class ShadedRelief extends RasterSymbolizer
Symbolize a Raster with a ShadedRelief or hill shading.
You can create ShadedRelief Symbolizer by using defaults (relief factor of 55 and brightness only to false):
def shadedRelief = new ShadedRelief()
Or you can create explicity set those values:
def shadedRelief = new ShadedRelief(35, true)
Fields inherited from class | Fields |
class Symbolizer |
filterFactory, styleBuilder, styleFactory, styleOptions, title |
Type | Name and description |
boolean |
brightnessOnly Whether to turn on the brightness only flag |
Expression |
reliefFactor The relief factor |
Constructor and description |
(java.lang.Object reliefFactor, boolean brightnessOnly) Create a new ShadedRelief Symbolizer |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
protected void |
apply(Symbolizer sym) Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer |
protected void |
prepare(Rule rule) Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer |
java.lang.String |
toString() The string representation |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class RasterSymbolizer |
apply, geometry, opacity, overlap, prepare, setGeometry, setOpacity, setOverlap, toString |
class Symbolizer |
and, apply, asSLD, asSLD, buildString, composite, createGeoToolsSymbolizer, getDefault, getDefault, getGeoToolsSymbolizers, getGtStyle, getSld, getTitle, plus, prepare, prepare, range, range, sortBy, sortBy, title, where, zindex |
Whether to turn on the brightness only flag
The relief factor
Create a new ShadedRelief Symbolizer
- The relief factorbrightnessOnly
- Whether to turn on the brightness only flagApply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
- The GeoTools SymbolizerPrepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
- The GeoTools RuleThe string representation
Groovy Documentation