class Layer extends java.lang.Object implements Renderable
A Layer is a source of spatial data that contains a collection of Features. Most often Layers are accessed from a Workspace but you can create an in memory Layer by simply passing a name and a Schema:
If, all you want to store in a Layer is Geometry, you can just pass a layer name:Schema schema = new Schema("facilities", [new Field("geom","Point", "EPSG:2927"), new Field("name","string"), new Field("address","string")]) Layer layer = new Layer("facilities", schema)
Layer layer = new Layer("points") layer.add([new Point(0,0)]) layer.add([new Point(1,1)])
Modifiers | Name | Description |
protected static FilterFactory2 |
filterFactory |
The FilterFactory2 for creating Filters |
Constructor and description |
(FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> fs) Create a new Layer from a GeoTools FeatureSource |
(Layer layer) Create a new Layer from an existing Layer |
(java.lang.String name, Workspace workspace, FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> fs, Schema schema) Create a new Layer from a name, Workspace, FeatureSource, and Schema |
(Workspace workspace, FeatureSource<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature> fs) Create a new Layer from a Workspace and FeatureSource |
(java.lang.String name, Workspace workspace) Create a new Layer from a name and Workspace |
(java.lang.String name, Schema schema) Create a new Layer with a name in the Memory Workspace |
() Create a new Layer with a default name, Schema in the Memory Workspace |
(java.lang.String name) Create a new Layer with the given name, a simple Schema with just a Geometry Field in the Memory Workspace |
(FeatureCollection fc) Create a new Layer from a GeoTools FeatureCollection. |
(java.lang.String name, FeatureCollection fc) Create a new Layer from a GeoTools FeatureCollection |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
void |
add(java.lang.Object o) Add a Feature to the Layer |
Bounds |
bounds(java.lang.Object filter) Get the Bounds of the Features in the Layer |
Bounds |
bounds(Map options) Get the Bounds of Layer using named parameters |
Layer |
buffer(Map options, double distance) Buffer all of the Features in the this Layer. |
Layer |
buffer(Map options, Expression distance) Buffer all of the Features in the this Layer. |
Layer |
clip(Map options, Layer clipLayer) Clip this Layer by another Layer. |
java.util.List |
collectFromFeature(java.lang.Object filter, groovy.lang.Closure closure) Collect values from the Features of a Layer |
java.util.List |
collectFromFeature(Map options, groovy.lang.Closure closure) Collect values from the Features of a Layer |
int |
count(java.lang.Object filter) Count the number of Features in the layer |
int |
count(Map options) Count the number of Features using named parameters |
void |
delete(java.lang.Object filter) Delete Features from the Layer |
Layer |
dissolve(Map options, Field field) Dissolve the Features of a Layer by a Field. |
Layer |
dissolve(Map options) Dissolve intersecting Features of a Layer. |
void |
eachFeature(java.lang.Object filter, groovy.lang.Closure closure) Call the Closure for each Feature optionally filtered by the Filter |
void |
eachFeature(Map options, groovy.lang.Closure closure) Call the Closure for each Feature. |
Layer |
erase(Map options, Layer layer2) Erase this Layer with another Layer. |
Layer |
filter(java.lang.Object filter, java.lang.String newName) Filer the Layer. |
Feature |
first(Map options) Get the first Feature that matches |
static Layer |
fromGeometries(Map options, java.lang.String name, java.util.List<Geometry> geometries) Create a Layer from a List of Geometries |
static Layer |
fromGeometry(Map options, java.lang.String name, Geometry geometry) Create a Layer from a Geometry |
Bounds |
getBounds() Get the Bounds of the Features in the Layer |
int |
getCount() Count the number of Features in the layer |
Cursor |
getCursor(Map options) Get a Cursor over the Features of the Layer using named parameters. |
Cursor |
getCursor(java.lang.Object filter, java.util.List sort, int max, int start, java.util.List fields, java.lang.Object sourceProj, java.lang.Object destProj, java.lang.Object params) Get a Cursor over the Features of the Layer. |
java.util.List<Feature> |
getFeatures(java.lang.Object filter, groovy.lang.Closure transform, java.util.List sort, Map params) Get a List of Features |
java.util.List<Feature> |
getFeatures(Map options) Get a List of Features |
java.lang.String |
getFormat() Get the Workspace format |
java.util.List |
getMapLayers(Bounds bounds, java.util.List size) Get the map layers @return |
java.lang.String |
getName() Get the Layer's name |
Projection |
getProj() Get the Layer's Projection |
Raster |
getRaster(java.lang.Object field, java.util.List gridSize, Bounds bounds, java.lang.String rasterName) Convert this Layer into a Raster |
Style |
getStyle() |
Writer |
getWriter(Map options) Get a Writer for this Layer |
java.util.List |
histogram(java.lang.Object field, int classes) Calculate a histogram of values for an attribute of the Layer. |
Layer |
identity(Map options, Layer layer2) Calculate the identity between this Layer and another Layer. |
java.util.List |
interpolate(java.lang.Object field, int classes, java.lang.String method) Create a List of interpolated values for a Field |
Layer |
intersection(Map options, Layer layer2) Intersect this Layer with another Layer. |
Layer |
merge(Map options, Layer otherLayer) Merge this Layer with another Layer to create an output Layer |
Map |
minmax(java.lang.Object field, java.lang.Object low, java.lang.Object high) Calculates the minimum and maximum values for an attribute of the Layer. |
static java.lang.String |
newname() Generate a new name |
void |
plus(java.lang.Object o) Add a Feature to the Layer |
void |
queueModified(Feature feature, java.lang.String name) Add the Feature to a List of modified Features |
protected FeatureCollection |
readFeatures(Cursor cursor, Schema schema, int chunk) Read Features from a Cursor in Batches. |
Layer |
reproject(Projection p, java.lang.String newName, int chunk, Projection sourceProjection) Reproject the Layer |
Layer |
reproject(Projection p, Workspace outputWorkspace, java.lang.String newName, int chunk, Projection sourceProjection) Reproject the Layer to another Layer in the given Workspace |
Layer |
reproject(Layer projectedLayer, int chunk, Projection sourceProjection) Reproject this Layer to another Layer that already exists. |
protected double |
round2(double num) |
void |
setProj(java.lang.Object value) Set the Layer's Projection. |
void |
split(Field field, Workspace workspace) Split this Layer into sub Layers based on values taken from the Field. |
void |
split(Layer splitLayer, Field field, Workspace workspace) Split this Layer into multiple Layers based on the Features from the split Layer. |
Layer |
symDifference(Map options, Layer layer2) Calculate the symmetric difference between this Layer and another Layer. |
java.lang.String |
toString() The string representation |
Layer |
transform(java.lang.String name, Map definitions) Transform this Layer into a Layer with a new name using a Map of definitions. |
Layer |
union(Map options, Layer layer2) Union this Layer with another Layer. |
void |
update(Field fld, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object filter, boolean isScript) Update the values of a Field |
void |
update() Update all modified Features whose values where changed with the Feature.set(field,value) method. |
Layer |
update(Map options, Layer layer2) Calculate the update between this Layer and another Layer. |
void |
withWriter(Map options, groovy.lang.Closure c) Add Features to a Writer within a Closure that takes a Writer ready to adding Features. |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class java.lang.Object |
java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll() |
The FilterFactory2 for creating Filters
The GeoTools FeatureSource
The name
The Schema
The Style
The Workspace
Create a new Layer from a GeoTools FeatureSource
- The GeoTools FeatureSourceCreate a new Layer from an existing Layer
- Another LayerCreate a new Layer from a name, Workspace, FeatureSource, and Schema
- The Layer's nameworkspace
- The Workspacefs
- The GeoTools FeatureSourceschema
- The GeoScript SchemaCreate a new Layer from a Workspace and FeatureSource
- The Workspacefs
- The GeoTools FeatureSourceCreate a new Layer from a name and Workspace
- The Layer's nameworkspace
- The WorkspaceCreate a new Layer with a name in the Memory Workspace
- The Layer's nameschema
- The SchemaCreate a new Layer with a default name, Schema in the Memory Workspace
Create a new Layer with the given name, a simple Schema with just a Geometry Field in the Memory Workspace
Create a new Layer from a GeoTools FeatureCollection.
- The GeoTools FeatureCollectionCreate a new Layer from a GeoTools FeatureCollection
- The name of the new Layerfc
- The GeoTools FeatureCollectionAdd a Feature to the Layer
- The Feature, the List of Features, or a List/Map of valuesGet the Bounds of the Features in the Layer
- The Filter or Filter String to limit the Features used to construct the bounds. Defaults to null.Get the Bounds of Layer using named parameters
- The named parameters
Buffer all of the Features in the this Layer.
- The Map of options which can include outWorkspace and outLayer
- The buffer distanceBuffer all of the Features in the this Layer.
- The Map of options which can include outWorkspace and outLayer
- An Expression that represents the buffer distance (can be a Literal, Function, or Property)Clip this Layer by another Layer.
- Named parameters
- The clip LayerCollect values from the Features of a Layer
- The Filter which is optionalclosure
- A Closure which takes a Feature and returns a valueCollect values from the Features of a Layer @return
- The named parameters
* closure
- The Closure which takes a Feature and returns a valueCount the number of Features in the layer
- The Filter or Filter String to limit the number of Features counted. Defaults to null.Count the number of Features using named parameters
- The named parameters
Delete Features from the Layer
- The Filter or Filter String to limit the Features to delete. Defaults to null.Dissolve the Features of a Layer by a Field.
- A Map of options that can include outLayer, outWorkspace, idFieldName, and countFieldNamelayer
- The input Layerfield
- The FieldDissolve intersecting Features of a Layer.
- A Map of options that can include outLayer, outWorkspace, idFieldName, and countFieldName
- The input Layerfield
- The FieldCall the Closure for each Feature optionally filtered by the Filter
- The Filter which is optionalclosure
- A Closure which takes a FeatureCall the Closure for each Feature.
- The named parameters
* closure
- The Closure which takes a FeatureErase this Layer with another Layer.
- Named parameters
- The second LayerFiler the Layer.
- A Filter or Filter String used to limit the number of Features returned in the new LayernewName
- The name of the new Layer (defaults to a default new name)Get the first Feature that matches @return
- Named parameters
Create a Layer from a List of Geometries
- Optional named parameters:
- The name of the new Layergeometries
- The List of GeometriesCreate a Layer from a Geometry
- Optional named parameters:
- The name of the new Layergeometry
- The GeometryGet the Bounds of the Features in the Layer
Count the number of Features in the layer
Get a Cursor over the Features of the Layer using named parameters.
- The Map of named parameters can include:
Get a Cursor over the Features of the Layer.
- The Filter or Filter String to limit the Features. Defaults to null.sort
- A List of Lists [[Field or Field name, "ASC" or "DESC"],...] or a List of Strings ["name DESC", "price ASC"]
that define the sort order. Not all Layers support sorting!max
- The maximum number of Features to include in the Cursorstart
- The zero based index of the record to start the cursor at. Together with maxFeatures this simulates paging.
Not all Layers support the start index and paging!fields
- A List of Fields or Field names to include. Used to select only a subset of Fields.params
- A Map of parameters to plug into the query.Get a List of Features
- The Filter or Filter String to limit the Features used to construct the bounds. Defaults to null.transform
- The Closure used to modify the Features. Defaults to null.sort
- A List of Lists that define the sort order [[Field or Field name, "ASC" or "DESC"],...]. Not all Layers
support sorting!params
- A Map of parameters to plug into the query.Get a List of Features
- The named parameters
Get the Workspace format
Get the map layers @return
Get the Layer's name
Get the Layer's Projection
Convert this Layer into a Raster
- The numeric Field or Field name from which to get valuesgridSize
- The grid size (width and height)bounds
- The Bounds of the Rastername
- The name of the RasterGet a Writer for this Layer
- The named parameters
Calculate a histogram of values for an attribute of the Layer.
- The Field or field nameclasses
- The number of classesCalculate the identity between this Layer and another Layer.
- Named parameters
- The second LayerCreate a List of interpolated values for a Field
- The Field of Field nameclasses
- The number of classesmethod
- The interpolation method: linear, exp(onential), log(arithmic)Intersect this Layer with another Layer.
- Named parameters
- The second LayerMerge this Layer with another Layer to create an output Layer
- A Map of options that can include outLayer or outWorkspace
- The other layerCalculates the minimum and maximum values for an attribute of the Layer.
- The Fieldlow
- The low/minimum valuehigh
- The high/maximum valueGenerate a new name
Add a Feature to the Layer
- The Feature or List/Map of valuesAdd the Feature to a List of modified Features
- The modified Featurename
- The modified field name.Read Features from a Cursor in Batches.
- The Cursorschema
- The output Schemachunk
- The number of Features to be readReproject the Layer
- The ProjectionnewName
- The new name (defaults to a default new name)chunk
- The number of Features to reproject in one batchsourceProjection
- The optional default source Projection if the Layer doesn't have a Projection definedReproject the Layer to another Layer in the given Workspace
- The ProjectionoutputWorkspace
- The output WorkspacenewName
- The name of the new Layerchunk
- The number of Features to reproject in one batchsourceProjection
- The optional default source Projection if the Layer doesn't have a Projection definedReproject this Layer to another Layer that already exists.
- The already created projected Layerchunk
- The number of Features to reproject in one batchsourceProjection
- The optional default source Projection if the Layer doesn't have a Projection definedSet the Layer's Projection.
- The value can either be a Projection or a StringSplit this Layer into sub Layers based on values taken from the Field. The new Layers are created in the given Workspace.
- The Field that contains the values that will be used to split the Layerworkspace
- The Workspace where the new Layers will be createdSplit this Layer into multiple Layers based on the Features from the split Layer.
- The split Layer whose Features are used to split this Layer into multiple Layersfield
- The Field from the split Layer used to name the new Layersworkspace
- The Workspace where the new Layers are createdCalculate the symmetric difference between this Layer and another Layer.
- Named parameters
- The second LayerThe string representation
Transform this Layer into a Layer with a new name using a Map of definitions.
- The new namedefinitions
- A Map of Definitions (key=Field name, value=Expression)Union this Layer with another Layer.
- Named parameters
- The second LayerUpdate the values of a Field
- The Field whose values will be updatedvalue
- Either a static value, a Closure that takes
a Feature and return an Object, an Expression, or a Groovy Script (if isScript is true)filter
- The Filter to limit the Features that will be updatedisScript
- A flag for whether the value is a Groovy script or not (defaults to false).
If the value is a script, it can access the Feature as variable f and the counter as
variable c.Update all modified Features whose values where changed with the Feature.set(field,value) method.
Calculate the update between this Layer and another Layer.
- Named parameters
- The second LayerAdd Features to a Writer within a Closure that takes a Writer ready to adding Features.
- The named parameters
- A Closure which takes one parameter, a WriterGroovy Documentation