A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


absolute() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster by calculating the absolute value for every cell.
add(def) - Method in Layer
Add a Feature to the Layer
add(Map, Layer, String, int) - Method in OGR
Add an existing Layer to this Workspace
add(List<Double>) - Method in Raster
Add a List of constant values to this Raster
add(Layer, String, int) - Method in Workspace
Add a Layer as a name to the Workspace
add(Feature) - Method in Writer
Add a Feature
addField(Field, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with a new name by adding a Field to the current Schema
addFields(List<Field>, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with a new name by adding a List of Fields to the current Schema
addGeometryColumn(Connection, String, String, GeometryType, int, int, GeometryFormat) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
addLayer(Renderable) - Method in Map
Add a Renderable Map Layer
addPoint(int, Point) - Method in LineString
Add a Point at the given index
addRaster(Raster) - Method in Map
Add a Raster
addSchema(Map, Schema, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema by adding another Schema to this current Schema.
addSpatialReferenceSystem(Connection, int, String, int, String) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
addTileLayer(TileLayer) - Method in Map
Add a TileLayer
addWMSLayer(Map, WMS) - Method in WMSMapExtensionModule
Add a WMS Layer
and(def) - Method in Filter
Combine the current Filter with another Filter.
and(Symbolizer) - Method in Symbolizer
Combine this Symbolizer with another.
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in ChannelSelection
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in ColorMap
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in ContrastEnhancement
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Fill
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Font
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Halo
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Hatch
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Icon
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in ImageOutline
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Label
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in ShadedRelief
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Shape
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Stroke
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Symbolizer
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
apply(Symbolizer) - Method in Transform
Apply this Symbolizer to the GeoTools Symbolizer
ArcGrid - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write ArcGrids
ArcGrid.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The ArcGrid FormatFactory
ArcGrid(def) - Constructor in ArcGrid
Create a new ArcGrid
ASCII - Class in geoscript.render
A Renderer that outputs ASCII art maps.
asColor() - Method in Color
Get a java.awt.Color for this Color
asSLD(File) - Method in Symbolizer
Write this Symbolizer to a SLD File
asType(Class) - Method in Bounds
Override the asType method to convert Bounds to Geometry if the Class is Geometry
asType(Class) - Method in Geometry
Override the asType method to convert Geometry to a custom value
asType(Map, Class) - Method in GeoScript
Create a GeoScript Workspace from a Map
autoWrap(int) - Method in Label
Set the auto wrap length.


Band - Class in geoscript.layer
A Band of Raster Data that represents a single band/channel/layer.
Band(SampleDimension) - Constructor in Band
Create a new Band wrapping a GeoTools SampleDimension
Bar - Class in geoscript.plot
Create bar Charts.
Base64 - Class in geoscript.render
A Base64 Renderer
bbox(String, Bounds) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Bounding Box Filter
bboxes(Bounds, int) - Method in GeoHash
Calculate all of the hash strings in a Bounds
bboxesLong(Bounds, int) - Method in GeoHash
Calculate all of the hash longs in a Bounds
BIG_ENDIAN - Field in WkbWriter
The big endian byte order constant
bin(int, int) - Method in Histogram
Get the i'th bin for the given band
bins(int) - Method in Histogram
Get a List of all bins
blue(String, ContrastEnhancement) - Method in ChannelSelection
Set the blue channel name and optionally the blue ContrastEnhancement
Bounds - Class in geoscript.geom
A Bounds is an Envelope with a Projection.
Bounds(Point, double, double, boolean) - Constructor in Bounds
Create a new Bounds from a Point (which can either be the origin/lower left or center) and a width and height
bounds(Map) - Method in Layer
Get the Bounds of Layer using named parameters
bounds(Tile) - Method in Pyramid
Calculate the Bounds for the given Tile
Box - Class in geoscript.plot
Create box and whiskers Charts.
box(Map, Map) - Method in Box
Create a box and whisker Chart.
brighter(int) - Method in Color
Create a new brighter Color
buffer(double, int, int) - Method in Geometry
Buffer the Geometry by some distance.
buffer(Map, Expression) - Method in Layer
Buffer all of the Features in the this Layer.
buildString(String, Map) - Method in Symbolizer
Build a string representation of the Symbolizer


calculate(Map, def, Map<String, Raster>) - Method in MapAlgebra
Calculate a new Raster by performing the map algebra specified by the Jiffle/MapCalc script.
cascadedUnion(List<Polygon>) - Method in Geometry
Perform a cascaded union on a List of Polygons
category(Map, Map) - Method in Bar
Create an Category Bar Chart.
changeField(Field, Field, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema by changing an existing Field's definition.
changeFields(Map<Field, Field>, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema by changing one or more Field's definition.
changeGeometryType(String, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with the same fields as this Schema but with a different Geometry type
ChannelSelection - Class in geoscript.style
The ChannelSelection Symbolizer is used to style multi-spectral Rasters such as multi-band satellite imagery.
ChannelSelection(Map) - Constructor in ChannelSelection
Create a new ChannelSelection from named parameters.
characterSpacing(int) - Method in Label
Set the spacing between characters
Chart - Class in geoscript.plot
A Chart.
Chart(JFreeChart) - Constructor in Chart
Create a new Chart wrapping a JFreeChart
CircularRing - Class in geoscript.geom
A CircularRing is a closed CircularString.
CircularRing(Map, List) - Constructor in CircularRing
Create a CircularRing from a List of double Lists or Points
CircularString - Class in geoscript.geom
A CircularString is a collection of connected circular arc segments.
CircularString(Map, List) - Constructor in CircularString
Create a CircularString from a List of double Lists or Points
clip(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Clip this Layer by another Layer.
close() - Method in Cursor
Closes the Cursor.
close() - Method in DBTiles
close() - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Close the TileLayer
close() - Method in GeoPackage
close() - Method in LineString
Close a LineString to create a LinearRing
close() - Method in Map
Closes the Map by disposing of any resources.
close() - Method in MBTiles
close() - Method in OSM
Close the TileLayer
close() - Method in TileLayer
Close the TileLayer
close() - Method in TMS
Close the TileLayer
close() - Method in UTFGrid
close() - Method in VectorTiles
Close the TileLayer
close() - Method in Workspace
Closes the Workspace by disposing of any resources.
close() - Method in Writer
Closes the writing session.
collectFromFeature(Map, Closure) - Method in Layer
Collect values from the Features of a Layer
Color - Class in geoscript.filter
A Color Expression and a set of Color Utilities used in the Style module.
Color(def) - Constructor in Color
Create a new Color from a value
color(def) - Method in Expressions
Create a new Color Expression from a color convertable object.
ColorMap - Class in geoscript.style
A ColorMap is a Symbolizer used to style Rasters by mapping pixel values to colors.
ColorMap(double, double, List, String, boolean) - Constructor in ColorMap
Create a ColorMap for min and max values with a List of colors
ColorTableReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a color table to create a Raster ColorMap Symbolizer
ColorTableWriter - Class in geoscript.style.io
Write a ColorMap Symbolizer to a color table
Composite - Class in geoscript.style
A Composite is a Symbolizer that contains one of more Symbolizers.
Composite(List) - Constructor in Composite
Create a new Composite with a List of Symbolizers
composite(Map, String) - Method in Symbolizer
Set composite (copy, destination, source-over, destination-over, source-in, destination-in, source-out, destination-out, source-atop, destination-atop, xor) or blending (multiply, screen, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference, exclusion)
CompoundCurve - Class in geoscript.geom
A CompoundCurve is a connected set of CircularStrings and LineStrings
CompoundCurve(Map, List<LineString>) - Constructor in CompoundCurve
Create a CompoundCurve from a List of LineStrings or CircularStrings
CompoundRing - Class in geoscript.geom
A CompoundRing is a connected set of CircularStrings and LineStrings
CompoundRing(Map, List<LineString>) - Constructor in CompoundRing
Create a CompoundRing from a List of LineStrings or CircularStrings
conflictResolution(boolean) - Method in Label
Disable label conflict resolution or not.
contains(Point) - Method in Bounds
Determine whether this Bounds contains the Point
contains(String, Geometry) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Filter that contains the given Geometry
contains(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry contains the other Geometry.
contains(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry contains the given Geometry
contains(int, int) - Method in Raster
Determine whether this Raster contains the pixel coordinates
containsProperly(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry contains the given Geometry.
content - Field in Map
The GeoTools MapContent
contours(int, def, boolean, boolean, Bounds) - Method in Raster
Create contours
contrast(Color, Color, double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color that has the largest constrast of the current Color between the dark and light Colors.
ContrastEnhancement - Class in geoscript.style
A ContrastEnhancement is a Symbolizer used to style Rasters by modifying the contrast.
ContrastEnhancement(String, def) - Constructor in ContrastEnhancement
Create a new ContrastEnhancement
convert(Object, Class) - Method in Process
Convert the source Object to the target Class if possible.
convertGeoScriptToGeoToolsClass(Class) - Method in Process
Add the ability to dynamically create and register custom Processes
convertGeoToolsToGeoScriptClass(Class) - Method in Process
Convert a GeoTools Class to a correspondng GeoScript Class
convolve(int, int) - Method in Raster
Calculate a convoluted version of the current Raster
count(int, int) - Method in Histogram
Get the count for the i'th bin for the given band
count(Map) - Method in Layer
Count the number of Features using named parameters
counts(int) - Method in Histogram
Get a List of all counts for all of the bins for the given band
coveredBy(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is covered by the other Geometry
coveredBy(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry is covered by the given Geometry.
covers(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry covers the other Geometry
covers(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry covers the given Geometry.
create(Map) - Method in DBTiles.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in Directory.Factory
create(Object) - Method in FormatFactory
Create a Format from the input source or return null.
create(DataStore) - Method in Geobuf.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in GeoPackage.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in H2.Factory
create(Map) - Method in MBTiles.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in Memory.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in MySQL.Factory
create(Map, Cursor) - Method in OGR
Create a Layer from a Cursor
create(DataStore) - Method in OGR.Factory
create(Map) - Method in OSM.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in PostGIS.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in Property.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in SpatiaLite.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in Sqlite.Factory
create(Map) - Method in TileLayerFactory
create(Map) - Method in TMS.Factory
create(Map) - Method in UTFGrid.Factory
create(Map) - Method in VectorTiles.Factory
create(DataStore) - Method in WFS.Factory
create(Schema) - Method in Workspace
Create a Layer with a Schema
create(DataStore) - Method in WorkspaceFactory
Create a Workspace wrapping the GeoTools DataStore.
createArc(double, double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a LineString arc based on this Bound's extent from the start angle (in radians) for the given angle extent (also in radians) with the given number of points and rotation.
createArcPolygon(double, double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a Polygon arc based on this Bound's extent from the start angle (in radians) for the given angle extent (also in radians) with the given number of points and rotation.
createContrastEnhancement() - Method in ContrastEnhancement
Create a GeoTools ContrastEnhancement
createDataSource(Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
createDataStoreInternal(JDBCDataStore, Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
createEllipse(int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create an ellipse or circle based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
createFill() - Method in Fill
Create the GeoTools Fill object
createFromFile(File) - Method in ArcGrid.Factory
createFromFile(File) - Method in FormatFactory
Create a Format from the File.
createFromFile(File) - Method in GeoTIFF.Factory
createFromFile(File) - Method in Grass.Factory
createFromFile(File) - Method in MrSID.Factory
createFromFile(File) - Method in NetCDF.Factory
createFromFile(File) - Method in WorldImage.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in ArcGrid.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in FormatFactory
Create a Format from the GeoTools AbstractGridFormat and input source if possible.
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in GeoTIFF.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in Grass.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in GTopo30.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in ImagePyramid.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in Mosaic.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in MrSID.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in NetCDF.Factory
createFromFormat(AbstractGridFormat, Object) - Method in WorldImage.Factory
createFromText(String, String, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a Geometry from a text and font.
createGeoToolsSymbolizer(Class) - Method in Symbolizer
Create a GeoTools Symbolizer of the given Class
createGlobalGeodeticPyramid(Map) - Method in Pyramid
Create a Pyramid with Grids for common global geodetic tile sets.
createGlobalMercatorPyramid(Map) - Method in Pyramid
Create a Pyramid with Grids for common global web mercator tile sets.
createGraduatedSymbolizer(Layer, String, String, int, def, String) - Method in Gradient
Create a graduated Symbolizer
createGraphic(Symbolizer) - Method in Shape
Create a GeoTools Graphic from The GeoTools Symbolizer.
createHatch() - Method in Hatch
Create a GeoTools Graphic based on this Hatch
createHexagon(boolean) - Method in Bounds
Create a hexagon based on this Bound's extent
createHexagons(Map, Bounds, double, double, String) - Method in Graticule
Creates a hexagon polygon graticule.
createIndex(String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in Database
Create an index
createIterator() - Method in Cursor
Create the FeatureIterator based on the FeatureCollection and options
createKochSnowflake(Bounds, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a Koch Snowflake Geometry
createLines(Map, Bounds, List<Map>, double) - Method in Graticule
Creates a line based graticule
createMark() - Method in Shape
Create a GeoTools Mark from this Shape
createQuadtree() - Method in SpatialIndex
Create a Quad Tree SpatialIndex
createRandomPoints(Geometry, int) - Method in Geometry
Create the given number of randomly located points inside of the given Geometry
createRandomPointsInGrid(Bounds, int, boolean, double) - Method in Geometry
Create the given number of randomly located points inside of the given Geometry and also constrained by the cells of a grid.
createRectangle(int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a rectangle or square based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
createRectangles(Map, Bounds, double, double, double) - Method in Graticule
Creates a rectangular polygon graticule
createSierpinskiCarpet(Bounds, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a Sierpinski Carpet Geometry
createSineStar(int, double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a sine star based on this Bound's extent with the given number of arms and arm length ratio with the given number of points and rotation.
createSQLDialect(JDBCDataStore) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
createSquares(Map, Bounds, double, double) - Method in Graticule
Creates a square polygon graticule.
createSquircle(int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a squircle based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
createStroke() - Method in Stroke
Create a GeoTools Stroke from this GeoScript Stroke
createSTRtree() - Method in SpatialIndex
Create a STR Tree SpatialIndex
createSuperCircle(double, int, double) - Method in Bounds
Create a super circle based on this Bound's extent with the given number of points and rotation.
createTables(Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
createTriangles() - Method in Bounds
Create triangles to fill the Bounds
createView(Map, String, String, Field) - Method in Database
Create a Layer from a SQL View
crop(int, int, int, int) - Method in Raster
Crop this Raster using pixel coordinates
crosses(String, Geometry) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Filter that crosses the given Geometry
crosses(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry crosses the other Geometry
crosses(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry crosses the given Geometry.
CSSReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a Geoscript Style from a CSS File, InputStream or String
CsvPyramidReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from a CSV String.
CsvPyramidWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to a CSV String.
CsvReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a CSV String, File, or InputStream and create a Layer.
CsvReader.Type - Enum in geoscript.layer.io
The geometry encoding type.
CsvReader(Map, String, CsvReader.Type) - Constructor in CsvReader
Read a CSV dataset with the geometry encoded as WKT.
CsvWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a CSV String.
CsvWriter.Type - Enum in geoscript.layer.io
How to encode the geometry
CsvWriter(Map, String, String, CsvWriter.Type) - Constructor in CsvWriter
Create a CsvWriter that encodes geometry in separator x and y values
Cursor - Class in geoscript.layer
A Cursor is a Iterator over a Feature objects.
Cursor(Map, FeatureCollection<SimpleFeatureType, SimpleFeature>, Layer) - Constructor in Cursor
Create a new Cursor with a FeatureCollection and a Layer
Curve - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a curved line Chart.
curve(Map, List) - Method in Curve
Create a curved line Chart


darken(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by darkening the current Color
darker(int) - Method in Color
Create a new darker Color
Database - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Workspace that is a Database.
Database(DataStore) - Constructor in Database
Create a new Database wrapping a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
DBTiles - Class in geoscript.layer
The DBTiles TileLayer stores tiles like MBTiles but in any JDBC database.
DBTiles.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The DBTiles TileLayerFactory
DBTiles(Map, DataSource, String, String) - Constructor in DBTiles
Create a new DBTiles from a SQL DataSource
DecimalDegrees - Class in geoscript.proj
A DecimalDegrees class that can parse and format DD, DMS, and DDM.
DecimalDegrees(String) - Constructor in DecimalDegrees
Create a new DecimalDegrees from a string
decode(long) - Method in GeoHash
Decode a Point from a hash long
decodeBounds(long, int) - Method in GeoHash
Decode a Bounds from as hash long
decodeGeometryEnvelope(ResultSet, int, Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
decodeGeometryValue(GeometryDescriptor, ResultSet, String, GeometryFactory, Connection, Hints) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
delete(ImageTile) - Method in DBTiles
delete(Tile) - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Delete a Tile
delete() - Method in GeoPackage
Delete this TileLayer.
delete(def) - Method in Layer
Delete Features from the Layer
delete(TileCursor<ImageTile>) - Method in MBTiles
Delete all Tiles in the TileCursor
delete(ImageTile) - Method in OSM
Delete a Tile
delete(TileCursor<T>) - Method in TileLayer
Delete all of the Tiles in the TileCursor
delete(ImageTile) - Method in TMS
Delete a Tile
delete(Tile) - Method in UTFGrid
Delete a Tile
delete(Tile) - Method in VectorTiles
Delete a Tile
deleteDatabase(Map, String) - Method in PostGIS
Delete the database.
deleteGeometryColumn(Connection, String) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
deleteIndex(String, String) - Method in Database
Delete an index
deleteView(String) - Method in Database
Delete a SQL View Layer
densify(double) - Method in Geometry
Densify this Geometry
deriveRange(NumberRange, Parameters) - Method in Raster.Divide
deriveRange(NumberRange, Parameters) - Method in Raster.Subtract
desaturate(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by desaturating the current Color
difference(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the difference between this Geometry and the other Geometry
Directory - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Directory Workspace can contain one or more Shapefiles.
Directory.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Directory WorkspaceFactory
Directory(ShapefileDataStore) - Constructor in Directory
Create a Directory Workspace from a GeoTools ShapefileDataStore
disjoint(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is disjoint from the other Geometry
disjoint(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry is disjoint the given Geometry.
display(Map) - Method in Displayer
Display the Map in a GUI
display() - Method in Map
Display the Map in an interactive GUI
display(Map, Map) - Method in MapWindow
display(Map, Map) - Method in Window
Displayer - Interface in geoscript.render
A Displayer can display a Map in a GUI
Displayers - Class in geoscript.render
A utility for getting Displayers
dispose() - Method in Chart
Dispose of this Chart.
dispose() - Method in Raster
Dispose of this Raster
dissolve(Map) - Method in Layer
Dissolve intersecting Features of a Layer.
distance(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the distance between this Geometry and other Geometry
div(List<Double>) - Method in Raster
Divide this Raster by a List of constant values
divide(List<Double>) - Method in Raster
Divide this Raster by a List of constant values
download(Map, URL, File) - Method in GeoScript
Download a URL to a File
Draw - Class in geoscript.render
Easily draw a Geometry, a Feature, and a Layer to an image or interactive App.
draw(List, String, int) - Method in Color
Draw a List of Colors to a JFrame
draw(Map, Raster) - Method in Draw
Draw a Raster
draw(Map, Graphics2D, List) - Method in Viewer
Draw a List of GeoScript Geometries to a Graphics2D.
drawTab(Graphics2D, int, int, String, int) - Method in MapCube
drawToFile(Map, def, File) - Method in Viewer
Save a drawing of the Geometry (or List of Geometries) to a File
drawToImage(List, String, int) - Method in Color
Draw a List of Colors to an Image
drawToImage(Map, Raster) - Method in Draw
Draw a Raster to an image
drawToImage(Map, def) - Method in Viewer
Draw Geometry (or List of Geometries) to a BufferedImage
dump(Map, File, Cursor) - Method in Shapefile
Dump the Cursor which may contain more than one Geometry type into a Directory of Shapefiles
dwithin(String, Geometry, double, String) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Filter that is within a certain distance of the given Geometry.


eachCell(Map, Closure) - Method in Raster
Call the Closure for each cell in this Raster
eachFeature(Map, Closure) - Method in Layer
Call the Closure for each Feature.
eachWindow(Map, Closure) - Method in Raster
Call the Closure for each window of values in this Raster
encode(Point, int) - Method in GeoHash
Encode a Point as a hash string
encodeGeometryEnvelope(String, String, StringBuffer) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
encodeLong(Point, int) - Method in GeoHash
Encode a Point as a hash long
encodePrimaryKey(String, StringBuffer) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
ensureWidthAndHeight() - Method in Bounds
Ensure that the Bounds has a width and height.
equals(Object) - Method in Bounds
Determine whether this Bounds equals another Bounds
equals(Object) - Method in Field
equals(String, Object) - Method in Filter
Create a Filter where a Property equals a Literal
equals(Object) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry equals another Object
equals(Object) - Method in Projection
Does this Projection equal the other?
equals(Object) - Method in Schema
equalsNorm(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry equals another Geometry after they are both normalized
equalsTopo(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry topologically equals another Geometry
erase(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Erase this Layer with another Layer.
eval(int, int, String) - Method in Raster
Get the value of the Raster at the given pixel Location.
evaluate(Object) - Method in Expression
Evaluate the Filter against an Object (commonly a Feature)
evaluate(Feature) - Method in Filter
Evaluate the Filter against a Feature
execute(Map) - Method in Process
Execute this Process with the given parameters
exp() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster by calculating the exponential value for every cell.
expand(Bounds) - Method in Bounds
Expand this Bounds to include another Bounds
expandBy(double) - Method in Bounds
Expand the Bounds by the given distance in all directions
Expression - Class in geoscript.filter
A base class for all Expressions.
Expression(def) - Constructor in Expression
Create a new Expression from a value
expression(def) - Method in Expressions
Create a new Expression from a value
Expressions - Class in geoscript.filter
The Expressions class holds static methods for creating new Expressions (Expression, Color, Function, Property).
extractFootPrint(Map) - Method in Raster
Extract the foot print of this Raster as a vector Layer


Feature - Class in geoscript.feature
A Feature contains a set of named attributes with values.
Feature(Map, String) - Constructor in Feature
Create a new Feature with a Map of Attributes and an Id.
feature(Map, String) - Method in Schema
Create a Feature from this Schema with a Map of values and the id.
FeatureExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds methods to the Feature class.
Field - Class in geoscript.feature
A Field is composed of a name and a type.
Field(Field) - Constructor in Field
Create a new Field based on an existing Field
field(String) - Method in Schema
Get a Field by name
Fill - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for area/polygonal geometries.
Fill(def, def) - Constructor in Fill
Create a new Fill.
fill(Fill) - Method in Label
Set how the Label will be filled.
fill(Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Fill.
Filter - Class in geoscript.filter
A Filter is a predicate or constraint used to match or filter Feature objects.
Filter(String) - Constructor in Filter
Create a new Filter from a String (CQL or XML).
filter(def, String) - Method in Layer
Filer the Layer.
filterFactory - Field in Expression
The GeoTools FilterFactory
filterFactory - Field in Layer
The FilterFactory2 for creating Filters
filterFactory - Field in Symbolizer
The GeoTools FilterFactory
find(String) - Method in Displayers
Find a Displayer by name (window, mapwindow)
find(String) - Method in PyramidReaders
Find a PyramidReader by name (csv, geojson, kml)
find(String) - Method in PyramidWriters
Find a PyramidWriter by name (csv, geojson, kml)
find(String) - Method in Readers
Find a Style by name (sld, css)
find(String) - Method in Renderers
Find a Renderer by name (png, svg, gif)
find(String) - Method in SchemaReaders
Find a SchemaReader by name (string, json)
find(String) - Method in SchemaWriters
Find a SchemaWriter by name (csv, geojson, kml)
find(String) - Method in Writers
Find a Style Writer by name (sld, css)
first(Map) - Method in Layer
Get the first Feature that matches
fixAspectRatio(int, int) - Method in Bounds
Fix the aspect ration of this Bounds based on the given width and height.
Font - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for a Label Font.
Font(def, def, def, def) - Constructor in Font
Create a new Font.
font(def) - Method in Label
Set the Font
font(Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Font with named parameters.
forceLeftToRight(boolean) - Method in Label
Disable label flipping making labels always follow natural orientation of the line or not.
Format - Class in geoscript.layer
A Raster Format can read and write Rasters
Format(AbstractGridFormat, def) - Constructor in Format
Create a new Format wrapping an AbstractGridFormat
FormatFactories - Class in geoscript.layer
A Utility for getting a List of all FormatFactories
FormatFactory - Class in geoscript.layer
A FormatFactory creates a Format from an input source which is usually a File, URL, or InputStream
forward(Point, double, double) - Method in Geodetic
Calculate a new Point and back azimuth given the starting Point, azimuth, and distance.
fromCQL(String) - Method in Expression
Create a new Expression from a CQL statement
fromCsv(Pyramid, String) - Method in StaticPyramidExtensionModule
Create a Pyramid from a CSV String
fromGeobuf(Feature, InputStream) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GeoBuf InputStream
fromGeobuf(Geometry, byte[]) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a Geobuf byte array
fromGeoJSON(Feature, String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GeoJSON String
fromGeoJSON(Geometry, String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GeoJSON String
fromGeoRSS(Feature, String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GeoRSS String
fromGML2(Geometry, String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GML2 String
fromGML3(Geometry, String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GML3 String
fromGml(Feature, Map, String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GML String
fromGpx(Feature, String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a GPX String
fromGpx(Geometry, String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a GPX String
fromJson(Pyramid, String) - Method in StaticPyramidExtensionModule
Create a Pyramid from a JSON String
fromKml(Feature, Map, String) - Method in StaticFeatureExtensionModule
Read a Feature from a KML String
fromKml(Geometry, String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from a KML String
fromString(String) - Method in Bounds
Create a Bounds from a String or return null
fromString(String) - Method in Geometry
Get a Geometry from a String with an unknown format.
fromString(String) - Method in Pyramid
Create a Pyramid from a String.
fromURL(Map, URL, File) - Method in Directory
Get a Directory from a zipped Shapefile
fromWKB(Geometry, String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from WKB hex string
fromWKT(Geometry, String) - Method in StaticGeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geometry from WKT
fromXml(Pyramid, String) - Method in StaticPyramidExtensionModule
Create a Pyramid from an XML String
Function - Class in geoscript.filter
A GeoScript Function either wraps an existing GeoTools Function or an CQL String.
function(String, Closure) - Method in Expressions
Create a new Function from a Closure
Function(Process, Function) - Constructor in Function
Create a Rendering Transformation Function from a Process and a variable List of Functions.


GdalTmsPyramidReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from a GDAL MiniDriver XML File
GdalTmsPyramidWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to a GDAL MiniDriver XML File
generate(Map, TileLayer, TileRenderer, int, int) - Method in TileGenerator
Generate Tiles for a TileLayer using a TileRenderer
generateColorMap(List<Map>, String, boolean) - Method in ColorMap
Generate a GeoTool's ColorMap from A List of Maps with color, opacity, quantity, and label keys
generateGrid(double, double, String, Closure) - Method in Bounds
Generate a grid with the given cell width and height
GeneratingTileLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileLayer that can generate Tiles on demand as a client tries to get them.
GeneratingTileLayer(TileLayer, TileRenderer) - Constructor in GeneratingTileLayer
Create a new GeneratingTileLayer that uses the TileRenderer to create Tiles on demand for the given TileLayer.
Geobuf - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Geobuf Workspace.
Geobuf.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Geobuf WorkspaceFactory
Geobuf(GeobufDirectoryDataStore) - Constructor in Geobuf
Create a new Geobuf Workspace from a GeobufDirectoryDataStore
GeobufReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a Geobuf encoded protocol buffer.
GeobufReader(Map) - Constructor in GeobufReader
Create a new GeobufReader
GeobufWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a Geobuf encoded protocol buffer.
GeobufWriter(Map) - Constructor in GeobufWriter
Create a new GeobufWriter
Geodetic - Class in geoscript.proj
The Geodetic class can be used to calculate azimuths, distances, and Points on an Ellipsoid.
Geodetic(DefaultEllipsoid) - Constructor in Geodetic
Create a new Geodetic using the GeoTools DefaultEllipsoid
GeoHash - Class in geoscript.index
A GeoHash module.
GeoHash.Direction - Enum in geoscript.index
A Direction enum used when calculating neighbors
GeoHash.Direction(int, int) - Constructor in GeoHash.Direction
GeoHash() - Constructor in GeoHash
Create a new GeoHash
GeoJSONReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a GeoJSON InputStream, File, or String.
GeoJSONWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a GeoJSON InputStream, File, or String.
Geometry - Class in geoscript.geom
The base class for other Geometries.
Geometry(Geometry) - Constructor in Geometry
Create a new Geometry wrapping a JTS Geometry
geometry(def) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Set the geometry name
GeometryCollection - Class in geoscript.geom
A GeometryCollection is a heterogenerous collection of other Geometries.
GeometryCollection(List<Geometry>) - Constructor in GeometryCollection
Create a GeometryCollection from a List of Geometries.
GeometryExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.geom.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds methods to the Geometry class.
GeoPackage - Class in geoscript.workspace
A GeoPackage Workspace.
GeoPackage.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The GeoPackage WorkspaceFactory
GeoPackage(JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in GeoPackage
Create a new GeoPackage Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
GeoPackageReader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read GeoPackage encoded Geometries
GeoPackageWriter - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geometry to a GeoPackage Geometry byte array or hex string
GeoPackageWriter(Map) - Constructor in GeoPackageWriter
Create a new GeoPackageWriter
GeoRSSReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a GeoRSS document
GeoRSSWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer as a GeoRSS document.
GeoScript - Class in geoscript
The GeoScript class contains category methods.
GeoTIFF - Class in geoscript.render
GeoTIFF.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The GeoTIFF FormatFactory
GeoTIFF() - Constructor in GeoTIFF
get(long, long, long) - Method in DBTiles
get(String) - Method in Directory
Get a Layer by name
get(Field) - Method in Feature
Get a value by a Field.
get(long, long, long) - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Get a Tile
get(long, long, long) - Method in GeoPackage
get(long, long, long) - Method in MBTiles
get(long, long, long) - Method in OSM
Get a Tile
get(String) - Method in Property
Get a Layer by name
get(String) - Method in Schema
Get a Field by name
get(long, long, long) - Method in TileLayer
Get a Tile
get(long, long, long) - Method in TMS
Get a Tile
get(long, long, long) - Method in UTFGrid
get(long, long, long) - Method in VectorTiles
Get a Tile
get(String) - Method in Workspace
Get a Layer by name
getAbstract() - Method in WMS
Get the abstract (WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Abstract)
getAngle(Point, String) - Method in Point
Get the angle between this Point and another Point
getArea() - Method in Bounds
Get the area of this Bounds
getArea() - Method in Geometry
Get the area of this Geometry
getAspect() - Method in Bounds
Get the ratio of width to height for this bounds.
getAt(int) - Method in Bounds
Get a value from this Bounds at the given index (minX = 0, minY = 1, maxX = 2, maxY = 3).
getAt(Field) - Method in Feature
Get a value by Field.
getAt(int) - Method in Geometry
Get the sub Geometry at the specified index.
getAt(List) - Method in Histogram
Get a List of all counts for all of the bins for the given band
getAt(def) - Method in Raster
Get the value of the Raster at the given geographic Location or pixel location.
getAt(String) - Method in Workspace
Another way to get a Layer by name.
getAttributes() - Method in Feature
Get a Map of all attributes
getAzimuth(Point, String) - Method in Point
Get the azimuth between this Point and the other Point.
getBands() - Method in Raster
Get the List of Bands
getBase64String() - Method in Tile
Get the data as a Base64 encoded string
getBlockSize() - Method in Raster
Get the block size
getBoundary() - Method in Geometry
Get the boundary of this Geometry
getBounds() - Method in Feature
The Bounds of the Feature's Geometry.
getBounds() - Method in Geometry
Get the Bounds of this Geometry
getBounds() - Method in Layer
Get the Bounds of the Features in the Layer
getBounds() - Method in Map
Get the Bounds
getBounds() - Method in Projection
Get the extent for this Projection
getBounds() - Method in Raster
Get the Bounds
getBounds() - Method in TileCursor
Get the Bounds of tiles in this TileCursor
getBounds(def) - Method in WMS.Layer
Get a Bounds in the given Projection
getBounds() - Method in WMSLayer
Get the Bounds
getCentroid() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the centroid of this Geometry.
getChildren() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get a List of child WMS.Layers
getCols() - Method in Raster
Get the number of columns
getComponents() - Method in CompoundCurve
Get the original LineStrings or CircularStrings (not linearized)
getComponents() - Method in CompoundRing
Get the original LineStrings or CircularStrings (not linearized)
getControlPoints() - Method in CircularRing
Get the original control Points (not the linearized Points)
getControlPoints() - Method in CircularString
Get the original control Points (not the linearized Points)
getConvexHull() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the convex hull of this Geometry
getCoordinates() - Method in Geometry
Get the Array of Coordinates
getCorners() - Method in Bounds
Get the corners of the Bounds as a List of Points.
getCount() - Method in Layer
Count the number of Features in the layer
getCql() - Method in Filter
Get the CQL string from the Filter.
getCsv(Pyramid) - Method in PyramidExtensionModule
Get this Pyramid as a CSV String
getCursor(def, List, int, int, List, def, def, def) - Method in Layer
Get a Cursor over the Features of the Layer.
getCurvedWkt() - Method in CircularRing
Get the curved WKT
getCurvedWkt() - Method in CircularString
Get the curved WKT
getCurvedWkt() - Method in CompoundCurve
Get the curved WKT
getCurvedWkt() - Method in CompoundRing
Get the curved WKT
getData() - Method in Raster
Get the underlying java.awt.image.Raster
getDatabaseID() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
getDataSource() - Method in Database
Get the javax.sql.DataSource
getDdm() - Method in DecimalDegrees
Get the DecimalDegrees longitude and latitude in decimal degree minutes (DDM).
getDefault(Map, String) - Method in Symbolizer
Get a default Symbolizer for the given geometry type.
getDelaunayTriangleDiagram(boolean) - Method in Geometry
Get Delaunay Triangle Diagram for this Geometry
getDescription() - Method in Process
Get the description
getDescription() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
getDimension() - Method in Geometry
Get the dimension of the Geometry
getDms() - Method in DecimalDegrees
Get the DecimalDegrees longitude and latitude in degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS).
getDriverClassName() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
getDrivers() - Method in OGR
Get a Set of drivers that GDAL has been compiled to support.
getEmpty() - Method in TileCursor
Whether the TileCursor is empty or not @return
getEndPoint() - Method in LineString
Get the end Point
getEnvelope() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the envelope of this Geometry
getEnvelopeInternal() - Method in Geometry
Calculate the internal Envelope of this Geometry
getEpsg() - Method in Projection
Get the EPSG code
getExteriorRing() - Method in Polygon
Get the exterior ring or shell
getExtrema() - Method in Raster
Calculate the min and max values for each band in this Raster.
getFeatures(Map) - Method in Layer
Get a List of Features
getField() - Method in UniqueValuesReader
Get the field name
getFields() - Method in Schema
Get the List of Fields
getFile() - Method in Directory
Get the File or Directory
getFile() - Method in Property
Get the File
getFile() - Method in Shapefile
Get the Shapefile's File
getFile() - Method in WorldFile
Get the File
getFileExtensions() - Method in ArcGrid.Factory
getFileExtensions() - Method in FormatFactory
Get a List of the file extensions that this Format supports
getFileExtensions() - Method in GeoTIFF.Factory
getFileExtensions() - Method in Grass.Factory
getFileExtensions() - Method in MrSID.Factory
getFileExtensions() - Method in NetCDF.Factory
getFileExtensions() - Method in WorldImage.Factory
getFormat() - Method in Directory
Get the format
getFormat(Object) - Method in Format
Get the Format that can read the given input stream
getFormat() - Method in Geobuf
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in H2
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in Layer
Get the Workspace format
getFormat() - Method in Memory
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in MySQL
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in OGR
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in PostGIS
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in Property
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in SpatiaLite
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in Sqlite
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in WFS
Get the format
getFormat() - Method in Workspace
Get the format
getFunction() - Method in Transform
Get the Function
getFunctionNames() - Method in Function
Get a List of all Function names
getGeoBounds() - Method in Projection
Get the valid geographic area for this Projection
getGeobuf(Feature, Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a Geobuf hex string
getGeobuf(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geobuf hex string for this Geometry
getGeobufBytes(Feature, Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a Geobuf byte array
getGeobufBytes(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a Geobuf byte array for this Geometry
getGeoJSON(Feature, Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GeoJSON String
getGeoJSON(Geometry, Map) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GeoJSON String for this Geometry
getGeom() - Method in Feature
Get the Feature's Geometry
getGeom() - Method in Schema
Get the Schema's geometry Field or null if none exists
getGeometries() - Method in Geometry
Get a List of all Geometries
getGeometry() - Method in Bounds
Convert this Bounds into a Geometry object
getGeometry() - Method in PreparedGeometry
Get the base Geometry of this PreparedGeometry
getGeometryFormat(Connection, String) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
getGeometryN(int) - Method in Geometry
Get the nth Geometry in this Geometry
getGeometryType() - Method in Geometry
Get the name of the Geometry type
getGeometryType(Connection, String, String) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
getGeometryType() - Method in UniqueValuesReader
Get the geometry type
getGeometryTypeName(Integer) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
getGeoRSS(Feature, Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GeoRSS String
getGeoToolsSymbolizers(Rule, Class) - Method in Symbolizer
Get a List of GeoTools Symbolizers from the Rule of the given Class.
getGetMapFormats() - Method in WMS
Get the GetMap formats
getGml2(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GML 2 String for this Geometry
getGml3(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GML 3 String for this Geometry
getGml(Feature, Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GML String
getGpx(Feature, Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a GPX String
getGpx(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a GPX String for this Geometry
getGrid(double, double, String) - Method in Bounds
Get a generated grid with the given cell width and height
getGtStyle() - Method in Style
Get a GeoTools Style
getGtStyle() - Method in Symbolizer
Get the GeoTools Style from this Symbolizer
getHeight() - Method in Bounds
Get the height
getHeight() - Method in TileCursor
Get the height or number of rows
getHex() - Method in Color
Get this Color's hex value
getHistogram(Map) - Method in Raster
Get a Histogram for this Raster
getHsl() - Method in Color
Get this Color's HSL value
getId() - Method in Feature
Get the Feature's ID
getId() - Method in Projection
Get the Identifier.
getImage(Map) - Method in Chart
Get an image of this Chart
getImage() - Method in ImageTile
Get the data as a BufferedImage
getImage() - Method in Raster
Get the RenderedImage
getImage(Map, def) - Method in WMS
Get a Image from the WMS server.
getImageType() - Method in Image
Get the image type
getIndexes(String) - Method in Database
Get a List of indexes for a layer or table by name
getInteriorPoint() - Method in Geometry
Get the interior Point of this Geometry
getInteriorRingN(int) - Method in Polygon
Get the nth interior ring or hole
getInteriorRings() - Method in Polygon
Get a List of all interior rings
getJDBCUrl(Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
getJson(Pyramid) - Method in PyramidExtensionModule
Get this JSON as a JSON String
getKeywords() - Method in WMS
Get a List of keywords
getKml(Feature, Map) - Method in FeatureExtensionModule
Get this Feature as a KML Placemark
getKml(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get a KML String for this Geometry
getLatLonBounds() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the Bounds in latitude/longitude
getLayer(Map, TileCursor) - Method in TileLayer
Get a Layer of the Tiles in a TileCursor
getLayer(String) - Method in WMS
Get a WMS.Layer by name
getLayers(TileCursor<Tile>) - Method in VectorTiles
Get a List of Layers for the Tiles in the TileCursor
getLayers() - Method in WMS
Get a List of WMS.Layers
getLayers() - Method in WMSLayer
Get the List of WMS.Layers
getLayers() - Method in Workspace
Get a List of Layers
getLegend(Map, def) - Method in WMS
Get a legend from a WMS service.
getLength() - Method in Geometry
Get the length of this Geometry
getLinear() - Method in CircularRing
Get the linear Geometry
getLinear() - Method in CircularString
Get the linearized Geometry
getLinear() - Method in CompoundCurve
Get the linearized Geometry
getLinear() - Method in CompoundRing
Get the linearized Geometry
getMapLayers(Bounds, List) - Method in ImageTileLayer
getMapLayers(Bounds, List) - Method in Layer
Get the map layers @return
getMapLayers(Bounds, List) - Method in Raster
getMapLayers(Bounds, List) - Method in Renderable
Get a List of Map Layers (GeoTools org.geotools.map.Layer) for the given Bounds and map size
getMapLayers(Bounds, List) - Method in VectorTiles
getMapLayers(Bounds, List) - Method in WMSLayer
getMapping(ResultSet, Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
getMax() - Method in Band
Get the maximum value
getMaxGrid() - Method in Pyramid
Get the max Grid by zoom level
getMaxScale() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the maximum scale denominator
getMaxX() - Method in Bounds
Get the right/east most coordinate (maxX)
getMaxX() - Method in TileCursor
Get the max x or column
getMaxY() - Method in Bounds
Get the top/north most coordinate (maxY)
getMaxY() - Method in TileCursor
Get the max y or row
getMaxZoom() - Method in DBTiles
Get the maximum zoom level of the tiles present.
getMaxZoom() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the maximum zoom level of the tiles present.
getMaxZoom() - Method in MBTiles
Get the maximum zoom level of the tiles present.
getMetadata() - Method in DBTiles
Get metadata (type, name, description, format, version, attribution, bounds)
getMetadata(String) - Method in Format
Get metadata
getMetadata() - Method in MBTiles
Get metadata (type, name, description, format, version, attribution, bounds)
getMin() - Method in Band
Get the minimum value
getMinGrid() - Method in Pyramid
Get the min Grid by zoom level
getMinimumBoundingCircle() - Method in Geometry
Get the Minimum Bounding Circle
getMinimumClearance() - Method in Geometry
Get the minimum clearance of this Geometry as a LineString
getMinimumDiameter() - Method in Geometry
Get the minimum diameter of this Geometry as a LineString
getMinimumRectangle() - Method in Geometry
Get the minimum enclosing rectangle
getMinScale() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the minimum scale denominator
getMinX() - Method in Bounds
Get the left/west most coordinate (minX)
getMinX() - Method in TileCursor
Get the min x or column
getMinY() - Method in Bounds
Get the bottom/south most coordinate (minY)
getMinY() - Method in TileCursor
Get the min y or row
getMinZoom() - Method in DBTiles
Get the minimum zoom level of the tiles present.
getMinZoom() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the minimum zoom level of the tiles present.
getMinZoom() - Method in MBTiles
Get the minimum zoom level of the tiles present.
getName() - Method in Format
Get the format name
getName() - Method in Layer
Get the Layer's name
getName() - Method in Process
Get the name
getName() - Method in Schema
Get the Schema's name
getName() - Method in WMS
Get the name (WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Name)
getName() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the name of the layer
getNames() - Method in Format
Get the list of the raster names
getNames(File) - Method in GeoPackage
Get all of the names of TileLayers from the GeoPackage database
getNames() - Method in Workspace
Get a List of Layer names
getNearestPoints(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Find the nearest Points between this Geometry and another Geometry
getNeighbors(def, int) - Method in Raster
Get the value of the neighboring cells: NW N NE E SE S SE W
getNewFeature() - Method in Writer
Get a new Feature with default values
getNoData() - Method in Band
Get a List of no data values
getNorm() - Method in Geometry
Get a normalized copy of this Geometry
getNot() - Method in Filter
Get a new Filter that is the negation of the current Filter
getNumberOfBands() - Method in Histogram
Get the number of bands
getNumGeometries() - Method in Geometry
Get the number of Geometries in this Geometry
getNumInteriorRing() - Method in Polygon
Get the number of interior rings or holes
getNumPoints() - Method in Geometry
Get the number of Points in this Geometry
getOctagonalEnvelope() - Method in Geometry
Get the octagonal envelope for this Geometry
getOffset() - Method in Band
Get the offset
getOnlineResource() - Method in WMS
Get the online resource URL
getPaletteColors(String, int) - Method in Color
Get a List of Colors from a Palette by name
getPaletteNames(String) - Method in Color
Get a List of Palette names by type (defaults to All)
getParameters() - Method in Process
Get the Map of input parameters.
getParameters(String) - Method in Workspace
Get a connection map from a connection string
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in Directory.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in Geobuf.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in GeoPackage.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in H2.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in Memory.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in Property.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in SpatiaLite.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in Sqlite.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in WFS.Factory
getParametersFromString(String) - Method in WorkspaceFactory
Get a map of connection parameters from a connection string.
getParent() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the parent WMS.Layer
getPixel(Point) - Method in Raster
Get pixel coordinates from the geographic Point
getPixelSize() - Method in Raster
Get the pixel size
getPixelSize() - Method in WorldFile
Get the pixel sizes
getPoint() - Method in DecimalDegrees
Get the DecimalDegrees as a Point
getPoint(int, int) - Method in Raster
Get a geographic Point from pixel coordinates
getPointLayer(Map) - Method in Raster
Convert this Raster into a Layer of Points
getPoints() - Method in Geometry
Get a List of Points that make up this Geometry
getPolygon() - Method in Bounds
Convert this Bounds into a Polygon
getPolygonLayer(Map) - Method in Raster
Convert this Raster to a Layer of polygons.
getProcessNames() - Method in Process
Get a List of the Process names
getProj() - Method in Bounds
Get the Projection (if any) or null
getProj() - Method in Layer
Get the Layer's Projection
getProj() - Method in Map
Get the Map's Projection
getProj() - Method in Raster
Get the Projection
getProj() - Method in Schema
Get the Schema's Projection or null if one doesn't exist
getProj() - Method in WMSLayer
Get the Projection
getPyramid() - Method in DBTiles
getPyramid() - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Get the Pyramid
getPyramid() - Method in GeoPackage
getPyramid() - Method in MBTiles
getPyramid() - Method in OSM
Get the Pyramid
getPyramid() - Method in TileLayer
Get the Pyramid
getPyramid() - Method in UTFGrid
getPyramid() - Method in VectorTiles
Get the Pyramid
getRandom() - Method in Color
Generate a random color
getRandomPastel() - Method in Color
Get a random pastel color
getRaster(Point, long, int, int) - Method in ImageTileLayer
Get a Raster around a Point at a given zoom level
getRaster(def, List, Bounds, String) - Method in Layer
Convert this Layer into a Raster
getRaster(Map, def) - Method in WMS
Get a Raster from the WMS server
getRenderables(List) - Method in Renderables
Get a List of Renderable Map Layers from a List of Map Layer Strings
getResults() - Method in Process
Get the Map of output results.
getRgb() - Method in Color
Get this Color's RGB value
getRotation() - Method in WorldFile
Get a rotations values
getRows() - Method in Raster
Get the number of rows
getScale() - Method in Band
Get the scale
getScaleDenominator() - Method in Map
Get the scale denominator
getSize() - Method in Raster
Get the size [w,h] or [columns,rows]
getSize() - Method in SpatialIndex
Get the number of items indexed
getSize() - Method in TileCursor
Get the number of tiles
getSld() - Method in Symbolizer
Get this Symbolizer as an SLD String
getSpec() - Method in Schema
Get the spec string
getSql() - Method in Database
Get a groovy.sql.Sql object that provides direct access to the underlying database
getSrid(CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
getSrs(boolean) - Method in Projection
Get the SRS Code
getSrses() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the SRSes.
getStartPoint() - Method in LineString
Get the start Point
getStyles() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the list of Styles
getTileCoordinates(Bounds, Grid) - Method in Pyramid
Get Tile coordinates (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) for the given Bounds and Grid
getTileCoordinates(Bounds, Grid) - Method in TileLayer
Get Tile coordinates (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) for the given Bounds and Grid
getTileCounts() - Method in DBTiles
Get the number of tiles per zoom level.
getTileCounts() - Method in GeoPackage
Get the number of tiles per zoom level.
getTileCounts() - Method in MBTiles
Get the number of tiles per zoom level.
getTileLayer() - Method in TileCursor
Get the TileLayer
getTileLayer(Map) - Method in TileLayer
Get a TileLayer from a connection parameter Map.
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in DBTiles.Factory
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in GeoPackage.Factory
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in MBTiles.Factory
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in OSM.Factory
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in TileLayer
Get a default TileRenderer for the given TileLayer.
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in TileLayerFactory
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in TMS.Factory
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in UTFGrid.Factory
getTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, List<Layer>) - Method in VectorTiles.Factory
getTitle() - Method in Process
Get the title
getTitle() - Method in WMS
Get the title (WMT_MS_Capabilities/Service/Title)
getTitle() - Method in WMS.Layer
Get the title of the layer
getType() - Method in Band
Get the type of data
getType() - Method in Transform
Get the Type
getUlc() - Method in WorldFile
Get the upper left center coordinates as a Point
getUnit() - Method in Band
Get the unit information
getUpdateSequence() - Method in WMS
Get the update sequence
getUri() - Method in Schema
Get the namespace uri of this Schema
getValidationQuery() - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
getValidReason() - Method in Geometry
Get the reason why this Geometry is invalid.
getValue() - Method in Expression
Get the underlying value of the Expression
getValue(int, int, int, String) - Method in Raster
Get the value at the given pixel location ([x,y]) for the given band
getValues(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in Raster
Get a List of values from the Raster
getValuesAsString(Map, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in Raster
Get values as a String
getVersion() - Method in Process
Get the version
getVersion() - Method in WMS
Get the version
getVoronoiDiagram() - Method in Geometry
Get the Voronoi Diagram for this Geometry
getWellKnownOSM(String) - Method in OSM
Get a well known OSM Layer.
getWidth() - Method in Bounds
Get the width
getWidth() - Method in TileCursor
Get the width or number of columns
getWkb(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the WKB of the Geometry
getWkbBytes(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the WKB of the Geometry
getWkt(Geometry) - Method in GeometryExtensionModule
Get the WKT of the Geometry
getWkt(String, int) - Method in Projection
Get the well known text
getWorkspace(Map) - Method in Workspace
Get a Workspace from a connection parameter Map
getWorkspaceNames() - Method in Workspace
Get a List of available GeoTools workspaces (aka DataStores)
getWorkspaceParameters(String) - Method in Workspace
Get the list of connection parameters for the given workspace
getWriter(Map) - Method in Layer
Get a Writer for this Layer
getX() - Method in Point
Get the X coordinate
getXml(boolean, double) - Method in Filter
Get the XML string from the Filter.
getXml(Pyramid) - Method in PyramidExtensionModule
Get this Pyramid as a XML String
getY() - Method in Point
Get the Y coordinate
getZ() - Method in Point
Get the Z coordinate
getZ() - Method in TileCursor
Get the zoom level
GIF - Class in geoscript.render
Render a Map to a GIF image.
GIF() - Constructor in GIF
Create a new GIF
Gml2Reader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a Geometry from a GML Version 2 String.
Gml2Writer - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geoscript Geometry to a GML Version 2 String.
Gml3Reader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a Geometry from a GML Version 3 String.
Gml3Writer - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geoscript Geometry to a GML String.
GmlReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a GML InputStream, File, or String.
GmlWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a GML InputStream, File, or String.
goodnessOfFit(float) - Method in Label
Set the goodness of fit parameter (a number between 0 and 1)
GooglePolylineEncoder - Class in geoscript.geom.io
A Google Polyline Encoder/Decoder (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/utilities/polylinealgorithm).
GpxReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Layer from a GPX document.
GpxReader.Type - Enum in geoscript.layer.io
GPX Data Types
GpxWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a GPX document.
Gradient - Class in geoscript.style
The Gradient Composite Symbolizer creates gradients between a series of values and symbolizers or from values from Layer.
Gradient(Layer, def, String, int, def, String) - Constructor in Gradient
Create a new Gradient where the interpolation is based on a classification method based on values from the Layer's Field.
gradient(Layer, def, String, int, def, String) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Gradient where the interpolation is based on a classification method based on values from the Layer's Field.
graphicResize(String, int) - Method in Label
Set the graphic resize mode (none, proportional, stretch) and margin.
Grass - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write Grass Rasters.
Grass.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The Grass FormatFactory
Grass(def) - Constructor in Grass
Create a new Grass Format
Graticule - Class in geoscript.layer
Create graticule or grid Layers.
gray(String, ContrastEnhancement) - Method in ChannelSelection
Set the gray channel name and optionally the gray ContrastEnhancement
grayscale(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by converting the current Color to grayscale
green(String, ContrastEnhancement) - Method in ChannelSelection
Set the green channel name and optionally the green ContrastEnhancement
Grid - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile Grid.
Grid(long, long, long, double, double) - Constructor in Grid
Create a new Grid
grid(Bounds, int, int) - Method in Pyramid
Find the best Grid for the given Bounds and image width and height
GTopo30 - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write GTopo30 Rasters.
GTopo30.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The GTopo30 FormatFactory
GTopo30(def) - Constructor in GTopo30
Create a new GTopo30 Format


H2 - Class in geoscript.workspace
A H2 Workspace connects to a spatially enabled H2 database.
H2.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The H2 WorkspaceFactory
H2(JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in H2
Create a new H2 Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
Halo - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for label background.
Halo(Fill, def) - Constructor in Halo
Create a new Halo with a Fill and radius.
halo(Fill, def) - Method in Label
Add a Halo to this Label
halo(Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Halo with named parameters.
has(String) - Method in Format
Whether the Format has a Raster by the given name
has(def) - Method in Schema
Whether this Schema contains a Field by the given name or not
has(String) - Method in Workspace
Whether the Workspace has a Layer by the given name
hashCode() - Method in Bounds
Get the hash code for this Bounds
hashCode() - Method in Field
hashCode() - Method in Filter
Returns the hash code value of the Filter
hashCode() - Method in Geometry
Calculate this Geometry's hashCode
hashCode() - Method in Projection
Get the hashcode of this Projection
hashCode() - Method in Schema
hasNext() - Method in Cursor
Whether there are Features remaining
hasNext() - Method in TileCursor
Whether there are Tiles remaining
Hatch - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer that repeats a pattern.
hatch(String, Fill, def) - Method in Fill
Compose this Fill with a Hatch pattern that has a Fill but no Stroke
Hatch(def, Fill, def) - Constructor in Hatch
Create a new Hatch with a Fill but no Stroke.
hatch(def, Stroke, def) - Method in Stroke
Add a Hatch pattern to this Stroke
hatch(Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Hatch with named parameters.
Histogram - Class in geoscript.layer
A Histogram.
Histogram(Histogram) - Constructor in Histogram
Create a new Histogram wrapping the javax.media.jai.Histogram
histogram(def, int) - Method in Layer
Calculate a histogram of values for an attribute of the Layer.


Icon - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for an external image or glyph.
icon(def, String) - Method in Fill
Compose this Fill as an Icon.
Icon(def, String, def) - Constructor in Icon
Create a new Icon.
icon(def, String, def) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Icon.
id(String) - Method in Filter
Create Filter for a Feature ID
identity(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Calculate the identity between this Layer and another Layer.
ids(List) - Method in Filter
Create Filter for a List of Feature IDs
Image - Class in geoscript.render
A Renderer that draws a Map to a BufferedImage.
Image(String) - Constructor in Image
Create a new Image
ImageOutline - Class in geoscript.style
An ImageOutline Symbolizer applies a Stroke or Fill Symbolizer to a Raster.
ImageOutline(Fill) - Constructor in ImageOutline
Create an ImageOutline for a Raster Symbolizer with a Fill
ImagePyramid - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write ImagePyramids.
ImagePyramid.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The ImagePyramid FormatFactory
ImagePyramid(def) - Constructor in ImagePyramid
Create a new ImagePyramid Format
ImageTile - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile that is an image.
ImageTile(long, long, long, byte[]) - Constructor in ImageTile
Create a new Tile with data
ImageTileLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileLayer that is made up of ImageTiles.
ImageTileRenderer - Class in geoscript.layer
An Image TileRenderer that uses a geoscript.render.Map
ImageTileRenderer(Map, TileLayer, def) - Constructor in ImageTileRenderer
Create an ImageTileRenderer
includeFields(List, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with only a subset of Fields
includeTable(String, String, Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
initializeConnection(Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
insert(Bounds, def) - Method in SpatialIndex
Insert a Bounds and Item
interpolate(Color, Color, int) - Method in Color
Interpolate a List Colors between the start and end Color
interpolate(def, int, String) - Method in Layer
Create a List of interpolated values for a Field
interpolatePoint(double) - Method in LineString
Interpolate a Point on this LineString at the given position from 0 to 1.
intersection(Bounds) - Method in Bounds
Calculate the intersection between this Bounds and the other Bounds
intersection(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the intersection between this Geometry and the other Geometry
intersection(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Intersect this Layer with another Layer.
intersects(Bounds) - Method in Bounds
Determine whether this Bounds intersects with the other Bounds
intersects(String, Geometry) - Method in Filter
Create a Spatial Filter that intersects the given Geometry
intersects(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry intersects the other Geometry
intersects(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry intersects the given Geometry.
inverse(Point, Point) - Method in Geodetic
Calculate the forward and back azimuth and distance between the given two Points.
invert() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster by inverting the values of this Raster
isAvailable() - Method in OGR
Get whether the OGR Workspace can be used.
isClosed() - Method in LineString
Is this LineString closed?
isCurved() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is curved
isEmpty() - Method in Bounds
Get whether the Bounds is empty (width and height are zero)
isEmpty() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is empty
isGeometry() - Method in Field
Is the Field spatial?
isNoData(double) - Method in Band
Check whether the value is a NODATA value
isQueryable() - Method in WMS.Layer
Is the layer queryable.
isRectangle() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is rectangular
isRing() - Method in LineString
Is this LineString a ring?
isSimple() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is simple
isValid() - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is valid
isWithinDistance(Geometry, double) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is within the given distance of the other Geometry


JPEG - Class in geoscript.render
Render a Map to a JPEG
JPEG() - Constructor in JPEG
Create a new JPEG Renderer
JsonPyramidReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from a JSON String.
JsonPyramidWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to a JSON String.
JsonSchemaReader - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Read a Schema from a JSON String.
JsonSchemaWriter - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Write a Schema to a JSON String.


KmlReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a GeoScript Layer from a KML InputStream, File, or String.
KmlWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Layer to a KML InputStream, File, or String.


Label - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for labeling a geometry.
Label(Map) - Constructor in Label
Create a new Label with named parameters.
label(Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Label with named parameters.
labelAllGroup(boolean) - Method in Label
Make all line segments are labeled instead of just the longest
labelObstacle(boolean) - Method in Label
Set whether to use the Label as an obstacle or not
lat() - Method in GeoHash.Direction
Layer - Class in geoscript.layer
A Layer is a source of spatial data that contains a collection of Features.
Layer(String, FeatureCollection) - Constructor in Layer
Create a new Layer from a GeoTools FeatureCollection
LayerExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds methods to the Layer class.
lighten(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by lightening the current Color
linear(Map) - Method in Label
Set the Line Placement for this Label
linear(Map, List) - Method in Regression
Create a linear regression Chart
LinearRing - Class in geoscript.geom
A LinearRing Geometry is a LineString whose first and last coordinates are the same forming a closed ring.
LinearRing(Point) - Constructor in LinearRing
Create a new LinearRing with a repeated List Points.
LineString - Class in geoscript.geom
A LineString Geometry.
LineString(Point) - Constructor in LineString
Create a LineString from a List of repeated Points.
list() - Method in Displayers
Get a List of all Displayers
list() - Method in FormatFactories
Get a List of FormatFactories
list() - Method in PyramidReaders
Get a List of all PyramidReaders
list() - Method in PyramidWriters
Get a List of PyramidWriters
list() - Method in Readers
Get a List of all Style Readers
list() - Method in Renderers
Get a List of all Renderers
list() - Method in SchemaReaders
Get a List of all SchemaReaders
list() - Method in SchemaWriters
Get a List of all SchemaWriters
list() - Method in TileLayerFactories
Get a list of all TileLayerFactories
list() - Method in WorkspaceFactories
Get a List of WorkspaceFactories
list() - Method in Writers
Get a List of all Style Writers
LITTLE_ENDIAN - Field in WkbWriter
The little endian byte order constant
locatePoint(Point) - Method in LineString
Locate the position of the Point along this LineString.
log() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster by calculating the log value for every cell.
lon() - Method in GeoHash.Direction
lookUpAlias(String) - Method in Schema
Look up the alias of a GeoTools binding.
lookUpBinding(String) - Method in Schema
Look up a GeoTools binding for the alias.


Map - Class in geoscript.render
The GeoScript Map for rendering Layers.
Map() - Constructor in Map
Create a new Map
MapAlgebra - Class in geoscript.layer
The MapAlgebra uses Jiffle to perform Map Algebra for Rasters.
MapCube - Class in geoscript.render
Create a map cube using the gnonomic cubed projection.
MapWindow - Class in geoscript.render
A complex GUI for viewing a Map.
MapWindow() - Constructor in MapWindow
Creae a MapWindow
maxAngleDelta(float) - Method in Label
Set the max angle delta
maxDisplacement(double) - Method in Label
Set the max displacement
MBTiles - Class in geoscript.layer
The MBTiles TileLayer
MBTiles.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The MBTiles TileLayerFactory
MBTiles(Map, String, String, String) - Constructor in MBTiles
Create a new MBTilesLayer with a new File
Memory - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Memory Workspace stores it's Layers in memory.
Memory.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Memory WorkspaceFactory
Memory(MemoryDataStore) - Constructor in Memory
Create a new Memory Workspace from a GeoTools MemoryDataStore
merge(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Merge this Layer with another Layer to create an output Layer
merge() - Method in MultiLineString
Merge the LineStrings of this MultiLineString together
merge(Map, List<Raster>) - Method in Raster
Merge a List of Rasters into one Raster
minmax(def, def, def) - Method in Layer
Calculates the minimum and maximum values for an attribute of the Layer.
minus(List<Double>) - Method in Raster
Subtract this Raster from a List of constant values
minusFrom(List<Double>) - Method in Raster
Subtract a List of constant values from this Raster
mix(Color, double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by mixing the current Color with another Color
Mosaic - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write image Mosaics.
Mosaic.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The Mosaic FormatFactory
Mosaic(def) - Constructor in Mosaic
Create a new image Mosaic Format
MrSID - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write MrSID Rasters.
MrSID.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The MrSID FormatFactory
MrSID(def) - Constructor in MrSID
Create a new MrSID Format
MultiLineString - Class in geoscript.geom
A MultiLineString Geometry.
MultiLineString(List) - Constructor in MultiLineString
Create a MultiLineString from a List of LineString or a List of List of Doubles
multiply(double) - Method in Raster
Multiply this Raster by a constant value
MultiPoint - Class in geoscript.geom
A MultiPoint Geometry.
MultiPoint(List) - Constructor in MultiPoint
Create a MultiPoint from a List of List of Double or a List of Points
MultiPolygon - Class in geoscript.geom
A MultiPolygon Geometry.
MultiPolygon(List) - Constructor in MultiPolygon
Create a MultiPolygon from a List of Polygons or a List of List of List of Doubles
Mvt - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A MapNik Vector Tile Reader and Writer
MvtReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Mapnik Vector Tile Reader
MvtWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Mapnik Vector Tile Writer
MySQL - Class in geoscript.workspace
A MySQL Workspace connects to a MySQL database.
MySQL.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The MySQL WorkspaceFactory
MySQL(JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in MySQL
Create a new MySQL Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore


narrow() - Method in GeometryCollection
Get a Geometry from this GeometryCollection that is the most type specific as possible.
negative() - Method in Filter
Get a new Filter that is the negation of the current Filter
negative() - Method in LineString
Remove the last Point from this LineString to create a new LineString
negative() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster by inverting the values of this Raster.
neighbor(long, int, int, int) - Method in GeoHash
Calculate the neighbor of a hash long with a number of steps in the latitude and longitude directions.
neighbors(long, int) - Method in GeoHash
Calculate all of the surrounding neighbors of the given hash long
NetCDF - Class in geoscript.layer
The NetCDF Format to read and write NetCFD Rasters.
NetCDF.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The NetCDF FormatFactory
NetCDF(def) - Constructor in NetCDF
Create a new NetCFD
newname() - Method in Layer
Generate a new name
next() - Method in Cursor
Get the next Feature
next() - Method in TileCursor
Get the next Tile
node(int) - Method in MultiLineString
Node the LineStrings in this MultiLineString
NORMAL - Field in Transform
Type constants for ease of use
normalize() - Method in Geometry
Normalize this Geometry
normalize() - Method in Raster
Calculate a normalized version of the current Raster


offset(double, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a new Geometry where all LineStrings are offset by the given distance.
OGR - Class in geoscript.workspace
A GDAL/OGR based Workspace requires a native installation of GDAL/OGR with JNI bindings.
OGR.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The OGR WorkspaceFactory
OGR(OGRDataStore) - Constructor in OGR
opacity(def) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Set the opacity (0-1)
or(def) - Method in Filter
Combine the current Filter with another Filter in an OR relationship.
OSM - Class in geoscript.layer
A Open Street Map TileLayer that is ready only.
OSM.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The OSM TileLayerFactory
OSM(String, String) - Constructor in OSM
Create an OSM TileLayer with a default base URL
overlap(def) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
overlaps(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry overlaps the other Geometry
overlaps(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry overlaps the given Geometry.
overlay(List<Chart>) - Method in Chart
Overlay a List of Charts over this Chart


Pbf - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A MapBox Vector Tile Reader and Writer
PbfVectorTileRenderer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileRenderer that creates MapBox PBF Vector Tiles
PbfVectorTileRenderer(List<Layer>, Map<String, List>) - Constructor in PbfVectorTileRenderer
Create a new PbfVectorTileRenderer with a List of Layers and a Map of sub fields where the key is the Layer name and the value is a List of sub fields
Pdf - Class in geoscript.render
Render the Map to a PDF.
perpendicularOffset(def) - Method in Stroke
Set the perpendicular offset
Pie - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a pie Chart.
pie(Map, Map) - Method in Pie
Create a pie Chart
placePoint(Point) - Method in LineString
Place the Point on the LineString
placePoints(Point, Point, int) - Method in Geodetic
Place the given number of points between starting and ending Points
Plot - Class in geoscript.render
Plot a Geometry, Feature, or Layer.
plot(Map, Layer) - Method in Plot
Plot a Layer
plot(Viewer, Map, def) - Method in ViewerExtensionModule
Plot the Geometry (or List of Geometries) to a Swing JFrame using JFreeChart.
plotToFile(Viewer, Map, def, File) - Method in ViewerExtensionModule
Plot a Geometry (or List of Geometries) to an image File
plotToImage(Map, Layer) - Method in Plot
Plot a Layer to an Image
plotToImage(Viewer, Map, def) - Method in ViewerExtensionModule
Plot a Geometry (or List of Geometries) to a BufferedImage
plus(def) - Method in Filter
Combine the current Filter with another Filter.
plus(Geometry) - Method in GeometryCollection
Add a Geometry to this GeometryCollection to create another GeometryCollection.
plus(def) - Method in Layer
Add a Feature to the Layer
plus(Point) - Method in LineString
Add a Point to the end of this LineString
plus(LineString) - Method in MultiLineString
Add a LineString to this MultiLineString to create another MultiLineString
plus(Point) - Method in MultiPoint
Add a Point to this MultiPoint to create another MultiPoint.
plus(Polygon) - Method in MultiPolygon
Add a Polygon to this MultiPolygon to create another MultiPolygon
plus(Point) - Method in Point
Add this Point with another to create a MultiPoint.
plus(Polygon) - Method in Polygon
Add this Polygon with another to create a MultiPolygon.
plus(List<Double>) - Method in Raster
Add a List of constant values to this Raster
plus(Symbolizer) - Method in Symbolizer
Combine this Symbolizer with another.
PNG - Class in geoscript.render
Render a Map to a PNG
PNG() - Constructor in PNG
Create a new PNG Renderer
Point - Class in geoscript.geom
A Point Geometry.
point(Map) - Method in Label
Set the Point Placement for this Label
Point(double, double, double) - Constructor in Point
Create a Point with an x,y,z coordinate
Polygon - Class in geoscript.geom
A Polygon Geometry.
Polygon(List) - Constructor in Polygon
Create a new Polygon from a List of a List of a List of Doubles or LinearRings.
polygonAlign(String) - Method in Label
Set the polygon align option (manual, ortho, mbr)
polygonize() - Method in MultiLineString
Polygonize the LineStrings of this MultiLineString
polyzonizeFull() - Method in MultiLineString
Polygonize the LineStrings of this MultiLineString and return a Map with polygons, cutEdges, dangles, and invalidRingLines.
postCreateTable(String, SimpleFeatureType, Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
postDropTable(String, SimpleFeatureType, Connection) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
PostGIS - Class in geoscript.workspace
A PostGIS Workspace connects to a PostGIS database.
PostGIS.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The PostGIS WorkspaceFactory
PostGIS(JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in PostGIS
Create a new PostGIS Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
power(Map, List) - Method in Regression
Create a power regression Chart
prepare(Rule) - Method in ChannelSelection
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in ColorMap
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in ContrastEnhancement
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in Fill
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in Font
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Get a PreparedGeometry for the given Geometry
prepare(Rule) - Method in Halo
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in Hatch
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in Icon
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in ImageOutline
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in Label
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in ShadedRelief
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in Shape
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(Rule) - Method in Stroke
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
prepare(FeatureTypeStyle, Rule) - Method in Symbolizer
Prepare the GeoTools FeatureTypeStyle and Rule by applying this Symbolizer.
prepare(Rule) - Method in Transform
Prepare the GeoTools Rule by applying this Symbolizer
PreparedGeometry - Class in geoscript.geom
A PreparedGeometry makes repeated spatial operations more efficient.
PreparedGeometry(Geometry) - Constructor in PreparedGeometry
Create a PreparedGeometry from a Geometry
priority(def) - Method in Label
Set the priority
Process - Class in geoscript.process
A Process is a way of packaging spatial algorithms.
Process(String, String, Map, Map, Closure) - Constructor in Process
Create a new Process with a Groovy Closure
ProcessFunction - Class in geoscript.filter
A Function that wraps a Process for rendering transformations.
ProcessFunction(Process, Function) - Constructor in ProcessFunction
Create a Rendering Transformation Function from a Process and a variable List of Functions.
Projection - Class in geoscript.proj
A Projection is a cartographic projection or coordinate reference system.
Projection(String) - Constructor in Projection
Create a new Projection from a String
projections() - Method in Projection
Get a List of all supported Projections.
Property - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Workspace based on a directory of java style property files.
Property.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Property WorkspaceFactory
property(Field) - Method in Expressions
Create a new Property Expression from a Field
Property(PropertyDataStore) - Constructor in Property
Create a new Property Workspace from a GeoTools PropertyDataStore
put(ImageTile) - Method in DBTiles
put(Tile) - Method in GeneratingTileLayer
Add a Tile
put(ImageTile) - Method in GeoPackage
put(ImageTile) - Method in MBTiles
put(ImageTile) - Method in OSM
Add a Tile
put(T) - Method in TileLayer
Add a Tile
put(ImageTile) - Method in TMS
Add a Tile
put(Tile) - Method in UTFGrid
put(Tile) - Method in VectorTiles
Add a Tile
putAt(Field, Object) - Method in Feature
Set a value
putAt(def, def) - Method in Raster
Set the value for the given Point or Pixel
Pyramid - Class in geoscript.layer
The Tile Pyramid
Pyramid.Origin - Enum in geoscript.layer
The Origin enumeration
PyramidExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Groovy Extension Module for adding methods to the Pyramid class.
PyramidReader - Interface in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from a String
PyramidReaders - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Utility for getting a list of all PyramidReaders.
PyramidWriter - Interface in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to a String.
PyramidWriters - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Utility for getting a List of all PyramidWriters.


Quadtree - Class in geoscript.index
Create a SpatialIndex using the Quad Tree spatial index.
quadTree(int, int, Closure) - Method in Bounds
Calculate a quad tree for this Bounds between the start and stop levels.
Quadtree() - Constructor in Quadtree
Create a SpatialIndex using the Quad Tree spatial index.
query(Bounds) - Method in SpatialIndex
Query the index by the Bounds
queryAll() - Method in Quadtree
Get a List of all entries in the spatial index
queueModified(Feature, String) - Method in Layer
Add the Feature to a List of modified Features


random(Map) - Method in Fill
Add randomized fill.
range(double, double) - Method in Composite
Apply the min and max scale to this Composite
range(Map) - Method in Symbolizer
Apply min/max scale denominator using keywords.
Raster - Class in geoscript.layer
A Raster
Raster.Divide - Class in geoscript.layer
Raster.Divide() - Constructor in Raster.Divide
Raster.Subtract - Class in geoscript.layer
Raster.Subtract() - Constructor in Raster.Subtract
Raster(RenderedImage, Bounds) - Constructor in Raster
Create a Raster from an Image and Bounds
RasterSymbolizer - Class in geoscript.style
A Raster Symbolizer is used to style Rasters.
RasterSymbolizer(Map) - Constructor in RasterSymbolizer
Create a new Raster Symbolizer from named parameters.
read(Map, Hints) - Method in ArcGrid
Read a Raster from the stream (usually a File)
read(String) - Method in ColorTableReader
Read a color table from a String to create a ColorMap Symbolizer
read(String) - Method in CSSReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a CSS String
read(String) - Method in CsvPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from a CSV String.
read(Map, String) - Method in CsvReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
read(int) - Method in Cursor
Read n features into a List
read(Map, String, Hints) - Method in Format
Read a Raster from the stream (usually a File)
read(String) - Method in GdalTmsPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from an XML String
read(byte[]) - Method in GeobufReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from an array of bytes
read(Map, String) - Method in GeoJSONReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
read(byte[]) - Method in GeoPackageReader
Read a Geometry from a byte array
read(Map, InputStream) - Method in GeoRSSReader
Read a Layer from a GeoRSS InputStream
read(String) - Method in Gml2Reader
Read a Geometry from a GML Version 2 String
read(String) - Method in Gml3Reader
Read a Geometry from a GML Version 2 String
read(Map, String, double) - Method in GmlReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
read(String, int) - Method in GooglePolylineEncoder
Decode the encoded String as a LineString
read(Map, String) - Method in GpxReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
read(String) - Method in JsonPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from a JSON String.
read(String) - Method in JsonSchemaReader
read(Map, String) - Method in KmlReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a String
read(InputStream) - Method in Mvt
Read a Layer from a MVT encoded InputStream
read(String) - Method in MvtReader
Read a GeoScript Layer from a Base64 Encoded String
read(Map, byte[], Bounds) - Method in Pbf
Read a List of Layers
read(String) - Method in PyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from a String
read(String) - Method in Reader
Read a GeoScript Style from a String
read(String) - Method in Readers
Read a Style from a String.
read(String) - Method in SchemaReader
Read a Schema from a String
read(Map) - Method in SimpleStyleReader
Reade a GeoScript Style from a Map of options.
read(String) - Method in SLDReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a SLD String
read(Map, String) - Method in StringSchemaReader
read(String) - Method in UniqueValuesReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a String
read(byte[]) - Method in WkbReader
Read a Geometry from a byte array
read(String) - Method in WktReader
Read a Geometry from a String
read(String) - Method in XmlPyramidReader
Read a Pyramid from an XML String
read(String) - Method in XmlSchemaReader
read(String) - Method in YSLDReader
Read a GeoScript Style from a String
readBounds(byte[]) - Method in GeoPackageReader
Just read the Bounds from the byte arrya
Reader - Interface in geoscript.style.io
Read a GeoScript Style from an InputStream, File, or String.
Readers - Class in geoscript.style.io
A utility for getting Style Readers
readFeatures(Cursor, Schema, int) - Method in Layer
Read Features from a Cursor in Batches.
readFeatures(Cursor, Schema, int) - Method in Workspace
Read Features from a Cursor in Batches.
readGeometry(byte[], GeometryFactory, GeometryFormat) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
readTms(String) - Method in GdalTmsPyramidReader
Read a TMS Tile Layer from an XML String
reclassify(Map, List) - Method in Raster
Reclassify this Raster with a List of ranges.
red(String, ContrastEnhancement) - Method in ChannelSelection
Set the red channel name and optionally the red ContrastEnhancement
reducePrecision(Map, String) - Method in Geometry
Reduce the precision of this Geometry.
reflect(double, double, double, double) - Method in Geometry
Reflect the Geometry about the line (x1 y1, x2 y2)
registerClassToSqlMappings(Map<Class<?>, Integer>) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
registerFunction(String, Closure) - Method in Function
Register a new Function by name with a Closure.
registerProcess(String, String, Map, Map, Closure) - Method in Process
Register a Process with the GeoScript ProcessFactory
registerSqlTypeNameToClassMappings(Map<String, Class<?>>) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
registerSqlTypeToSqlTypeNameOverrides(Map<Integer, String>) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
Regression - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a regression Chart.
regression(Map, List) - Method in Regression
Create a regression Chart
relate(Geometry, String) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry relates with the other Geometry given a D9 intesection matrix pattern.
remove() - Method in Cursor
This method is unsupported and throws an UnsupportedOperationException
remove(String) - Method in Database
Remove the layer from the database
remove(String) - Method in Directory
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
remove(String) - Method in Geobuf
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
remove(String) - Method in Property
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
remove(Bounds, Object) - Method in Quadtree
Remove an item from the index
remove() - Method in TileCursor
This method is unsupported and throws an UnsupportedOperationException
remove(Layer) - Method in Workspace
Remove a Layer by name from this Workspace
removeField(Field, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with a new name by removing a Field from the current Schema
removeFields(List<Field>, String) - Method in Schema
Create a new Schema with a new name by removing a List of Fields from the current Schema
removePoint(int) - Method in LineString
Remove the Point at the given index and create a new LineString
render(Map, OutputStream) - Method in ASCII
Render the Map to the OutputStream
render(Map, OutputStream) - Method in Base64
Render the Map to the OutputStream
render(Map, OutputStream) - Method in GeoTIFF
render(Map, OutputStream) - Method in Image
Render the Map to the OutputStream
render(Bounds) - Method in ImageTileRenderer
render(Graphics2D) - Method in Map
Render the Map directly to a Graphics2D context
render(List<Renderable>, OutputStream) - Method in MapCube
render(Bounds) - Method in PbfVectorTileRenderer
Renderer a Tile's data for a given Bounds
render(Map, OutputStream) - Method in Pdf
Render the Map to the OutputStream
render() - Method in Raster
Render the Raster in a simple GUI
render(Map, OutputStream) - Method in Renderer
Render the Map to the OutputStream
render(Map, OutputStream) - Method in Svg
Render the Map to the OutputStream
render(Bounds) - Method in TileRenderer
Renderer a Tile's data for a given Bounds
render(Bounds) - Method in UTFGridTileRenderer
render(Bounds) - Method in VectorTileRenderer
Renderable - Interface in geoscript.layer
An interface for marking a class as Renderable.
Renderables - Class in geoscript.layer
Get map layers or Rendables from a List of Maps or Strings.
renderAnimated(List<BufferedImage>, int, boolean) - Method in GIF
Render a list of GIF images as an animated GIF to a byte array.
Renderer - Class in geoscript.render
Render a Map to a Type T or an OutputStream
renderer - Field in Map
The GeoTools Renderer
Renderers - Class in geoscript.render
A utility for getting Renderers
RENDERING - Field in Transform
renderToImage() - Method in Map
Render the Map to a BufferedImage for the given Bounds
renderToString(Bounds) - Method in UTFGridTileRenderer
Render a UTF tile
reproject(def) - Method in Bounds
Reprojects the Bounds
reproject(Layer, int, Projection) - Method in Layer
Reproject this Layer to another Layer that already exists.
reproject(Projection) - Method in Raster
Reproject this Raster to another Projection creating a new Raster
reproject(def, String) - Method in Schema
Reproject the schema with a new name
resample(Map) - Method in Raster
Resample this Raster
reset() - Method in Cursor
Reset and read the Features again.
reset() - Method in TileCursor
Reset and read the Tiles again.
reverse() - Method in LineString
Create a new LineString where the coordinates are in reverse order
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in Geometry
Rotate the current Geometry around the xy coordinate by a given angle theta(in radians)
round2(double) - Method in Layer


saturate(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by saturating the current Color
save(Map, File) - Method in Chart
Svae this Chart to a File
scale(double) - Method in Bounds
Scales the current Bounds by a specific factor.
scale(double, double, double, double) - Method in Geometry
Scale the Geometry relative to the origin
scale(float, float, float, float, String) - Method in Raster
Scale this Raster
Scatter - Class in geoscript.plot
Create a scatter plot Chart.
scatterplot(Map, List) - Method in Scatter
Create a scatter plot Chart
Schema - Class in geoscript.feature
A Schema describes the structure of a Feature.
Schema(String, def, String) - Constructor in Schema
Create a new Schema with a name and a List of Fields.
SchemaReader - Interface in geoscript.feature.io
Read a Schema from a String
SchemaReaders - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Utility for finding all registered SchemaReaders.
SchemaWriter - Interface in geoscript.feature.io
Write a Schema to a String
SchemaWriters - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Utility for finding all registered SchemaWriters.
selectBands(List<Integer>, int) - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster with selection of Bands
set(Map) - Method in Feature
Set the values of this Feature based on values from a Map
setAdvancedProjectionHandling(boolean) - Method in Map
Set whether to use advanced projection handling or not.
setAnchorPoint(List) - Method in Shape
Set the anchor points (List of two values between 0 and 1)
setBackgroundColor(def) - Method in Map
Set the background color
setBounds(Bounds) - Method in Map
Set the Bounds
setCap(def) - Method in Stroke
Set the line cap(butt, round, square)
setColor(def) - Method in Fill
Set the color
setColor(def) - Method in Shape
Set the color
setColor(def) - Method in Stroke
Set the color
setContinuousMapWrapping(boolean) - Method in Map
Set whether to enable continuous map wrapping or not.
setDefaultSymbolizer(String) - Method in Layer
Set the default Symbolizer based on the geometry type
setDisplacement(List) - Method in Shape
Set the displacement (List of two values between 0 and 1)
setErrorHandler(String) - Method in OGR
Set the OGR/GDAL Error Handler
setFamily(def) - Method in Font
The font family (serif, Arial, Verdana)
setFormat(String) - Method in Icon
Set the format
setGeom(Geometry) - Method in Feature
Set the Feature's Geometry
setGeometry(def) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Set the geometry name
setGeometryValue(Geometry, int, int, Class, PreparedStatement, int) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
setJoin(def) - Method in Stroke
Set the line join(miter, round, bevel)
setName(def) - Method in Hatch
Set the name of the pattern (vertline, horline, slash, backslash, plus, times)
setOpacity(def) - Method in Fill
Set the opacity
setOpacity(def) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
Set the opacity (0-1)
setOpacity(def) - Method in Shape
Set the opacity (0: transparent - 1 opaque)
setOpacity(def) - Method in Stroke
Set the opacity (0: transparent - 1 opaque)
setOverlap(def) - Method in RasterSymbolizer
setPerpendicularOffset(def) - Method in Stroke
Set the perpendicular offset
setPoint(int, Point) - Method in LineString
Set or replace the Point at the given index to create a new LineString
setProj(def) - Method in Bounds
Set a Projection if the current Projection is not set or reproject if needed
setProj(def) - Method in Layer
Set the Layer's Projection.
setProj(def) - Method in Map
Set the Map Projection
setProj(def) - Method in Raster
Set the Projection of this Raster (reprojecting if necessary)
setProperty(def) - Method in Label
Set the Label's Property which can be a String, a Field, or a Function
setRadius(def) - Method in Halo
Set the radius
setRotation(def) - Method in Shape
Set the rotation angle (0-360 or a geoscript.filter.Function)
setScaleComputation(String) - Method in Map
Set the scale computation algorithm (accurate or ogc).
setSize(def) - Method in Font
The font size (8,10,12,24,ect...)
setSize(def) - Method in Hatch
Set the size
setSize(def) - Method in Icon
Set the size of the icon
setSize(def) - Method in Shape
Set the size
setStyle(def) - Method in Font
Set the font style (normal, italic, oblique)
setType(def) - Method in Shape
Set the type (circle, square, triangle, star, cross, or x).
setupParameters(Map) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
setUpRendering() - Method in Map
Set up for rendering (add layers, configure bounds and projection)
setUrl(def) - Method in Icon
Set the URL
setValue(def, def, int) - Method in Raster
Set the value for the given Point or Pixel
setWeight(def) - Method in Font
Set the font weight (normal, bold)
setWidth(def) - Method in Stroke
Set the width
shade(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by mixing the current Color with black
ShadedRelief - Class in geoscript.style
Symbolize a Raster with a ShadedRelief or hill shading.
ShadedRelief(def, boolean) - Constructor in ShadedRelief
Create a new ShadedRelief Symbolizer
Shape - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for point geometries that consists of a color and size.
shape(Shape) - Method in Label
Set the Shape surrounding the Label
Shape(def, def, def, def, def) - Constructor in Shape
Create a new Shape.
shape(Shape) - Method in Stroke
Add a Shape to this Stroke for creating spaced graphic symbols
shape(def, def, def, def, def) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Shape.
Shapefile - Class in geoscript.layer
A Shapefile Layer.
Shapefile(String) - Constructor in Shapefile
Create a Shapefile Layer from a File
shear(double, double) - Method in Geometry
Shear the Geometry in X and Y direction
show(Map) - Method in Chart
Open this Chart in a Window.
SimpleStyleReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
A Simple StyleReader that can easily create simple Styles using Maps or Strings.
simplify() - Method in Filter
Simplify this Filter
simplify(double) - Method in Geometry
Simplify this Geometry using the Douglas Peucker Simplifier.
simplifyPreservingTopology(double) - Method in Geometry
Simplify this Geometry preserving topology.
singleSidedBuffer(double, int, int) - Method in Geometry
Create a single sided buffer (+ for right side, - for left side)
SLDReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a Geoscript Style from a SLD File, InputStream or String
SLDWriter - Class in geoscript.style.io
Write a Style to an SLD document
slice(Integer, Integer) - Method in GeometryCollection
Get a subset of Geometries in the GeometryCollection.
smooth(double) - Method in Geometry
Smooth this Geometry
snap(Geometry, double) - Method in Geometry
Snap this Geometry to the other Geometry within the given distance
sortBy(String, List) - Method in Symbolizer
Set cross layer z-ordering
spaceAround(float) - Method in Label
Set the space around a Label.
SpatialIndex - Class in geoscript.index
A SpatialIndex base class.
SpatialIndex(SpatialIndex) - Constructor in SpatialIndex
Create a new SpatialIndex with a JTS SpatialIndex
SpatiaLite - Class in geoscript.workspace
A SpatiaLite Workspace connects to a SpatiaLite database.
SpatiaLite.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The SpatiaLite WorkspaceFactory
SpatiaLite(JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in SpatiaLite
Create a new SpatiaLite Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
spin(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by rotating the hue angle of the current Color
split(Layer, Field, Workspace) - Method in Layer
Split this Layer into multiple Layers based on the Features from the split Layer.
split(MultiLineString) - Method in MultiPolygon
Split a Polygon with a MultiLineString
split(MultiLineString) - Method in Polygon
Split a Polygon with a MultiLineString
Sqlite - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Sqlite Workspace based on the GDAL Sqlite format.
Sqlite.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The Sqlite WorkspaceFactory
Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory - Class in geoscript.workspace
Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory(GeometryFormat) - Constructor in Sqlite.SqliteDataStoreFactory
Sqlite.SqliteDialect - Class in geoscript.workspace
Sqlite.SqliteDialect(JDBCDataStore, GeometryFormat) - Constructor in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
Sqlite(JDBCDataStore) - Constructor in Sqlite
Create a new Sqlite Workspace from a GeoTools JDBCDataStore
StaticFeatureExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.feature.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Feature class.
StaticGeometryExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.geom.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Geometry class.
StaticPyramidExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.layer.io
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Pyramid class.
stream - Field in Format
The stream which is usually a File
strikethrough(boolean) - Method in Label
Set whether the Label should strike through the text or not
StringSchemaReader - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Read a Schema from a simple String.
StringSchemaWriter - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Write a Schema to a simple String.
Stroke - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer for linear geometries that consists of a color and a width.
stroke(def, def, def, def, def) - Method in Shape
Add a Stroke to this Shape
Stroke(Map) - Constructor in Stroke
Create a new Stroke with named parameters.
stroke(Map) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Stroke with named parameters.
STRtree - Class in geoscript.index
Create a SpatialIndex using the STR Tree spatial index.
STRtree() - Constructor in STRtree
Create a SpatialIndex using the STR Tree spatial index.
Style - Interface in geoscript.style
The Style interface
styleBuilder - Field in Symbolizer
The GeoTools StyleBuilder
styleFactory - Field in Symbolizer
The GeoTools StyleFactory
styleOptions - Field in Symbolizer
A Map of FeatureTypeStyle options
stylize() - Method in Raster
Create a new Raster with current styling baked in.
subLine(double, double) - Method in LineString
Extract a sub LineString from this LineString from the start and end positions.
Svg - Class in geoscript.render
Render a Map to an SVG Document.
Symbolizer - Class in geoscript.style
A Base class for all Symbolizers.
Symbolizer() - Constructor in Symbolizer
Create a new Symbolizer
Symbolizers - Class in geoscript.style
The Symbolizers class is a collection of static methods that can be used to create Symbolizers.
symDifference(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the symmetric difference between this Geometry and the other Geometry
symDifference(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Calculate the symmetric difference between this Layer and another Layer.


Tile - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile
tile(double) - Method in Bounds
Partitions the bounding box into a set of smaller bounding boxes.
Tile(long, long, long, byte[]) - Constructor in Tile
Create a new Tile with data
TileCursor - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileCursor provides an easy way to iterate through Tiles.
TileCursor(TileLayer, Point, long, int, int) - Constructor in TileCursor
Create a TileCursor for all Tiles centered on a Point for a given zoom level that fill an image of a certain width and height
TileGenerator - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileGenerator
TileLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileLayer
TileLayerFactories - Class in geoscript.layer
A Utility for getting all TileLayerFactories.
TileLayerFactory - Class in geoscript.layer
TileRenderer - Interface in geoscript.layer
A TileRenderer can generate a Tile's data for a given Bounds
tiles(Point, long, int, int) - Method in TileLayer
Get a TileCursor for all Tiles centered on a Point for a given zoom level that fill an image of a certain width and height
tint(double) - Method in Color
Create a new Color by mixing the current Color with the Color white
TMS - Class in geoscript.layer
A Tile Map Service (TMS) TileLayer.
TMS.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The TMS TileLayerFactory
TMS(String, String, URL, Pyramid) - Constructor in TMS
Create a TMS TileLayer with a base URL
toDdm(boolean) - Method in DecimalDegrees
Convert the DecimalDegrees to a DDM string
toDms(boolean) - Method in DecimalDegrees
Convert the DecimalDegrees to a DMS string
toGeobuf(Layer, OutputStream) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to an OutputStream
toGeobufBytes(Layer) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to a byte array
toGeobufFile(Layer, File) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to a File
toGeobufString(Layer) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as Geobuf to a String
toGML(Layer, OutputStream) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GML to an OutputStream
toGMLFile(Layer, File) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GML to a File
toGMLString(Layer) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GML to a String
toHex(def) - Method in Color
Convert a Color to a hex color string
toJSON(Layer, Map, OutputStream) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GeoJSON to an OutputStream
toJSONFile(Layer, Map, File) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GeoJSON to a File
toJSONString(Layer, Map) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as GeoJSON to a String
toKML(Layer, OutputStream, Closure, Closure) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as KML to an OutputStream.
toKMLFile(Layer, File, Closure, Closure) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as KML to a File.
toKMLString(Layer, Closure, Closure) - Method in LayerExtensionModule
Write the Layer as KML to a String.
toString() - Method in Band
Get the string representation
toString() - Method in Bounds
The string representation
toString() - Method in ChannelSelection
The string representation
toString() - Method in ColorMap
The string representation
toString() - Method in Composite
The String representation
toString() - Method in ContrastEnhancement
The string representation
toString() - Method in DecimalDegrees
The string representation
toString() - Method in Directory
The string representation
toString() - Method in Expression
The String representation
toString() - Method in Feature
The string representation
toString() - Method in Field
The string representation
toString() - Method in Fill
The string representation
toString() - Method in Filter
The string representation
toString() - Method in Font
The string representation
toString() - Method in Format
Get a String representation of this Format
toString() - Method in Function
The string presentation
toString() - Method in Geodetic
The string representation.
toString() - Method in Geometry
The string representation
toString() - Method in Halo
The string representation
toString() - Method in Hatch
The string representation
toString() - Method in Icon
The string representation
toString() - Method in ImageOutline
The string representation
toString() - Method in Label
The string representation
toString() - Method in Layer
The string representation
toString() - Method in OGR
The String representation
toString() - Method in PreparedGeometry
The String representation
toString() - Method in Process
The string representation
toString() - Method in Projection
The string representation
toString() - Method in Property
Get the string representation
toString() - Method in RasterSymbolizer
The string representation
toString() - Method in Schema
The string representation
toString() - Method in ShadedRelief
The string representation
toString() - Method in Shape
The string representation
toString() - Method in Stroke
The string representation
toString() - Method in TileCursor
toString() - Method in TileLayer
toString() - Method in Transform
The string representation
toString() - Method in WFS
The String representation
toString() - Method in WMS
The String representation @return
toString() - Method in WMS.Layer
The string representation
toString() - Method in WMSLayer
The String representation @return
toString() - Method in WorldFile
The string representation
touches(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry touches the other Geometry
touches(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry touches the given Geometry.
Transform - Class in geoscript.style
A Symbolizer that wraps a geoscript.filter.Function generally used for transforming Geometry or String or Date formatting.
Transform.Type - Enum in geoscript.style
The Type enumeration
transform(String, Map) - Method in Layer
Transform this Layer into a Layer with a new name using a Map of definitions.
transform(Geometry, String, String) - Method in Projection
Reproject the Geometry from the source Projection to the destination Projection
transform(Map) - Method in Raster
Transform this Raster using an Affine Transformation.
transform(String) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new Transform from a CQL filter function.
Transform(String, Transform.Type) - Constructor in Transform
Create a new Transform from a CQL filter function.
translate(double, double) - Method in Geometry
Translate the Geometry.


underline(boolean) - Method in Label
Set whether the Label should underline the text or not
union(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Calculate the union of this Geometry with the other Geometry
union(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Union this Layer with another Layer.
UniqueValues - Class in geoscript.style
The UniqueValues Composite creates a Symbolizer for each unique value from a Layer's Field.
uniqueValues(Layer, def, def) - Method in Symbolizers
Create a new UniqueValues Composite.
UniqueValues(Layer, def, def) - Constructor in UniqueValues
Create a new UniqueValues Composite
UniqueValuesReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a Unique Values from a text file.
UniqueValuesReader(String, String) - Constructor in UniqueValuesReader
Create a UniqueValuesReader
unwrap(Object) - Method in GeoScript
Convert a GeoScript object to a GeoTools object if possible
unzip(File, File) - Method in GeoScript
Unzip the Zip File into a Directory
unzip(Map, def) - Method in Shapefile
Unzip the zip file and return a Shapefile if possible
update(Map, Layer) - Method in Layer
Calculate the update between this Layer and another Layer.
UTFGrid - Class in geoscript.layer
A UTFGrid TileLayer
UTFGrid.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The UTFGrid TileLayerFactory
UTFGrid(File) - Constructor in UTFGrid
Create a UTFGrid from a existing directory
UTFGridTileRenderer - Class in geoscript.layer
A UTFGrid TileRenderer
UTFGridTileRenderer(Map, UTFGrid, Layer, List) - Constructor in UTFGridTileRenderer
Create a new UTFGrid


VectorTileRenderer - Class in geoscript.layer
A Vector TileRenderer that can write a single Layer using any gesocript.layer.io.Writer
VectorTileRenderer(Writer, Layer, List) - Constructor in VectorTileRenderer
Create a new VectorTileRenderer
VectorTiles - Class in geoscript.layer
A TileLayer for VectorTiles
VectorTiles.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The VectorTiles TileLayerFactory
VectorTiles(Map, String, URL, Pyramid, String) - Constructor in VectorTiles
Create a new VectorTiles TileLayer for a URL
Viewer - Class in geoscript.viewer
A Viewer can be used to visualize Geometry.
ViewerExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.plot
A Groovy Extension Module that adds static methods to the Viewer class.


WFS - Class in geoscript.workspace
A WFS Workspace.
WFS.Factory - Class in geoscript.workspace
The WFS WorkspaceFactory
WFS(WFSDataStore) - Constructor in WFS
Create a new WFS Workspace from a GeoTools WFSDataStore
where(def) - Method in Composite
Apply the Filter or CQL statement to the Composite
where(def) - Method in Symbolizer
Apply a filter to the symbolizer.
Window - Class in geoscript.render
A simple GUI for viewing a Map.
Window() - Constructor in Window
Create a Window
within(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Whether this Geometry is within the other Geometry
within(Geometry) - Method in PreparedGeometry
Whether this PreparedGeometry is within the given Geometry.
withTileLayer(TileLayer, Closure) - Method in TileLayer
Use a TileLayer within a Closure and make sure it gets closed.
withWorkspace(Workspace, Closure) - Method in Workspace
Use a Workspace within the Closure.
withWriter(Map, Closure) - Method in Layer
Add Features to a Writer within a Closure that takes a Writer ready to adding Features.
WkbReader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a Geometry from a WKB hex String or byte array.
WkbWriter - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geometry to a WKB hex String or byte array.
WkbWriter(int, int) - Constructor in WkbWriter
Create a new WkbWriter with an output dimension and byte order.
WktReader - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Read a Geometry from a WKT String.
WktWriter - Class in geoscript.geom.io
Write a Geometry to a WKT String.
WMS - Class in geoscript.layer
The Web Map Server (WMS) module is a connection to a remote WMS server.
WMS.Layer - Class in geoscript.layer
A WMS.Layer
WMS.Layer(Layer) - Constructor in WMS.Layer
Create a WMS.Layer from a GeoTools WMS Layer
WMS(Map, URL) - Constructor in WMS
Create a new WMS object with a get capabilities URL
WMSLayer - Class in geoscript.layer
A WMSLayer is a way to draw one or more WMS layers on a Map.
WMSLayer(WMS, def, def) - Constructor in WMSLayer
Create a new WMSLayer
WMSMapExtensionModule - Class in geoscript.layer
A Groovy Extension Module that adds WMS methods to the Map.
wordSpacing(int) - Method in Label
Set the spacing between words
Workspace - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Workspace is a container of Layers.
Workspace(String) - Constructor in Workspace
Create a new Workspace from a parameter string.
WorkspaceFactories - Class in geoscript.workspace
A Utility for getting a List of WorkspaceFactories
WorkspaceFactory - Class in geoscript.workspace
A WorkspaceFactory creates Workspaces from connection parameters
WorldFile - Class in geoscript.layer
Read and write world files
WorldFile(Bounds, List, File) - Constructor in WorldFile
Write a new WorldFile
WorldImage - Class in geoscript.layer
A Format that can read and write WorldImage Rasters.
WorldImage.Factory - Class in geoscript.layer
The WorldImage FormatFactory
WorldImage(def) - Constructor in WorldImage
Create a new WorldImage Format
wrap(Geometry) - Method in Geometry
Wrap a JTS Geometry in a geoscript.geom.Geometry
wrap(Object) - Method in GeoScript
Convert a GeoTools Object to a GeoScript Object if possible
wrap(DataStore) - Method in Workspace
Wrap a GeoTools DataStore in the appropriate GeoScript Workspace
write(Style) - Method in ColorTableWriter
Write the ColorMap Symbolizer as a color table to a String
write(Pyramid) - Method in CsvPyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to a CSV String
write(Layer) - Method in CsvWriter
Write the Layer to a String
write(Map, Raster) - Method in Format
Write the Raster to the destination object (usually a File)
write(Map, TMS) - Method in GdalTmsPyramidWriter
Write the TMS tile layer to a String.
write(Layer) - Method in GeobufWriter
Write the Layer to a String
write(Map, Layer) - Method in GeoJSONWriter
Write the Layer to a String
write(Geometry) - Method in GeoPackageWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB hex String
write(Layer) - Method in GeoRSSWriter
Write the Layer as a GeoRSS document to a String
write(Geometry) - Method in Gml2Writer
Write the Geometry to GML
write(Geometry) - Method in Gml3Writer
Write the Geometry to GML
write(Layer, double, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in GmlWriter
Write the Layer to a String
write(Geometry, int) - Method in GooglePolylineEncoder
Encode a LineString
write(Layer) - Method in GpxWriter
Write the Layer to a String
write(Pyramid) - Method in JsonPyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to a JSON String.
write(Schema) - Method in JsonSchemaWriter
write(Layer) - Method in KmlWriter
Write the Layer to a KML String
write(Layer, OutputStream) - Method in Mvt
Write the Layer to an OutputStream
write(Layer) - Method in MvtWriter
Write the Layer to a String
write(Map, List<Layer>, Bounds) - Method in Pbf
Write a List of Layers
write(Pyramid) - Method in PyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to a String
write(Schema) - Method in SchemaWriter
Write a Schema to a String
write(Map, Style) - Method in SLDWriter
Write the Style to a String
write(Schema) - Method in StringSchemaWriter
write(Geometry) - Method in WkbWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB hex String
write(Geometry) - Method in WktWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB hex String
write(Map, Raster) - Method in WorldImage
Write the Raster to the destination object (usually a File)
write(Style) - Method in Writer
Write the Style to a String
write(Pyramid) - Method in XmlPyramidWriter
Write a Pyramid to an XML String.
write(Schema) - Method in XmlSchemaWriter
write(Style) - Method in YSLDWriter
Write the Style to a String
writeBytes(Layer) - Method in GeobufWriter
Write the Layer to an array of bytes
writeBytes(Geometry) - Method in GeoPackageWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB byte array
writeBytes(Geometry) - Method in WkbWriter
Write the Geometry to WKB byte array
writeGeometry(Geometry, GeometryFormat) - Method in Sqlite.SqliteDialect
Writer - Interface in geoscript.style.io
Write a GeoScript Style to an InputStream, File, or String.
Writer(Map, Layer) - Constructor in Writer
Create a new Writer for a Layer.
Writers - Class in geoscript.style.io
A utility for getting Style Writers
writeToString(Raster, String) - Method in ArcGrid
Write an ArcGrid Raster to a String


XmlPyramidReader - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Read a Pyramid from an XML String
XmlPyramidWriter - Class in geoscript.layer.io
Write a Pyramid to an XML String.
XmlSchemaReader - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Read a Schema from an XML String.
XmlSchemaWriter - Class in geoscript.feature.io
Write a Schema to an XML String.
xy(Map, List) - Method in Bar
Create an XY Bar Chart.


YSLDReader - Class in geoscript.style.io
Read a Geoscript Style from a YSLD File, InputStream or String
YSLDWriter - Class in geoscript.style.io
Write a Style to an SLD document


zindex(int) - Method in Composite
Apply the zindex to this Composite
zindex(int) - Method in Symbolizer
Apply a z-index.
zip(List<File>, File) - Method in GeoScript
Zip a List of Files
zip(Map) - Method in Shapefile
Create a zip file with all of the Shapefile's files
zonalStatistics(int, Layer, Raster) - Method in Raster
Calculate the zonal statistics of this Raster


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