Constructor in WFS
Create a new WFS Workspace from a GeoTools WFSDataStore
- WGS60 - Property in Geodetic
- WGS66 - Property in Geodetic
- WGS72 - Property in Geodetic
- WGS84 - Property in Geodetic
- where(java.lang.Object) - Method in Composite
Apply the Filter or CQL statement to the Composite
- where(java.lang.Object) - Method in Symbolizer
Apply a filter to the symbolizer.
- width - Property in ASCII
The maximum output width
- width - Property in Grid
The width or number of columns
- width - Property in Item
- width - Property in Map
The width of the Map
- width - Property in PageSize
- width - Property in Stroke
The width (1, 2, 5, ect...)
- widthInPixels - Property in ScaleBarItem.ScaleBarInfo
- widthInUnits - Property in ScaleBarItem.ScaleBarInfo
- Window - Class in geoscript.render
A simple GUI for viewing a
- Window() - Constructor in Window
Create a Window
- within(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is within the other Geometry
- within(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry is within the given Geometry.
- withTileLayer(geoscript.layer.TileLayer, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in TileLayer
Use a TileLayer within a Closure and make sure it gets closed.
- withWorkspace(geoscript.workspace.Workspace, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Workspace
Use a Workspace within the Closure.
- withWriter(geoscript.render.Map, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Layer
Add Features to a Writer within a Closure that takes a Writer ready to adding Features.
- WKB - Field in CsvReader.Type
- WKB - Field in CsvWriter.Type
- WkbReader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a
Geometry from a WKB hex String or byte array.
- WkbReader() - Constructor in WkbReader
- WkbWriter - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a
Geometry to a WKB hex String or byte array.
- WkbWriter(int, int) - Constructor in WkbWriter
Create a new WkbWriter with an output dimension and byte order.
- WKT - Field in CsvReader.Type
- WKT - Field in CsvWriter.Type
- WktReader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
- WktReader() - Constructor in WktReader
- WktWriter - Class in geoscript.geom.io
- WktWriter() - Constructor in WktWriter
- WMS - Class in geoscript.layer
The Web Map Server (WMS) module is a connection to a remote WMS server.
- WMS.Layer - Class in geoscript.layer
A WMS.Layer
- wms - Property in WMS
The GeoTools WebMapServer
- WMSLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A WMSLayer is a way to draw one or more WMS layers on a Map.
- WMSLayer(geoscript.layer.WMS, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Constructor in WMSLayer
Create a new WMSLayer
- WMSMapExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.layer
A Groovy Extension Module that adds WMS methods to the Map.
- WMSMapExtensionModule() - Constructor in WMSMapExtensionModule
- wordSpacing(int) - Method in Label
Set the spacing between words
- Workspace - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Workspace is a container of Layers.
- workspace - Property in Layer
The Workspace
- Workspace(java.lang.String) - Constructor in Workspace
Create a new Workspace from a parameter string.
- WorkspaceFactories - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Utility for getting a List of WorkspaceFactories
- WorkspaceFactories() - Constructor in WorkspaceFactories
- WorkspaceFactory - Class in geoscript.workspace
A WorkspaceFactory creates Workspaces from connection parameters
- WorkspaceFactory() - Constructor in WorkspaceFactory
- WorldFile - Class in geoscript.layer
Read and write world files
- WorldFile(geoscript.geom.Bounds, java.util.List, java.io.File) - Constructor in WorldFile
Write a new WorldFile
- WorldImage - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write WorldImage Rasters.
- WorldImage.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The WorldImage FormatFactory
- WorldImage.Factory() - Constructor in WorldImage.Factory
- WorldImage(java.lang.Object) - Constructor in WorldImage
Create a new WorldImage Format
- wrap(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Wrap a JTS Geometry in a geoscript.geom.Geometry
- wrap(java.lang.Object) - Method in GeoScript
Convert a GeoTools Object to a GeoScript Object if possible
- wrap(org.geotools.data.DataStore) - Method in Workspace
Wrap a GeoTools DataStore in the appropriate GeoScript Workspace
- write(geoscript.style.Style) - Method in ColorTableWriter
Write the ColorMap Symbolizer as a color table to a String
- write(geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Method in CsvPyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to a CSV String
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in CsvWriter
Write the Layer to a String
- write(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Raster) - Method in Format
Write the Raster to the destination object (usually a File)
- write(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.TMS) - Method in GdalTmsPyramidWriter
Write the TMS tile layer to a String.
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in GeobufWriter
Write the Layer to a String
- write(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in GeoJSONWriter
Write the Layer to a String
- write(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeoPackageWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB hex String
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in GeoRSSWriter
Write the Layer as a GeoRSS document to a String
- write(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Gml2Writer
Write the Geometry to GML
- write(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in Gml3Writer
Write the Geometry to GML
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, java.lang.String) - Method in GmlWriter
Write the Layer to a String
- write(geoscript.geom.Geometry, int) - Method in GooglePolylineEncoder
Encode a LineString
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in GpxWriter
Write the Layer to a String
- write(geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Method in JsonPyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to a JSON String.
- write(geoscript.feature.Schema) - Method in JsonSchemaWriter
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in KmlWriter
Write the Layer to a KML String
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer, java.io.OutputStream) - Method in Mvt
Write the Layer to an OutputStream
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in MvtWriter
Write the Layer to a String
- write(geoscript.render.Map, List<Layer>, geoscript.geom.Bounds) - Method in Pbf
Write a List of Layers
- write(geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Method in PyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to a String
- write(geoscript.feature.Schema) - Method in SchemaWriter
Write a Schema to a String
- write(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.style.Style) - Method in SLDWriter
Write the Style to a String
- write(geoscript.feature.Schema) - Method in StringSchemaWriter
- write(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in TWkbWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB hex String
- write(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in WkbWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB hex String
- write(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in WktWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB hex String
- write(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Raster) - Method in WorldImage
Write the Raster to the destination object (usually a File)
- write(geoscript.style.Style) - Method in Writer
Write the Style to a String
- write(geoscript.layer.Pyramid) - Method in XmlPyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to an XML String.
- write(geoscript.feature.Schema) - Method in XmlSchemaWriter
- write(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in YamlWriter
- write(geoscript.style.Style) - Method in YSLDWriter
Write the Style to a String
- writeBytes(geoscript.layer.Layer) - Method in GeobufWriter
Write the Layer to an array of bytes
- writeBytes(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in GeoPackageWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB byte array
- writeBytes(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in TWkbWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB byte array
- writeBytes(geoscript.geom.Geometry) - Method in WkbWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB byte array
- writeGeometry(geoscript.geom.Geometry, GeometryFormat) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
- Writer - Interface in geoscript.style.io
Write a GeoScript Style to an InputStream, File, or String.
- Writer(geoscript.render.Map, geoscript.layer.Layer) - Constructor in Writer
Create a new Writer for a Layer.
- Writers - Class in geoscript.style.io
A utility for getting Style Writers
- Writers() - Constructor in Writers
- writeToString(geoscript.layer.Raster, java.lang.String) - Method in ArcGrid
Write an ArcGrid Raster to a String